"""Image Inset Crop, with percentages."""
from .log import log_node_info
from .constants import get_category, get_name
from nodes import MAX_RESOLUTION

def get_new_bounds(width, height, left, right, top, bottom):
  """Returns the new bounds for an image with inset crop data."""
  left = 0 + left
  right = width - right
  top = 0 + top
  bottom = height - bottom
  return (left, right, top, bottom)

class RgthreeImageInsetCrop:
  """Image Inset Crop, with percentages."""

  NAME = get_name('Image Inset Crop')
  CATEGORY = get_category()

  def INPUT_TYPES(cls):  # pylint: disable = invalid-name, missing-function-docstring
    return {
      "required": {
        "image": ("IMAGE",),
        "measurement": (['Pixels', 'Percentage'],),
        "left": ("INT", {
          "default": 0,
          "min": 0,
          "max": MAX_RESOLUTION,
          "step": 8
        "right": ("INT", {
          "default": 0,
          "min": 0,
          "max": MAX_RESOLUTION,
          "step": 8
        "top": ("INT", {
          "default": 0,
          "min": 0,
          "max": MAX_RESOLUTION,
          "step": 8
        "bottom": ("INT", {
          "default": 0,
          "min": 0,
          "max": MAX_RESOLUTION,
          "step": 8

  FUNCTION = "crop"

  # pylint: disable = too-many-arguments
  def crop(self, measurement, left, right, top, bottom, image=None):
    """Does the crop."""

    _, height, width, _ = image.shape

    if measurement == 'Percentage':
      left = int(width - (width * (100 - left) / 100))
      right = int(width - (width * (100 - right) / 100))
      top = int(height - (height * (100 - top) / 100))
      bottom = int(height - (height * (100 - bottom) / 100))

    # Snap to 8 pixels
    left = left // 8 * 8
    right = right // 8 * 8
    top = top // 8 * 8
    bottom = bottom // 8 * 8

    if left == 0 and right == 0 and bottom == 0 and top == 0:
      return (image,)

    inset_left, inset_right, inset_top, inset_bottom = get_new_bounds(width, height, left, right,
                                                                      top, bottom)
    if inset_top > inset_bottom:
      raise ValueError(
        f"Invalid cropping dimensions top ({inset_top}) exceeds bottom ({inset_bottom})")
    if inset_left > inset_right:
      raise ValueError(
        f"Invalid cropping dimensions left ({inset_left}) exceeds right ({inset_right})")

      self.NAME, f'Cropping image {width}x{height} width inset by {inset_left},{inset_right}, ' +
      f'and height inset by {inset_top}, {inset_bottom}')
    image = image[:, inset_top:inset_bottom, inset_left:inset_right, :]

    return (image,)