import { d as private_env } from './shared-server-49TKSBDM.js'; import { c as redirect, b as base } from './index-JNnR1J8_.js'; import { L as LlamaCppService } from './LlamaCppService-Bqc2roDm.js'; import 'fs'; import 'path'; const POST = async ({ locals, request }) => { const body = await request.json(); console.log(private_env.LLM_API_URL); const abortController = new AbortController(); let llmService = new LlamaCppService(private_env.LLM_API_URL); let llmGenerator = await llmService.predict(body.userprompt, { abortController }); const stream = new ReadableStream({ async start(controller) { try { for await (const output of await llmGenerator({ prompt: body.userprompt })) { controller.enqueue(output.token.text); } } catch (error2) { if ( === "AbortError") { console.log("Request was aborted during LLMServer prediction."); } else { console.error("Error during LLMServer prediction:", error2); } } controller.close(); }, cancel() { console.log("ReadableStream canceled and aborted"); abortController.abort(); } }); return new Response(stream, { headers: { "content-type": "text/event-stream" } }); }; const GET = async () => { throw redirect(302, `${base}/`); }; export { GET, POST }; //#