import { app } from "scripts/app.js"; import type { ContextMenuItem, LGraphNode, ContextMenu, IContextMenuOptions, } from "typings/litegraph.js"; import { rgthree } from "./rgthree.js"; import { SERVICE as CONFIG_SERVICE } from "./services/config_service.js"; const SPECIAL_ENTRIES = [/^(CHOOSE|NONE|DISABLE|OPEN)(\s|$)/i, /^\p{Extended_Pictographic}/gu]; /** * Handles a large, flat list of string values given ContextMenu and breaks it up into subfolder, if * they exist. This is experimental and initially built to work for CheckpointLoaderSimple. */ app.registerExtension({ name: "rgthree.ContextMenuAutoNest", async setup() { const logger = rgthree.newLogSession("[ContextMenuAutoNest]"); const existingContextMenu = LiteGraph.ContextMenu; // @ts-ignore: TypeScript doesn't like this override. LiteGraph.ContextMenu = function (values: ContextMenuItem[], options: IContextMenuOptions) { const threshold = CONFIG_SERVICE.getConfigValue("features.menu_auto_nest.threshold", 20); const enabled = CONFIG_SERVICE.getConfigValue("features.menu_auto_nest.subdirs", false); // If we're not enabled, or are incompatible, then just call out safely. let incompatible: string | boolean = !enabled || !!options?.extra?.rgthree_doNotNest; if (!incompatible) { if (values.length <= threshold) { incompatible = `Skipping context menu auto nesting b/c threshold is not met (${threshold})`; } // If there's a rgthree_originalCallback, then we're nested and don't need to check things // we only expect on the first nesting. if (!options.parentMenu?.options.rgthree_originalCallback) { // On first context menu, we require a callback and a flat list of options as strings. if (!options?.callback) { incompatible = `Skipping context menu auto nesting b/c a callback was expected.`; } else if (values.some((i) => typeof i !== "string")) { incompatible = `Skipping context menu auto nesting b/c not all values were strings.`; } } } if (incompatible) { if (enabled) { const [n, v] = logger.infoParts( "Skipping context menu auto nesting for incompatible menu.", ); console[n]?.(...v); } return existingContextMenu.apply(this as any, [...arguments] as any); } const folders: { [key: string]: ContextMenuItem[] } = {}; const specialOps: ContextMenuItem[] = []; const folderless: ContextMenuItem[] = []; for (const value of values) { if (!value) { folderless.push(value); continue; } const newValue = typeof value === "string" ? { content: value } : Object.assign({}, value); newValue.rgthree_originalValue = value.rgthree_originalValue || value; const valueContent = newValue.content || ''; const splitBy = valueContent.indexOf("/") > -1 ? "/" : "\\"; const valueSplit = valueContent.split(splitBy); if (valueSplit.length > 1) { const key = valueSplit.shift()!; newValue.content = valueSplit.join(splitBy); folders[key] = folders[key] || []; folders[key]!.push(newValue); } else if (SPECIAL_ENTRIES.some((r) => r.test(valueContent))) { specialOps.push(newValue); } else { folderless.push(newValue); } } const foldersCount = Object.values(folders).length; if (foldersCount > 0) { // Propogate the original callback down through the options. options.rgthree_originalCallback = options.rgthree_originalCallback || options.parentMenu?.options.rgthree_originalCallback || options.callback; const oldCallback = options.rgthree_originalCallback; options.callback = undefined; const newCallback = ( item: ContextMenuItem, options: IContextMenuOptions, event: MouseEvent, parentMenu: ContextMenu | undefined, node: LGraphNode, ) => { oldCallback?.(item?.rgthree_originalValue!, options, event, undefined, node); }; const [n, v] = logger.infoParts(`Nested folders found (${foldersCount}).`); console[n]?.(...v); const newValues: ContextMenuItem[] = []; for (const [folderName, folderValues] of Object.entries(folders)) { newValues.push({ content: `📁 ${folderName}`, has_submenu: true, callback: () => { /* no-op, use the item callback. */ }, submenu: { options: => { value!.callback = newCallback; return value; }), }, }); } values = ([] as ContextMenuItem[]).concat( => { if (typeof f === "string") { f = { content: f }; } f!.callback = newCallback; return f; }), newValues, => { if (typeof f === "string") { f = { content: f }; } f!.callback = newCallback; return f; }), ); } if (options.scale == null) { options.scale = Math.max(app.canvas.ds?.scale || 1, 1); } return as any, values, options); }; LiteGraph.ContextMenu.prototype = existingContextMenu.prototype; }, });