import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; import { drawNodeWidget, drawRoundedRectangle, fitString, isLowQuality } from "./utils_canvas.js"; export function drawLabelAndValue(ctx, label, value, width, posY, height, options) { var _a; const outerMargin = 15; const innerMargin = 10; const midY = posY + height / 2;; ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.fillStyle = LiteGraph.WIDGET_SECONDARY_TEXT_COLOR; const labelX = outerMargin + innerMargin + ((_a = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.offsetLeft) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0); ctx.fillText(label, labelX, midY); const valueXLeft = labelX + ctx.measureText(label).width + 7; const valueXRight = width - (outerMargin + innerMargin); ctx.fillStyle = LiteGraph.WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR; ctx.textAlign = "right"; ctx.fillText(fitString(ctx, value, valueXRight - valueXLeft), valueXRight, midY); ctx.restore(); } export class RgthreeBaseWidget { constructor(name) { this.last_y = 0; this.mouseDowned = null; this.isMouseDownedAndOver = false; this.hitAreas = {}; this.downedHitAreasForMove = []; = name; } clickWasWithinBounds(pos, bounds) { let xStart = bounds[0]; let xEnd = xStart + (bounds.length > 2 ? bounds[2] : bounds[1]); const clickedX = pos[0] >= xStart && pos[0] <= xEnd; if (bounds.length === 2) { return clickedX; } return clickedX && pos[1] >= bounds[1] && pos[1] <= bounds[1] + bounds[3]; } mouse(event, pos, node) { var _a, _b, _c; const canvas = app.canvas; if (event.type == "pointerdown") { this.mouseDowned = [...pos]; this.isMouseDownedAndOver = true; this.downedHitAreasForMove.length = 0; let anyHandled = false; for (const part of Object.values(this.hitAreas)) { if ((part.onDown || part.onMove) && this.clickWasWithinBounds(pos, part.bounds)) { if (part.onMove) { this.downedHitAreasForMove.push(part); } if (part.onDown) { const thisHandled = part.onDown.apply(this, [event, pos, node, part]); anyHandled = anyHandled || thisHandled == true; } } } return (_a = this.onMouseDown(event, pos, node)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : anyHandled; } if (event.type == "pointerup") { if (!this.mouseDowned) return true; this.downedHitAreasForMove.length = 0; this.cancelMouseDown(); let anyHandled = false; for (const part of Object.values(this.hitAreas)) { if (part.onUp && this.clickWasWithinBounds(pos, part.bounds)) { const thisHandled = part.onUp.apply(this, [event, pos, node, part]); anyHandled = anyHandled || thisHandled == true; } } return (_b = this.onMouseUp(event, pos, node)) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : anyHandled; } if (event.type == "pointermove") { this.isMouseDownedAndOver = !!this.mouseDowned; if (this.mouseDowned && (pos[0] < 15 || pos[0] > node.size[0] - 15 || pos[1] < this.last_y || pos[1] > this.last_y + LiteGraph.NODE_WIDGET_HEIGHT)) { this.isMouseDownedAndOver = false; } for (const part of this.downedHitAreasForMove) { part.onMove.apply(this, [event, pos, node, part]); } return (_c = this.onMouseMove(event, pos, node)) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : true; } return false; } cancelMouseDown() { this.mouseDowned = null; this.isMouseDownedAndOver = false; this.downedHitAreasForMove.length = 0; } onMouseDown(event, pos, node) { return; } onMouseUp(event, pos, node) { return; } onMouseMove(event, pos, node) { return; } } export class RgthreeBetterButtonWidget extends RgthreeBaseWidget { constructor(name, mouseUpCallback) { super(name); this.value = ""; this.mouseUpCallback = mouseUpCallback; } draw(ctx, node, width, y, height) { drawWidgetButton({ ctx, node, width, height, y },, this.isMouseDownedAndOver); } onMouseUp(event, pos, node) { return this.mouseUpCallback(event, pos, node); } } export class RgthreeBetterTextWidget { constructor(name, value) { = name; this.value = value; } draw(ctx, node, width, y, height) { const widgetData = drawNodeWidget(ctx, { width, height, posY: y }); if (!widgetData.lowQuality) { drawLabelAndValue(ctx,, this.value, width, y, height); } } mouse(event, pos, node) { const canvas = app.canvas; if (event.type == "pointerdown") { canvas.prompt("Label", this.value, (v) => (this.value = v), event); return true; } return false; } } export class RgthreeDividerWidget { constructor(widgetOptions) { this.options = { serialize: false }; this.value = null; = "divider"; this.widgetOptions = { marginTop: 7, marginBottom: 7, marginLeft: 15, marginRight: 15, color: LiteGraph.WIDGET_OUTLINE_COLOR, thickness: 1, }; Object.assign(this.widgetOptions, widgetOptions || {}); } draw(ctx, node, width, posY, h) { if (this.widgetOptions.thickness) { ctx.strokeStyle = this.widgetOptions.color; const x = this.widgetOptions.marginLeft; const y = posY + this.widgetOptions.marginTop; const w = width - this.widgetOptions.marginLeft - this.widgetOptions.marginRight; ctx.stroke(new Path2D(`M ${x} ${y} h ${w}`)); } } computeSize(width) { return [ width, this.widgetOptions.marginTop + this.widgetOptions.marginBottom + this.widgetOptions.thickness, ]; } } export class RgthreeLabelWidget { constructor(name, widgetOptions) { this.options = { serialize: false }; this.value = null; this.widgetOptions = {}; this.posY = 0; = name; Object.assign(this.widgetOptions, widgetOptions); } draw(ctx, node, width, posY, height) { this.posY = posY;; ctx.textAlign = this.widgetOptions.align || "left"; ctx.fillStyle = this.widgetOptions.color || LiteGraph.WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR; const oldFont = ctx.font; if (this.widgetOptions.italic) { ctx.font = "italic " + ctx.font; } if (this.widgetOptions.size) { ctx.font = ctx.font.replace(/\d+px/, `${this.widgetOptions.size}px`); } const midY = posY + height / 2; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; if (this.widgetOptions.align === "center") { ctx.fillText(, node.size[0] / 2, midY); } else { ctx.fillText(, 15, midY); } ctx.font = oldFont; if (this.widgetOptions.actionLabel === "__PLUS_ICON__") { const plus = new Path2D(`M${node.size[0] - 15 - 2} ${posY + 7} v4 h-4 v4 h-4 v-4 h-4 v-4 h4 v-4 h4 v4 h4 z`); ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.fillStyle = "#3a3"; ctx.strokeStyle = "#383"; ctx.fill(plus); ctx.stroke(plus); } ctx.restore(); } mouse(event, nodePos, node) { if (event.type !== "pointerdown" || isLowQuality() || !this.widgetOptions.actionLabel || !this.widgetOptions.actionCallback) { return false; } const pos = [nodePos[0], nodePos[1] - this.posY]; const rightX = node.size[0] - 15; if (pos[0] > rightX || pos[0] < rightX - 16) { return false; } this.widgetOptions.actionCallback(event); return true; } } export class RgthreeInvisibleWidget { constructor(name, type, value, serializeValueFn) { this.serializeValue = undefined; = name; this.type = type; this.value = value; if (serializeValueFn) { this.serializeValue = serializeValueFn; } } draw() { return; } computeSize(width) { return [0, 0]; } } export function drawWidgetButton(drawCtx, text, isMouseDownedAndOver = false) { if (!isLowQuality() && !isMouseDownedAndOver) { drawRoundedRectangle(drawCtx.ctx, { width: drawCtx.width - 30 - 2, height: drawCtx.height, posY: drawCtx.y + 1, posX: 15 + 1, borderRadius: 4, colorBackground: "#000000aa", colorStroke: "#000000aa", }); } drawRoundedRectangle(drawCtx.ctx, { width: drawCtx.width - 30, height: drawCtx.height, posY: drawCtx.y + (isMouseDownedAndOver ? 1 : 0), posX: 15, borderRadius: isLowQuality() ? 0 : 4, colorBackground: isMouseDownedAndOver ? "#444" : LiteGraph.WIDGET_BGCOLOR, }); if (!isLowQuality()) { drawCtx.ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; drawCtx.ctx.textAlign = "center"; drawCtx.ctx.fillStyle = LiteGraph.WIDGET_TEXT_COLOR; drawCtx.ctx.fillText(text, drawCtx.node.size[0] / 2, drawCtx.y + drawCtx.height / 2 + (isMouseDownedAndOver ? 1 : 0)); } }