import { app } from "scripts/app.js"; import type { LGraphCanvas as TLGraphCanvas, ContextMenuItem, LGraphNode, } from "typings/litegraph.js"; import type { ComfyNodeConstructor, ComfyObjectInfo } from "typings/comfy.js"; import { rgthree } from "./rgthree.js"; import { getOutputNodes } from "./utils.js"; import { SERVICE as CONFIG_SERVICE } from "./services/config_service.js"; function showQueueNodesMenuIfOutputNodesAreSelected(existingOptions: ContextMenuItem[]) { if (CONFIG_SERVICE.getConfigValue("features.menu_queue_selected_nodes") === false) { return; } const outputNodes = getOutputNodes(Object.values(app.canvas.selected_nodes)); const menuItem = { content: `Queue Selected Output Nodes (rgthree)  `, className: "rgthree-contextmenu-item", callback: () => { rgthree.queueOutputNodes( =>; }, disabled: !outputNodes.length, }; let idx = existingOptions.findIndex((o) => o?.content === "Outputs") + 1; idx = idx || existingOptions.findIndex((o) => o?.content === "Align") + 1; idx = idx || 3; existingOptions.splice(idx, 0, menuItem); } function showQueueGroupNodesMenuIfGroupIsSelected(existingOptions: ContextMenuItem[]) { if (CONFIG_SERVICE.getConfigValue("features.menu_queue_selected_nodes") === false) { return; } const group = rgthree.lastAdjustedMouseEvent && app.graph.getGroupOnPos( rgthree.lastAdjustedMouseEvent.canvasX, rgthree.lastAdjustedMouseEvent.canvasY, ); const outputNodes = group && getOutputNodes(group._nodes); const menuItem = { content: `Queue Group Output Nodes (rgthree)  `, className: "rgthree-contextmenu-item", callback: () => { outputNodes && rgthree.queueOutputNodes( =>; }, disabled: !outputNodes?.length, }; let idx = existingOptions.findIndex((o) => o?.content?.startsWith("Queue Selected ")) + 1; idx = idx || existingOptions.findIndex((o) => o?.content === "Outputs") + 1; idx = idx || existingOptions.findIndex((o) => o?.content === "Align") + 1; idx = idx || 3; existingOptions.splice(idx, 0, menuItem); } /** * Adds a "Queue Node" menu item to all output nodes, working with `rgthree.queueOutputNode` to * execute only a single node's path. */ app.registerExtension({ name: "rgthree.QueueNode", async beforeRegisterNodeDef(nodeType: ComfyNodeConstructor, nodeData: ComfyObjectInfo) { const getExtraMenuOptions = nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions; nodeType.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions = function ( canvas: TLGraphCanvas, options: ContextMenuItem[], ) { getExtraMenuOptions ? getExtraMenuOptions.apply(this, arguments) : undefined; showQueueNodesMenuIfOutputNodesAreSelected(options); showQueueGroupNodesMenuIfGroupIsSelected(options); }; }, async setup() { const getCanvasMenuOptions = LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions; LGraphCanvas.prototype.getCanvasMenuOptions = function (...args: any[]) { const options = getCanvasMenuOptions.apply(this, [...args] as any); showQueueNodesMenuIfOutputNodesAreSelected(options); showQueueGroupNodesMenuIfGroupIsSelected(options); return options; }; }, });