import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; import { PassThroughFollowing, addConnectionLayoutSupport, getConnectedInputNodesAndFilterPassThroughs, getConnectedOutputNodesAndFilterPassThroughs, } from "./utils.js"; import { wait } from "../../rgthree/common/shared_utils.js"; import { BaseCollectorNode } from "./base_node_collector.js"; import { NodeTypesString, stripRgthree } from "./constants.js"; import { fitString } from "./utils_canvas.js"; import { rgthree } from "./rgthree.js"; const MODE_ALWAYS = 0; const MODE_MUTE = 2; const MODE_BYPASS = 4; const MODE_REPEATS = [MODE_MUTE, MODE_BYPASS]; const MODE_NOTHING = -99; const MODE_TO_OPTION = new Map([ [MODE_ALWAYS, "ACTIVE"], [MODE_MUTE, "MUTE"], [MODE_BYPASS, "BYPASS"], [MODE_NOTHING, "NOTHING"], ]); const OPTION_TO_MODE = new Map([ ["ACTIVE", MODE_ALWAYS], ["MUTE", MODE_MUTE], ["BYPASS", MODE_BYPASS], ["NOTHING", MODE_NOTHING], ]); const MODE_TO_PROPERTY = new Map([ [MODE_MUTE, "on_muted_inputs"], [MODE_BYPASS, "on_bypassed_inputs"], [MODE_ALWAYS, "on_any_active_inputs"], ]); const logger = rgthree.newLogSession("[NodeModeRelay]"); class NodeModeRelay extends BaseCollectorNode { constructor(title) { super(title); this.inputsPassThroughFollowing = PassThroughFollowing.ALL; this.comfyClass = NodeTypesString.NODE_MODE_RELAY;["on_muted_inputs"] = "MUTE";["on_bypassed_inputs"] = "BYPASS";["on_any_active_inputs"] = "ACTIVE"; this.onConstructed(); } onConstructed() { this.addOutput("REPEATER", "_NODE_REPEATER_", { color_on: "#Fc0", color_off: "#a80", shape: LiteGraph.ARROW_SHAPE, }); setTimeout(() => { this.stabilize(); }, 500); return super.onConstructed(); } onModeChange(from, to) { var _a; super.onModeChange(from, to); if (this.inputs.length <= 1 && !this.isInputConnected(0) && this.isAnyOutputConnected()) { const [n, v] = logger.infoParts(`Mode change without any inputs; relaying our mode.`); (_a = console[n]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, ...v); this.dispatchModeToRepeater(to); } } configure(info) { var _a; if ((_a = info.outputs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) { info.outputs.length = 1; } super.configure(info); } onDrawForeground(ctx, canvas) { var _a; if ((_a = this.flags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.collapsed) { return; } if (["on_muted_inputs"] !== "MUTE" ||["on_bypassed_inputs"] !== "BYPASS" ||["on_any_active_inputs"] != "ACTIVE") { let margin = 15; ctx.textAlign = "left"; let label = `*(MUTE > ${["on_muted_inputs"]}, `; label += `BYPASS > ${["on_bypassed_inputs"]}, `; label += `ACTIVE > ${["on_any_active_inputs"]})`; ctx.fillStyle = LiteGraph.WIDGET_SECONDARY_TEXT_COLOR; const oldFont = ctx.font; ctx.font = "italic " + (LiteGraph.NODE_SUBTEXT_SIZE - 2) + "px Arial"; ctx.fillText(fitString(ctx, label, this.size[0] - 20), 15, this.size[1] - 6); ctx.font = oldFont; } } computeSize(out) { let size = super.computeSize(out); if (["on_muted_inputs"] !== "MUTE" ||["on_bypassed_inputs"] !== "BYPASS" ||["on_any_active_inputs"] != "ACTIVE") { size[1] += 17; } return size; } onConnectOutput(outputIndex, inputType, inputSlot, inputNode, inputIndex) { var _a, _b; let canConnect = (_a = super.onConnectOutput) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, outputIndex, inputType, inputSlot, inputNode, inputIndex); let nextNode = (_b = getConnectedOutputNodesAndFilterPassThroughs(this, inputNode)[0]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : inputNode; return canConnect && nextNode.type === NodeTypesString.NODE_MODE_REPEATER; } onConnectionsChange(type, slotIndex, isConnected, link_info, ioSlot) { super.onConnectionsChange(type, slotIndex, isConnected, link_info, ioSlot); setTimeout(() => { this.stabilize(); }, 500); } stabilize() { if (!this.graph || !this.isAnyOutputConnected() || !this.isInputConnected(0)) { return; } const inputNodes = getConnectedInputNodesAndFilterPassThroughs(this, this, -1, this.inputsPassThroughFollowing); let mode = undefined; for (const inputNode of inputNodes) { if (mode === undefined) { mode = inputNode.mode; } else if (mode === inputNode.mode && MODE_REPEATS.includes(mode)) { continue; } else if (inputNode.mode === MODE_ALWAYS || mode === MODE_ALWAYS) { mode = MODE_ALWAYS; } else { mode = null; } } this.dispatchModeToRepeater(mode); setTimeout(() => { this.stabilize(); }, 500); } dispatchModeToRepeater(mode) { var _a, _b; if (mode != null) { const propertyVal = (_a = === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[MODE_TO_PROPERTY.get(mode) || ""]; const newMode = OPTION_TO_MODE.get(propertyVal); mode = (newMode !== null ? newMode : mode); if (mode !== null && mode !== MODE_NOTHING) { if ((_b = this.outputs) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) { const outputNodes = getConnectedOutputNodesAndFilterPassThroughs(this); for (const outputNode of outputNodes) { outputNode.mode = mode; wait(16).then(() => { outputNode.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); }); } } } } } getHelp() { return `
This node will relay its input nodes' modes (Mute, Bypass, or Active) to a connected ${stripRgthree(NodeTypesString.NODE_MODE_REPEATER)} (which would then repeat that mode change to all of its inputs).
When all connected input nodes are muted, the relay will set a connected repeater to mute (by default).
When all connected input nodes are bypassed, the relay will set a connected repeater to bypass (by default).
When any connected input nodes are active, the relay will set a connected repeater to active (by default).
If no inputs are connected, the relay will set a connected repeater to its mode when its own mode is changed. Note, if any inputs are connected, then the above will occur and the Relay's mode does not matter.
Note, you can change which signals get sent on the above in the Properties
For instance, you could configure an inverse relay which will send a MUTE when any of its
inputs are active (instead of sending an ACTIVE signal), and send an ACTIVE signal when all
of its inputs are muted (instead of sending a MUTE signal), etc.