# NOTE: This file is only use for development you can ignore it def get_root [--clean] { if $clean { $env.COMFY_CLEAN_ROOT } else { $env.COMFY_ROOT } } export def "comfy build-web" [] { cd $env.COMFY_MTB cd web_source npm run build cp dist/*.js ../web/dist } export def "comfy dev-web" [] { cd $env.COMFY_MTB cd web_source npm run dev } # start the comfy server export def "comfy start" [--clean,--old-ui, --listen] { let root = get_root --clean=($clean) cd $root MTB_DEBUG=true python main.py --port 3000 ...(if $old_ui { ["--front-end-version", "Comfy-Org/ComfyUI_legacy_frontend@latest"]} else {[]}) --preview-method auto ...(if $listen {["--listen"]} else {[]}) } # update comfy itself and merge master in current branch export def "comfy update" [ --clean # ?? --rebase # Rebase instead of merge ] { let root = get_root --clean=($clean) let models = $"($root)/models" let inputs = $"($root)/input" cd $root let branch_name = (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | str trim) print $"(ansi yellow_italic)Backing up and removing models symlinks(ansi reset)" if not $clean { cd $models # find all symlinks let links = (ls -la | where not ($it.target | is-empty) | select name target | sort-by name) if not ($links | is-empty) { $links | save -f links.nuon # remove them open links.nuon | each {|p| rm $p.name } } } else { rm $models rm $inputs } cd $root print $"(ansi yellow_italic)Checking out to master(ansi reset)" git checkout master print $"(ansi yellow_italic)Fetching and pulling remote updates(ansi reset)" git fetch git pull print $"(ansi yellow_italic)Back to our branch \(($branch_name)\)(ansi reset)" git checkout - if $rebase { print $"(ansi yellow_italic)Rebasing changes(ansi reset)" git rebase master } else { print $"(ansi yellow_italic)Merging changes(ansi reset)" git merge master } print $"(ansi yellow_italic)Linking back the models(ansi reset)" if not $clean { cd $models # resymlink them open links.nuon | each {|p| link -a $p.target $p.name } } else { let master = (get_root) link ($master | path join models) $models link ($master | path join input) $inputs } let commit_count = (git rev-list --count $branch_name $"^origin/($branch_name)") print $"(ansi green_bold)Update successful \(($commit_count) new commits\)(ansi reset)" } export def "comfy toggle_extensions" [--clean] { let root = get_root --clean=($clean) cd $root cd custom_nodes let exts = (ls | where type in ["dir","symlink"] | get name) let choices = ($exts | input list -m "choose extension to toggle") if ($choices | is-empty) { return } print $choices let filtered = $choices | wrap name | upsert enabled {|p| not ($p.name | str ends-with ".disabled")} print $filtered $filtered | each {|f| let new_name = ($f.name | str replace ".disabled" "") let new_name = if $f.enabled { $"($new_name).disabled" } else { $new_name } print $"Moving ($f.name) to ($new_name)" mv $f.name $new_name } } # git pull all extensions export def "comfy update_extensions" [--clean] { let root = get_root --clean=($clean) cd $root cd custom_nodes git multipull . } def --env path-add [pth] { $env.PATH = ($env.PATH | append ($pth | path expand)) } export-env { $env.COMFY_MTB = ("." | path expand) $env.CUDA_ROOT = 'C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v12.1\' $env.CUDA_HOME = $env.CUDA_ROOT $env.COMFY_ROOT = ("../.." | path expand) $env.COMFY_CLEAN_ROOT = ($env.COMFY_ROOT | path dirname | path join ComfyClean) path-add 'C:/Portable/TensorRT-' path-add ($env.CUDA_ROOT | path join bin) overlay use ../../.venv/Scripts/activate.nu }