import { app } from "../../scripts/app.js"; import { api } from "../../scripts/api.js"; import { RgthreeBaseServerNode } from "./base_node.js"; import { NodeTypesString } from "./constants.js"; import { addConnectionLayoutSupport } from "./utils.js"; import { RgthreeBaseWidget, } from "./utils_widgets.js"; import { measureText } from "./utils_canvas.js"; function imageDataToUrl(data) { return api.apiURL(`/view?filename=${encodeURIComponent(data.filename)}&type=${data.type}&subfolder=${data.subfolder}${app.getPreviewFormatParam()}${app.getRandParam()}`); } export class RgthreeImageComparer extends RgthreeBaseServerNode { constructor(title = RgthreeImageComparer.title) { super(title); this.imageIndex = 0; this.imgs = []; this.serialize_widgets = true; this.isPointerDown = false; this.isPointerOver = false; this.pointerOverPos = [0, 0]; this.canvasWidget = null;["comparer_mode"] = "Slide"; } onExecuted(output) { var _a; (_a = super.onExecuted) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, output); if ("images" in output) { this.canvasWidget.value = { images: (output.images || []).map((d, i) => { return { name: i === 0 ? "A" : "B", selected: true, url: imageDataToUrl(d), }; }), }; } else { output.a_images = output.a_images || []; output.b_images = output.b_images || []; const imagesToChoose = []; const multiple = output.a_images.length + output.b_images.length > 2; for (const [i, d] of output.a_images.entries()) { imagesToChoose.push({ name: output.a_images.length > 1 || multiple ? `A${i + 1}` : "A", selected: i === 0, url: imageDataToUrl(d), }); } for (const [i, d] of output.b_images.entries()) { imagesToChoose.push({ name: output.b_images.length > 1 || multiple ? `B${i + 1}` : "B", selected: i === 0, url: imageDataToUrl(d), }); } this.canvasWidget.value = { images: imagesToChoose }; } } onSerialize(o) { var _a; super.onSerialize && super.onSerialize(o); for (let [index, widget_value] of (o.widgets_values || []).entries()) { if (((_a = this.widgets[index]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : === "rgthree_comparer") { o.widgets_values[index] = this.widgets[index] => { d = { ...d }; delete d.img; return d; }); } } } onNodeCreated() { this.canvasWidget = this.addCustomWidget(new RgthreeImageComparerWidget("rgthree_comparer", this)); this.setSize(this.computeSize()); this.setDirtyCanvas(true, true); } setIsPointerDown(down = this.isPointerDown) { const newIsDown = down && !!app.canvas.pointer_is_down; if (this.isPointerDown !== newIsDown) { this.isPointerDown = newIsDown; this.setDirtyCanvas(true, false); } this.imageIndex = this.isPointerDown ? 1 : 0; if (this.isPointerDown) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.setIsPointerDown(); }); } } onMouseDown(event, pos, graphCanvas) { var _a; (_a = super.onMouseDown) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, event, pos, graphCanvas); this.setIsPointerDown(true); } onMouseEnter(event, pos, graphCanvas) { var _a; (_a = super.onMouseEnter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, event, pos, graphCanvas); this.setIsPointerDown(!!app.canvas.pointer_is_down); this.isPointerOver = true; } onMouseLeave(event, pos, graphCanvas) { var _a; (_a = super.onMouseLeave) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, event, pos, graphCanvas); this.setIsPointerDown(false); this.isPointerOver = false; } onMouseMove(event, pos, graphCanvas) { var _a; (_a = super.onMouseMove) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :, event, pos, graphCanvas); this.pointerOverPos = [...pos]; this.imageIndex = this.pointerOverPos[0] > this.size[0] / 2 ? 1 : 0; } getHelp() { return `
The ${this.type.replace("(rgthree)", "")} node compares two images on top of each other.
The right-click menu may show image options (Open Image, Save Image, etc.) which will correspond to the first image (image_a) if clicked on the left-half of the node, or the second image if on the right half of the node.
Optional. The first image to use to compare.
Optional. The second image to use to compare.
Note image_a
and image_b
work best when a single
image is provided. However, if each/either are a batch, you can choose which item
from each batch are chosen to be compared. If either image_a
are not provided, the node will choose the first two from the
provided input if it's a batch, otherwise only show the single image (just as
Preview Image would).
Properties. You can change the following properties (by right-clicking on the node, and select "Properties" or "Properties Panel" from the menu):
- Choose between "Slide" and "Click". Defaults to "Slide".