var _a, _b; import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; import { getWidgetConfig, mergeIfValid, setWidgetConfig, } from "../../extensions/core/widgetInputs.js"; import { rgthreeConfig } from "../../rgthree/config.js"; import { rgthree } from "./rgthree.js"; import { IoDirection, LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE, LAYOUT_LABEL_OPPOSITES, LAYOUT_LABEL_TO_DATA, addConnectionLayoutSupport, addMenuItem, getSlotLinks, isValidConnection, setConnectionsLayout, waitForCanvas, } from "./utils.js"; import { SERVICE as KEY_EVENT_SERVICE } from "./services/key_events_services.js"; import { wait } from "../../rgthree/common/shared_utils.js"; import { RgthreeBaseVirtualNode } from "./base_node.js"; import { NodeTypesString } from "./constants.js"; const CONFIG_REROUTE = ((_a = rgthreeConfig === null || rgthreeConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : rgthreeConfig["nodes"]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a["reroute"]) || {}; const CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE = CONFIG_REROUTE["fast_reroute"]; const CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE_ENABLED = (_b = CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE["enabled"]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : false; const CONFIG_KEY_CREATE_WHILE_LINKING = CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE["key_create_while_dragging_link"]; const CONFIG_KEY_ROTATE = CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE["key_rotate"]; const CONFIG_KEY_RESIZE = CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE["key_resize"]; const CONFIG_KEY_MOVE = CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE["key_move"]; const CONFIG_KEY_CXN_INPUT = CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE["key_connections_input"]; const CONFIG_KEY_CXN_OUTPUT = CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE["key_connections_output"]; let configWidth = Math.max(Math.round((Number(CONFIG_REROUTE["default_width"]) || 40) / 10) * 10, 10); let configHeight = Math.max(Math.round((Number(CONFIG_REROUTE["default_height"]) || 30) / 10) * 10, 10); while (configWidth * configHeight < 400) { configWidth += 10; configHeight += 10; } const configDefaultSize = [configWidth, configHeight]; const configResizable = !!CONFIG_REROUTE["default_resizable"]; let configLayout = CONFIG_REROUTE["default_layout"]; if (!Array.isArray(configLayout)) { configLayout = ["Left", "Right"]; } if (!LAYOUT_LABEL_TO_DATA[configLayout[0]]) { configLayout[0] = "Left"; } if (!LAYOUT_LABEL_TO_DATA[configLayout[1]] || configLayout[0] == configLayout[1]) { configLayout[1] = LAYOUT_LABEL_OPPOSITES[configLayout[0]]; } class RerouteService { constructor() { this.isFastLinking = false; this.handledNewRerouteKeypress = false; this.connectingData = null; this.fastReroutesHistory = []; this.handleLinkingKeydownBound = this.handleLinkingKeydown.bind(this); this.handleLinkingKeyupBound = this.handleLinkingKeyup.bind(this); if (CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE_ENABLED && (CONFIG_KEY_CREATE_WHILE_LINKING === null || CONFIG_KEY_CREATE_WHILE_LINKING === void 0 ? void 0 : CONFIG_KEY_CREATE_WHILE_LINKING.trim())) { this.onCanvasSetUpListenerForLinking(); } } async onCanvasSetUpListenerForLinking() { const canvas = await waitForCanvas(); const canvasProperty = true ? 'connecting_links' : 'connecting_node'; canvas[`_${canvasProperty}`]; const thisService = this; Object.defineProperty(canvas, canvasProperty, { get: function () { return this[`_${canvasProperty}`]; }, set: function (value) { var _a; const isValNull = !value || !(value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.length); const isPropNull = !this[`_${canvasProperty}`] || !((_a = this[`_${canvasProperty}`]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length); const isStartingLinking = !isValNull && isPropNull; const isStoppingLinking = !isPropNull && isValNull; this[`_${canvasProperty}`] = value; if (isStartingLinking) { thisService.startingLinking(); } if (isStoppingLinking) { thisService.stoppingLinking(); thisService.connectingData = null; } }, }); } startingLinking() { this.isFastLinking = true; KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.addEventListener("keydown", this.handleLinkingKeydownBound); KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.addEventListener("keyup", this.handleLinkingKeyupBound); } stoppingLinking() { this.isFastLinking = false; this.fastReroutesHistory = []; KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.removeEventListener("keydown", this.handleLinkingKeydownBound); KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.removeEventListener("keyup", this.handleLinkingKeyupBound); } handleLinkingKeydown(event) { if (!this.handledNewRerouteKeypress && KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.areOnlyKeysDown(CONFIG_KEY_CREATE_WHILE_LINKING)) { this.handledNewRerouteKeypress = true; this.insertNewRerouteWhileLinking(); } } handleLinkingKeyup(event) { if (this.handledNewRerouteKeypress && !KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.areOnlyKeysDown(CONFIG_KEY_CREATE_WHILE_LINKING)) { this.handledNewRerouteKeypress = false; } } getConnectingData() { var _a, _b; const oldCanvas = app.canvas; if (oldCanvas.connecting_node && oldCanvas.connecting_slot != null && ((_a = oldCanvas.connecting_pos) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) { return { node: oldCanvas.connecting_node, input: oldCanvas.connecting_input, output: oldCanvas.connecting_output, slot: oldCanvas.connecting_slot, pos: [...oldCanvas.connecting_pos], }; } const canvas = app.canvas; if ((_b = canvas.connecting_links) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) { const link = canvas.connecting_links[0]; return { node: link.node, input: link.input, output: link.output, slot: link.slot, pos: [], }; } throw new Error("Error, handling linking keydown, but there's no link."); } setCanvasConnectingData(ctx) { var _a, _b; const oldCanvas = app.canvas; if (oldCanvas.connecting_node && oldCanvas.connecting_slot != null && ((_a = oldCanvas.connecting_pos) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)) { oldCanvas.connecting_node = ctx.node; oldCanvas.connecting_input = ctx.input; oldCanvas.connecting_output = ctx.output; oldCanvas.connecting_slot = ctx.slot; oldCanvas.connecting_pos = ctx.pos; } const canvas = app.canvas; if ((_b = canvas.connecting_links) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) { const link = canvas.connecting_links[0]; link.node = ctx.node; link.input = ctx.input; link.output = ctx.output; link.slot = ctx.slot; link.pos = ctx.pos; } } insertNewRerouteWhileLinking() { var _a; const canvas = app.canvas; this.connectingData = this.getConnectingData(); if (!this.connectingData) { throw new Error("Error, handling linking keydown, but there's no link."); } const data = this.connectingData; const node = LiteGraph.createNode("Reroute (rgthree)"); const entry = { node, previous: { ...this.connectingData }, current: undefined, }; this.fastReroutesHistory.push(entry); let connectingDir = (_a = (data.input || data.output)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.dir; if (!connectingDir) { connectingDir = data.input ? LiteGraph.LEFT : LiteGraph.RIGHT; } let newPos = canvas.convertEventToCanvasOffset({ clientX: Math.round(canvas.last_mouse_position[0] / 10) * 10, clientY: Math.round(canvas.last_mouse_position[1] / 10) * 10, }); entry.node.pos = newPos; canvas.graph.add(entry.node); canvas.selectNode(entry.node); const distX = entry.node.pos[0] - data.pos[0]; const distY = entry.node.pos[1] - data.pos[1]; const layout = ["Left", "Right"]; if (distX > 0 && Math.abs(distX) > Math.abs(distY)) { layout[0] = data.output ? "Left" : "Right"; layout[1] = LAYOUT_LABEL_OPPOSITES[layout[0]]; node.pos[0] -= node.size[0] + 10; node.pos[1] -= Math.round(node.size[1] / 2 / 10) * 10; } else if (distX < 0 && Math.abs(distX) > Math.abs(distY)) { layout[0] = data.output ? "Right" : "Left"; layout[1] = LAYOUT_LABEL_OPPOSITES[layout[0]]; node.pos[1] -= Math.round(node.size[1] / 2 / 10) * 10; } else if (distY < 0 && Math.abs(distY) > Math.abs(distX)) { layout[0] = data.output ? "Bottom" : "Top"; layout[1] = LAYOUT_LABEL_OPPOSITES[layout[0]]; node.pos[0] -= Math.round(node.size[0] / 2 / 10) * 10; } else if (distY > 0 && Math.abs(distY) > Math.abs(distX)) { layout[0] = data.output ? "Top" : "Bottom"; layout[1] = LAYOUT_LABEL_OPPOSITES[layout[0]]; node.pos[0] -= Math.round(node.size[0] / 2 / 10) * 10; node.pos[1] -= node.size[1] + 10; } setConnectionsLayout(entry.node, layout); if (data.output) { data.node.connect(data.slot, entry.node, 0); data.node = entry.node; data.output = entry.node.outputs[0]; data.slot = 0; data.pos = entry.node.getConnectionPos(false, 0); } else { entry.node.connect(0, data.node, data.slot); data.node = entry.node; data.input = entry.node.inputs[0]; data.slot = 0; data.pos = entry.node.getConnectionPos(true, 0); } this.setCanvasConnectingData(data); entry.current = { ...this.connectingData }; app.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } handleMoveOrResizeNodeMaybeWhileDragging(node) { const data = this.connectingData; if (this.isFastLinking && node === (data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.node)) { const entry = this.fastReroutesHistory[this.fastReroutesHistory.length - 1]; if (entry) { data.pos = entry.node.getConnectionPos(!!data.input, 0); this.setCanvasConnectingData(data); } } } handleRemovedNodeMaybeWhileDragging(node) { const currentEntry = this.fastReroutesHistory[this.fastReroutesHistory.length - 1]; if ((currentEntry === null || currentEntry === void 0 ? void 0 : currentEntry.node) === node) { this.setCanvasConnectingData(currentEntry.previous); this.fastReroutesHistory.splice(this.fastReroutesHistory.length - 1, 1); if (currentEntry.previous.node) { app.canvas.selectNode(currentEntry.previous.node); } } } } const SERVICE = new RerouteService(); class RerouteNode extends RgthreeBaseVirtualNode { constructor(title = RerouteNode.title) { super(title); this.comfyClass = NodeTypesString.REROUTE; this.isVirtualNode = true; this.hideSlotLabels = true; this.schedulePromise = null; this.defaultConnectionsLayout = Array.from(configLayout); this.shortcuts = { rotate: { keys: CONFIG_KEY_ROTATE, state: false }, connection_input: { keys: CONFIG_KEY_CXN_INPUT, state: false }, connection_output: { keys: CONFIG_KEY_CXN_OUTPUT, state: false }, resize: { keys: CONFIG_KEY_RESIZE, state: false, initialMousePos: [-1, -1], initialNodeSize: [-1, -1], initialNodePos: [-1, -1], resizeOnSide: [-1, -1], }, move: { keys: CONFIG_KEY_MOVE, state: false, initialMousePos: [-1, -1], initialNodePos: [-1, -1], }, }; this.onConstructed(); } onConstructed() { var _a; this.setResizable((_a =["resizable"]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : configResizable); this.size = RerouteNode.size; this.addInput("", "*"); this.addOutput("", "*"); setTimeout(() => this.applyNodeSize(), 20); return super.onConstructed(); } configure(info) { var _a, _b, _c; if ((_a = info.outputs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) { info.outputs.length = 1; } if ((_b = info.inputs) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) { info.inputs.length = 1; } super.configure(info); this.configuring = true; this.setResizable((_c =["resizable"]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : configResizable); this.applyNodeSize(); this.configuring = false; } setResizable(resizable) {["resizable"] = !!resizable; this.resizable =["resizable"]; } clone() { const cloned = super.clone(); cloned.inputs[0].type = "*"; cloned.outputs[0].type = "*"; return cloned; } onConnectionsChange(type, _slotIndex, connected, _link_info, _ioSlot) { if (connected && type === LiteGraph.OUTPUT) { const types = new Set(this.outputs[0] => app.graph.links[l].type).filter((t) => t !== "*")); if (types.size > 1) { const linksToDisconnect = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.outputs[0].links.length - 1; i++) { const linkId = this.outputs[0].links[i]; const link = app.graph.links[linkId]; linksToDisconnect.push(link); } for (const link of linksToDisconnect) { const node = app.graph.getNodeById(link.target_id); node.disconnectInput(link.target_slot); } } } this.scheduleStabilize(); } onDrawForeground(ctx, canvas) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; if ((_a = === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a["showLabel"]) { const low_quality = ((_b = canvas === null || canvas === void 0 ? void 0 : canvas.ds) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.scale) && canvas.ds.scale < 0.6; if (low_quality || this.size[0] <= 10) { return; } const fontSize = Math.min(14, (this.size[1] * 0.65) | 0);; ctx.fillStyle = "#888"; ctx.font = `${fontSize}px Arial`; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.fillText(String(this.title && this.title !== RerouteNode.title ? this.title : ((_d = (_c = this.outputs) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[0]) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.type) || ""), this.size[0] / 2, this.size[1] / 2, this.size[0] - 30); ctx.restore(); } } findInputSlot(name) { return 0; } findOutputSlot(name) { return 0; } disconnectOutput(slot, targetNode) { return super.disconnectOutput(slot, targetNode); } disconnectInput(slot) { var _a; if (rgthree.replacingReroute != null && ((_a = this.inputs[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : { const graph = app.graph; const link = graph.links[this.inputs[0].link]; const node = graph.getNodeById(link === null || link === void 0 ? void 0 : link.origin_id); if (rgthree.replacingReroute !== (node === null || node === void 0 ? void 0 : { return false; } } return super.disconnectInput(slot); } scheduleStabilize(ms = 64) { if (!this.schedulePromise) { this.schedulePromise = new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { this.schedulePromise = null; this.stabilize(); resolve(); }, ms); }); } return this.schedulePromise; } stabilize() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l; if (this.configuring) { return; } let currentNode = this; let updateNodes = []; let input = null; let inputType = null; let inputNode = null; let inputNodeOutputSlot = null; while (currentNode) { updateNodes.unshift(currentNode); const linkId = currentNode.inputs[0].link; if (linkId !== null) { const link = app.graph.links[linkId]; const node = app.graph.getNodeById(link.origin_id); if (!node) { app.graph.removeLink(linkId); currentNode = null; break; } const type = node.constructor.type; if (type === null || type === void 0 ? void 0 : type.includes("Reroute")) { if (node === this) { currentNode.disconnectInput(link.target_slot); currentNode = null; } else { currentNode = node; } } else { inputNode = node; inputNodeOutputSlot = link.origin_slot; input = (_a = node.outputs[inputNodeOutputSlot]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null; inputType = (_b = input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : input.type) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null; break; } } else { currentNode = null; break; } } const nodes = [this]; let outputNode = null; let outputType = null; let outputWidgetConfig = null; let outputWidget = null; while (nodes.length) { currentNode = nodes.pop(); const outputs = (currentNode.outputs ? currentNode.outputs[0].links : []) || []; if (outputs.length) { for (const linkId of outputs) { const link = app.graph.links[linkId]; if (!link) continue; const node = app.graph.getNodeById(link.target_id); if (!node) continue; const type = node.constructor.type; if (type === null || type === void 0 ? void 0 : type.includes("Reroute")) { nodes.push(node); updateNodes.push(node); } else { const output = (_d = (_c = node.inputs) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[link.target_slot]) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : null; const nodeOutType = output === null || output === void 0 ? void 0 : output.type; if (nodeOutType == null) { console.warn(`[rgthree] Reroute - Connected node ${} does not have type information for ` + `slot ${link.target_slot}. Skipping connection enforcement, but something is odd ` + `with that node.`); } else if (inputType && inputType !== "*" && nodeOutType !== "*" && !isValidConnection(input, output)) { console.warn(`[rgthree] Reroute - Disconnecting connected node's input (${}.${link.target_slot}) (${node.type}) because its type (${String(nodeOutType)}) does not match the reroute type (${String(inputType)})`); node.disconnectInput(link.target_slot); } else { outputType = nodeOutType; outputNode = node; outputWidgetConfig = null; outputWidget = null; if (output === null || output === void 0 ? void 0 : output.widget) { try { const config = getWidgetConfig(output); if (!outputWidgetConfig && config) { outputWidgetConfig = (_e = config[1]) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : {}; outputType = config[0]; if (!outputWidget) { outputWidget = (_f = outputNode.widgets) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.find((w) => { var _a; return === ((_a = output === null || output === void 0 ? void 0 : output.widget) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; }); } const merged = mergeIfValid(output, [config[0], outputWidgetConfig]); if (merged.customConfig) { outputWidgetConfig = merged.customConfig; } } } catch (e) { console.error("[rgthree] Could not propagate widget infor for reroute; maybe ComfyUI updated?"); outputWidgetConfig = null; outputWidget = null; } } } } } } else { } } const displayType = inputType || outputType || "*"; const color = LGraphCanvas.link_type_colors[displayType]; for (const node of updateNodes) { node.outputs[0].type = inputType || "*"; node.__outputType = displayType; node.outputs[0].name = (input === null || input === void 0 ? void 0 : || ""; node.size = node.computeSize(); (_h = (_g = node).applyNodeSize) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 :; for (const l of node.outputs[0].links || []) { const link = app.graph.links[l]; if (link) { link.color = color; } } try { if (outputWidgetConfig && outputWidget && outputType) { node.inputs[0].widget = { name: "value" }; setWidgetConfig(node.inputs[0], [outputType !== null && outputType !== void 0 ? outputType : displayType, outputWidgetConfig], outputWidget); } else { setWidgetConfig(node.inputs[0], null); } } catch (e) { console.error("[rgthree] Could not set widget config for reroute; maybe ComfyUI updated?"); outputWidgetConfig = null; outputWidget = null; if ((_j = node.inputs[0]) === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.widget) { delete node.inputs[0].widget; } } } if (inputNode && inputNodeOutputSlot != null) { const links = inputNode.outputs[inputNodeOutputSlot].links; for (const l of links || []) { const link = app.graph.links[l]; if (link) { link.color = color; } } } (_k = inputNode === null || inputNode === void 0 ? void 0 : inputNode.onConnectionsChainChange) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 :; (_l = outputNode === null || outputNode === void 0 ? void 0 : outputNode.onConnectionsChainChange) === null || _l === void 0 ? void 0 :; app.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } setSize(size) { const oldSize = [...this.size]; const newSize = [...size]; super.setSize(newSize);["size"] = [...this.size]; this.stabilizeLayout(oldSize, newSize); } stabilizeLayout(oldSize, newSize) { if (newSize[0] === 10 || newSize[1] === 10) { const props =; props["connections_layout"] = props["connections_layout"] || ["Left", "Right"]; const layout = props["connections_layout"]; props["connections_dir"] = props["connections_dir"] || [-1, -1]; const dir = props["connections_dir"]; if (oldSize[0] > 10 && newSize[0] === 10) { dir[0] = LiteGraph.DOWN; dir[1] = LiteGraph.UP; if (layout[0] === "Bottom") { layout[1] = "Top"; } else if (layout[1] === "Top") { layout[0] = "Bottom"; } else { layout[0] = "Top"; layout[1] = "Bottom"; dir[0] = LiteGraph.UP; dir[1] = LiteGraph.DOWN; } this.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } else if (oldSize[1] > 10 && newSize[1] === 10) { dir[0] = LiteGraph.RIGHT; dir[1] = LiteGraph.LEFT; if (layout[0] === "Right") { layout[1] = "Left"; } else if (layout[1] === "Left") { layout[0] = "Right"; } else { layout[0] = "Left"; layout[1] = "Right"; dir[0] = LiteGraph.LEFT; dir[1] = LiteGraph.RIGHT; } this.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } } SERVICE.handleMoveOrResizeNodeMaybeWhileDragging(this); } applyNodeSize() {["size"] =["size"] || RerouteNode.size;["size"] = [ Number(["size"][0]), Number(["size"][1]), ]; this.size =["size"]; app.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } rotate(degrees) { const w = this.size[0]; const h = this.size[1];["connections_layout"] =["connections_layout"] || this.defaultConnectionsLayout; const inputDirIndex = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE.indexOf(["connections_layout"][0]); const outputDirIndex = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE.indexOf(["connections_layout"][1]); if (degrees == 90 || degrees === -90) { if (degrees === -90) {["connections_layout"][0] = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE[(((inputDirIndex - 1) % 4) + 4) % 4];["connections_layout"][1] = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE[(((outputDirIndex - 1) % 4) + 4) % 4]; } else {["connections_layout"][0] = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE[(((inputDirIndex + 1) % 4) + 4) % 4];["connections_layout"][1] = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE[(((outputDirIndex + 1) % 4) + 4) % 4]; } } else if (degrees === 180) {["connections_layout"][0] = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE[(((inputDirIndex + 2) % 4) + 4) % 4];["connections_layout"][1] = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE[(((outputDirIndex + 2) % 4) + 4) % 4]; } this.setSize([h, w]); } manuallyHandleMove(event) { const shortcut = this.shortcuts.move; if (shortcut.state) { const diffX = Math.round((event.clientX - shortcut.initialMousePos[0]) / 10) * 10; const diffY = Math.round((event.clientY - shortcut.initialMousePos[1]) / 10) * 10; this.pos[0] = shortcut.initialNodePos[0] + diffX; this.pos[1] = shortcut.initialNodePos[1] + diffY; this.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); SERVICE.handleMoveOrResizeNodeMaybeWhileDragging(this); } } manuallyHandleResize(event) { const shortcut = this.shortcuts.resize; if (shortcut.state) { let diffX = Math.round((event.clientX - shortcut.initialMousePos[0]) / 10) * 10; let diffY = Math.round((event.clientY - shortcut.initialMousePos[1]) / 10) * 10; diffX *= shortcut.resizeOnSide[0] === LiteGraph.LEFT ? -1 : 1; diffY *= shortcut.resizeOnSide[1] === LiteGraph.UP ? -1 : 1; const oldSize = [...this.size]; this.setSize([ Math.max(10, shortcut.initialNodeSize[0] + diffX), Math.max(10, shortcut.initialNodeSize[1] + diffY), ]); if (shortcut.resizeOnSide[0] === LiteGraph.LEFT && oldSize[0] > 10) { this.pos[0] = shortcut.initialNodePos[0] - diffX; } if (shortcut.resizeOnSide[1] === LiteGraph.UP && oldSize[1] > 10) { this.pos[1] = shortcut.initialNodePos[1] - diffY; } this.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } } cycleConnection(ioDir) { var _a, _b; const props =; props["connections_layout"] = props["connections_layout"] || ["Left", "Right"]; const propIdx = ioDir == IoDirection.INPUT ? 0 : 1; const oppositeIdx = propIdx ? 0 : 1; let currentLayout = props["connections_layout"][propIdx]; let oppositeLayout = props["connections_layout"][oppositeIdx]; if (this.size[0] === 10 || this.size[1] === 10) { props["connections_dir"] = props["connections_dir"] || [-1, -1]; let currentDir = props["connections_dir"][propIdx]; const options = this.size[0] === 10 ? currentLayout === "Bottom" ? [LiteGraph.DOWN, LiteGraph.RIGHT, LiteGraph.LEFT] : [LiteGraph.UP, LiteGraph.LEFT, LiteGraph.RIGHT] : currentLayout === "Right" ? [LiteGraph.RIGHT, LiteGraph.DOWN, LiteGraph.UP] : [LiteGraph.LEFT, LiteGraph.UP, LiteGraph.DOWN]; let idx = options.indexOf(currentDir); let next = (_a = options[idx + 1]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : options[0];["connections_dir"][propIdx] = next; return; } let next = currentLayout; do { let idx = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE.indexOf(next); next = (_b = LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE[idx + 1]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : LAYOUT_CLOCKWISE[0]; } while (next === oppositeLayout);["connections_layout"][propIdx] = next; this.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } onMouseMove(event) { if (this.shortcuts.move.state) { const shortcut = this.shortcuts.move; if (shortcut.initialMousePos[0] === -1) { shortcut.initialMousePos[0] = event.clientX; shortcut.initialMousePos[1] = event.clientY; shortcut.initialNodePos[0] = this.pos[0]; shortcut.initialNodePos[1] = this.pos[1]; } this.manuallyHandleMove(event); } else if (this.shortcuts.resize.state) { const shortcut = this.shortcuts.resize; if (shortcut.initialMousePos[0] === -1) { shortcut.initialMousePos[0] = event.clientX; shortcut.initialMousePos[1] = event.clientY; shortcut.initialNodeSize[0] = this.size[0]; shortcut.initialNodeSize[1] = this.size[1]; shortcut.initialNodePos[0] = this.pos[0]; shortcut.initialNodePos[1] = this.pos[1]; const canvas = app.canvas; const offset = canvas.convertEventToCanvasOffset(event); shortcut.resizeOnSide[0] = this.pos[0] > offset[0] ? LiteGraph.LEFT : LiteGraph.RIGHT; shortcut.resizeOnSide[1] = this.pos[1] > offset[1] ? LiteGraph.UP : LiteGraph.DOWN; } this.manuallyHandleResize(event); } } onKeyDown(event) { super.onKeyDown(event); const canvas = app.canvas; if (CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE_ENABLED) { for (const [key, shortcut] of Object.entries(this.shortcuts)) { if (!shortcut.state) { const keys = KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.areOnlyKeysDown(shortcut.keys); if (keys) { shortcut.state = true; if (key === "rotate") { this.rotate(90); } else if (key.includes("connection")) { this.cycleConnection(key.includes("input") ? IoDirection.INPUT : IoDirection.OUTPUT); } if (shortcut.initialMousePos) { canvas.node_capturing_input = this; } } } } } } onKeyUp(event) { super.onKeyUp(event); const canvas = app.canvas; if (CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE_ENABLED) { for (const [key, shortcut] of Object.entries(this.shortcuts)) { if (shortcut.state) { const keys = KEY_EVENT_SERVICE.areOnlyKeysDown(shortcut.keys); if (!keys) { shortcut.state = false; if (shortcut.initialMousePos) { shortcut.initialMousePos = [-1, -1]; if ((canvas.node_capturing_input = this)) { canvas.node_capturing_input = null; } this.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } } } } } } onDeselected() { var _a; (_a = super.onDeselected) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; const canvas = app.canvas; for (const [key, shortcut] of Object.entries(this.shortcuts)) { shortcut.state = false; if (shortcut.initialMousePos) { shortcut.initialMousePos = [-1, -1]; if ((canvas.node_capturing_input = this)) { canvas.node_capturing_input = null; } this.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } } } onRemoved() { var _a; (_a = super.onRemoved) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :; setTimeout(() => { SERVICE.handleRemovedNodeMaybeWhileDragging(this); }, 32); } getHelp() { return `
Finally, a comfortable, powerful reroute node with true multi-direction and powerful shortcuts to bring your workflow to the next level.
${!CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE_ENABLED ? `Fast Shortcuts are currently disabled.`
: `
Create a new reroute node while dragging
a link, connecting it to the link in the place and continuing the link.
Rotate the selected reroute node counter clockwise 90
Resize the selected reroute node from the nearest
corner by holding down and moving your mouse.
Move the selected reroute node by holding down and
moving your mouse.
Change the input layout/direction of the selected
reroute node.
Change the output layout/direction of the selected
reroute node.
To change, ${!CONFIG_FAST_REROUTE_ENABLED ? "enable" : "disable"} or configure sohrtcuts,
make a copy of
and configure under
nodes > reroute > fast_reroute