import { app } from '../../scripts/app.js' import { api } from '../../scripts/api.js' // import * as shared from './comfy_shared.js' import { // defineCSSClass, ensureMTBStyles, makeElement, makeSelect, makeSlider, renderSidebar, } from './mtb_ui.js' let offset = 0 let currentWidth = 200 let currentMode = 'input' let currentSort = 'None' const IMAGE_NODES = ['LoadImage'] const updateImage = (node, image) => { if (IMAGE_NODES.includes(node.type)) { const w = node.widgets?.find((w) => === 'image') if (w) { w.value = image w.callback() } } } const getImgsFromUrls = (urls, target) => { const imgs = [] if (urls === undefined) { return imgs } for (const [key, url] of Object.entries(urls)) { const a = makeElement('img') a.src = url a.width = currentWidth if (currentMode === 'input') { a.onclick = (_e) => { const selected = app.canvas.selected_nodes if (selected && Object.keys(selected).length === 0) { app.extensionManager.toast.add({ severity: 'warn', summary: 'No LoadImage node selected!', detail: 'For now the only action when clicking images in the sidebar is to set the image on all selected LoadImage nodes.', life: 5000, }) return } for (const [_id, node] of Object.entries(app.canvas.selected_nodes)) { updateImage(node, `${key}.png`) } } } else { a.onclick = (_e) => // window.MTB?.notify?.("Output import isn't supported yet...", 5000) app.extensionManager.toast.add({ severity: 'warn', summary: 'Outputs not supported', detail: 'For now only inputs can be clicked to load the image on the active LoadImage node.', life: 5000, }) } imgs.push(a) } if (target !== undefined) { target.append(...imgs) } return imgs } const getUrls = async () => { const count = await api.getSetting('') console.log('Sidebar count', count) const inputs = await api.fetchApi('/mtb/actions', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ name: 'getUserImages', // mode, count, offset args: [currentMode, count, offset, currentSort], }), }) const output = await inputs.json() return output?.result || {} } if (window?.__COMFYUI_FRONTEND_VERSION__) { let handle const version = window?.__COMFYUI_FRONTEND_VERSION__ console.log(`%c ${version}`, 'background: orange; color: white;') ensureMTBStyles() app.ui.settings.addSetting({ id: '', category: ['mtb', 'Input & Output Sidebar', 'count'], name: 'Number of images to fetch', type: 'number', defaultValue: 1000, tooltip: "This setting affects the input/output sidebar to determine how many images to fetch per pagination (pagination is not yet supported so for now it's the static total)", attrs: { style: { // fontFamily: 'monospace', }, }, }) app.ui.settings.addSetting({ id: '', category: ['mtb', 'Input & Output Sidebar', 'img-size'], name: 'Resolution of the images', type: 'number', defaultValue: 512, tooltip: "It's recommended to keep it at 512px", attrs: { style: { // fontFamily: 'monospace', }, }, }) app.ui.settings.addSetting({ id: '', category: ['mtb', 'Input & Output Sidebar', 'sort'], name: 'Default sort mode', type: 'combo', onChange: (v) => { // alert(`Sort is now ${v}`) currentSort = v }, defaultValue: 'Modified', // tooltip: "It's recommended to keep it at 512px", options: ['None', 'Modified', 'Modified-Reverse', 'Name', 'Name-Reverse'], }) app.extensionManager.registerSidebarTab({ id: 'mtb-inputs-outputs', icon: 'pi pi-images', title: 'Input & Outputs', tooltip: 'MTB: Browse inputs and outputs directories.', type: 'custom', // this is run everytime the tab's diplay is toggled on. render: async (el) => { if (handle) { handle.unregister() handle = undefined } if (el.parentNode) { = 'clip' } const urls = await getUrls(currentMode) let imgs = {} const cont = makeElement('div.mtb_sidebar') const imgGrid = makeElement('div.mtb_img_grid') const selector = makeSelect(['input', 'output'], currentMode) selector.addEventListener('change', async (e) => { const newMode = const changed = newMode !== currentMode currentMode = newMode if (changed) { imgGrid.innerHTML = '' const urls = await getUrls() if (urls) { imgs = getImgsFromUrls(urls, imgGrid) } } }) const imgTools = makeElement('div.mtb_tools') const orderSelect = makeSelect( ['None', 'Modified', 'Modified-Reverse', 'Name', 'Name-Reverse'], currentSort, ) orderSelect.addEventListener('change', async (e) => { const newSort = const changed = newSort !== currentSort currentSort = newSort if (changed) { imgGrid.innerHTML = '' const urls = await getUrls() if (urls) { imgs = getImgsFromUrls(urls, imgGrid) } } }) const sizeSlider = makeSlider(64, 1024, currentWidth, 1) imgTools.appendChild(orderSelect) imgTools.appendChild(sizeSlider) imgs = getImgsFromUrls(urls, imgGrid) sizeSlider.addEventListener('input', (e) => { currentWidth = for (const img of imgs) { = `${}px` } }) handle = renderSidebar(el, cont, [selector, imgGrid, imgTools]) }, destroy: () => { if (handle) { handle.unregister() handle = undefined } }, }) }