import numpy as np |
from numpy.core.numeric import outer |
import pandas as pd |
import torch |
import pickle |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from math import floor |
from collections import defaultdict |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer |
import nltk |
from nltk.cluster import KMeansClusterer |
import scipy.spatial.distance as sdist |
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix |
import streamlit as st |
import altair as alt |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
from streamlit_vega_lite import altair_component |
from random import sample |
from seal import utils as ut |
def down_samp(embedding): |
"""Down sample a data frame for altiar visualization """ |
total_size = embedding.groupby(['slice', 'label'], as_index=False).count() |
user_data = 0 |
max_sample = total_size.groupby('slice').max()['content'] |
down_samp = 1/(sum(max_sample.astype(float))/(1000-user_data)) |
max_samp = max_sample.apply(lambda x: floor( |
x*down_samp)).astype(int).to_dict() |
max_samp['Your Sentences'] = user_data |
embedding = embedding.groupby('slice').apply( |
lambda x: x.sample(n=max_samp.get(x.name))).reset_index(drop=True) |
return(embedding) |
def down_samp_ll(embedding): |
df_ll = embedding[embedding['slice'] == 'low-loss'] |
df_hl = embedding[embedding['slice'] == 'high-loss'] |
down_samp = len(df_ll) - (1000-len(df_hl)) |
df_ll.sample(n=down_samp) |
embedding.drop(df_ll.index) |
return embedding |
def data_comparison(df): |
selection = alt.selection_multi(fields=['cluster', 'label']) |
color = alt.condition(alt.datum.slice == 'high-loss', alt.Color('cluster:N', scale=alt.Scale( |
domain=df.cluster.unique().tolist()), legend=None), alt.value("lightgray")) |
opacity = alt.condition(selection, alt.value(0.7), alt.value(0.25)) |
scatter = alt.Chart(df).mark_point(size=100, filled=True).encode( |
x=alt.X('x:Q', axis=None), |
y=alt.Y('y:Q', axis=None), |
color=color, |
shape=alt.Shape('label:N', scale=alt.Scale( |
range=['circle', 'diamond'])), |
tooltip=['cluster:N', 'slice:N', 'content:N', 'label:N', 'pred:N'], |
opacity=opacity |
).properties( |
width=1000, |
height=800 |
).interactive() |
legend = alt.Chart(df).mark_point(size=100, filled=True).encode( |
x=alt.X("label:N"), |
y=alt.Y('cluster:N', axis=alt.Axis( |
orient='right'), sort='ascending', title=''), |
shape=alt.Shape('label:N', scale=alt.Scale( |
range=['circle', 'diamond']), legend=None), |
color=color, |
).add_selection( |
selection |
) |
layered = scatter | legend |
layered = layered.configure_axis( |
grid=False |
).configure_view( |
strokeOpacity=0 |
) |
content = legend.encode(text='content:N') |
return layered |
def viz_panel(embedding_df): |
""" Visualization Panel Layout""" |
all_metrics = {} |
st.warning("**Error group visualization**") |
with st.expander("How to read this chart:"): |
st.markdown("* Each **point** is an input example.") |
st.markdown("* Gray points have low-loss and the colored have high-loss. High-loss instances are clustered using **kmeans** and each color represents a cluster.") |
st.markdown( |
"* The **shape** of each point reflects the label category -- positive (diamond) or negative sentiment (circle).") |
viz = data_comparison(embedding_df) |
st.altair_chart(viz, use_container_width=True) |
@st.cache() |
def frequent_tokens(data, tokenizer, loss_quantile=0.95, top_k=200, smoothing=0.005): |
unique_tokens = [] |
tokens = [] |
for row in tqdm(data['content']): |
tokenized = tokenizer(row, padding=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt') |
tokens.append(tokenized['input_ids'].flatten()) |
unique_tokens.append(torch.unique(tokenized['input_ids'])) |
losses = data['loss'].astype(float) |
high_loss = losses.quantile(loss_quantile) |
loss_weights = np.where(losses > high_loss,losses,0.0) |
loss_weights = loss_weights / loss_weights.sum() |
token_frequencies = defaultdict(float) |
token_frequencies_error = defaultdict(float) |
weights_uniform = np.full_like(loss_weights, 1 / len(loss_weights)) |
for i in tqdm(range(len(data))): |
for token in unique_tokens[i]: |
token_frequencies[token.item()] += weights_uniform[i] |
token_frequencies_error[token.item()] += loss_weights[i] |
token_lrs = {k: (smoothing+token_frequencies_error[k]) / ( |
smoothing+token_frequencies[k]) for k in token_frequencies} |
tokens_sorted = list(map(lambda x: x[0], sorted( |
token_lrs.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[::-1])) |
top_tokens = [] |
for i, (token) in enumerate(tokens_sorted[:top_k]): |
top_tokens.append(['%10s' % (tokenizer.decode(token)), '%.4f' % (token_frequencies[token]), '%.4f' % ( |
token_frequencies_error[token]), '%4.2f' % (token_lrs[token])]) |
return pd.DataFrame(top_tokens, columns=['token', 'freq', 'error-freq', 'ratio']) |
def load_precached_groups(data_ll, df_list, num_clusters, group_dict_path, group_idx_path, num_points=1000): |
merged = dynamic_groups(df_list, num_clusters) |
down_samp = len(data_ll) - (num_points-len(merged)) |
sample_idx = data_ll.sample(n=down_samp) |
data_ll = data_ll.drop(sample_idx.index) |
data_ll['cluster'] = merged.loc[merged['cluster'].idxmax()].cluster + 1 |
merged = pd.concat([merged, data_ll]) |
return merged |
def dynamic_groups(df_list, num_clusters): |
merged = pd.DataFrame() |
ind = 0 |
for df in df_list: |
kmeans_df, assigned_clusters = kmeans(df, num_clusters=num_clusters) |
kmeans_df['cluster'] = kmeans_df['cluster'] + ind*num_clusters |
ind = ind+1 |
merged = pd.concat([merged, kmeans_df]) |
return merged |
@st.cache(ttl=600) |
def get_data(inference, emb): |
preds = inference.outputs.numpy() |
losses = inference.losses.numpy() |
embeddings = pd.DataFrame(emb, columns=['x', 'y']) |
num_examples = len(losses) |
return pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(np.transpose(np.vstack([dataset[:num_examples]['content'], |
dataset[:num_examples]['label'], preds, losses])), columns=['content', 'label', 'pred', 'loss']), embeddings], axis=1) |
def kmeans(data, num_clusters=3): |
X = np.array(data['embedding'].to_list()) |
kclusterer = KMeansClusterer( |
num_clusters, distance=nltk.cluster.util.cosine_distance, |
repeats=25, avoid_empty_clusters=True) |
assigned_clusters = kclusterer.cluster(X, assign_clusters=True) |
data['cluster'] = pd.Series( |
assigned_clusters, index=data.index).astype('int') |
data['centroid'] = data['cluster'].apply(lambda x: kclusterer.means()[x]) |
return data, assigned_clusters |
def distance_from_centroid(row): |
return sdist.norm(row['embedding'] - row['centroid'].tolist()) |
@st.cache(ttl=600) |
def craft_prompt(cluster_df): |
instruction = "In this task, we'll assign a short and precise label to a cluster of documents based on the topics or concepts most relevant to these documents. The documents are all subsets of a sentiment classification dataset.\n" |
if len(cluster_df) > 10: |
content = cluster_df['content'].str[:600].tolist() |
else: |
content = cluster_df['content'].str[:1000].tolist() |
examples = '\n - '.join(content) |
text = instruction + '- ' + examples + '\n Cluster label:' |
return text.strip() |
@st.cache(ttl=600) |
def topic_distribution(weights, smoothing=0.01): |
topic_frequencies = defaultdict(float) |
topic_frequencies_error = defaultdict(float) |
weights_uniform = np.full_like(weights, 1 / len(weights)) |
num_examples = len(weights) |
for i in range(num_examples): |
example = dataset[i] |
category = example['title'] |
topic_frequencies[category] += weights_uniform[i] |
topic_frequencies_error[category] += weights[i] |
topic_ratios = {c: (smoothing + topic_frequencies_error[c]) / ( |
smoothing + topic_frequencies[c]) for c in topic_frequencies} |
categories_sorted = map(lambda x: x[0], sorted( |
topic_ratios.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)) |
topic_distr = [] |
for category in categories_sorted: |
topic_distr.append(['%.3f' % topic_frequencies[category], '%.3f' % |
topic_frequencies_error[category], '%.2f' % topic_ratios[category], '%s' % category]) |
return pd.DataFrame(topic_distr, columns=['Overall frequency', 'Error frequency', 'Ratio', 'Category']) |
def populate_session(dataset, model): |
data_df = read_file_to_df( |
'./assets/data/'+dataset + '_' + model+'.parquet') |
if model == 'albert-base-v2-yelp-polarity': |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('textattack/'+model) |
else: |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model) |
return tokenizer |
@st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) |
def read_file_to_df(file): |
return pd.read_parquet(file) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="Interactive Error Analysis") |
ut.init_style() |
lcol, rcol = st.columns([5, 2]) |
dataset = st.sidebar.selectbox( |
"Dataset", |
["amazon_polarity", "yelp_polarity", "imdb"], |
index=1 |
) |
model = st.sidebar.selectbox( |
"Model", |
["distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english", |
"albert-base-v2-yelp-polarity", "distilbert-imdb"], |
) |
if dataset == 'imdb': |
data_df = read_file_to_df('./assets/data/imdb_distilbert.parquet') |
else: |
data_df = read_file_to_df( |
'./assets/data/'+dataset + '_' + model+'.parquet') |
data_df = data_df[:20000] |
loss_quantile = st.sidebar.slider( |
"Loss Quantile", min_value=0.9, max_value=1.0, step=0.01, value=0.98 |
) |
data_df['loss'] = data_df['loss'].astype(float) |
data_df['pred'] = data_df['pred'].astype(int) |
losses = data_df['loss'] |
high_loss = losses.quantile(loss_quantile) |
data_df['slice'] = np.where(data_df['loss'] >= high_loss, 'high-loss', 'low-loss') |
data_hl = pd.DataFrame(data_df[data_df['slice'] == 'high-loss']) |
data_ll = pd.DataFrame(data_df[data_df['slice'] == 'low-loss']) |
df_list = [d for _, d in data_hl.groupby(['label'])] |
run_kmeans = st.sidebar.radio( |
"Cluster error group?", ('True', 'False'), index=0) |
num_clusters = st.sidebar.slider( |
"# clusters", min_value=1, max_value=60, step=1, value=3) |
num_points = st.sidebar.slider( |
"# data points to visualize", min_value=1000, max_value=5000, step=100, value=1000) |
selected_cluster = st.sidebar.number_input( |
label='Cluster #:', max_value=num_clusters-1, min_value=0) |
if run_kmeans == 'True': |
with st.spinner(text='running kmeans...'): |
group_dict_path = './assets/data/cluster-labels/'+dataset+'.pkl' |
group_idx_path = './assets/data/cluster-labels/'+dataset+'_idx.pkl' |
merged = load_precached_groups(data_ll, df_list, int( |
(num_clusters/2)), group_dict_path, group_idx_path, num_points=num_points) |
cluster_content = craft_prompt( |
merged.loc[merged['cluster'] == selected_cluster]) |
with lcol: |
st.markdown('<h5>Error Groups</h5>', unsafe_allow_html=True) |
with st.expander("How to read this table:"): |
st.markdown( |
"* *Error groups* refers to the subset of evaluation dataset the model performs poorly on.") |
st.markdown( |
"* The table displays model error groups on the evaluation dataset, sorted by loss.") |
st.markdown( |
"* Each row is an input example that includes the label, model pred, loss, and error group.") |
with st.spinner(text='loading error groups...'): |
dataframe = merged[['content', 'label', 'pred', 'loss', 'cluster']].sort_values( |
by=['loss'], ascending=False) |
st.write(dataframe.style.format( |
{'loss': '{:.2f}'}), width=1000, height=300) |
with rcol: |
with st.spinner(text='loading...'): |
st.markdown('<h5>Word Distribution in Error Groups</h5>', |
unsafe_allow_html=True) |
if dataset == 'imdb': |
commontokens = read_file_to_df('./assets/data/imdb_distilbert_commontokens.parquet') |
else: |
commontokens = read_file_to_df( |
'./assets/data/'+dataset + '_' + model+'_commontokens.parquet') |
with st.expander("How to read this table:"): |
st.markdown( |
"* The table displays the most frequent tokens in error groups, relative to their frequencies in the val set.") |
st.write(commontokens) |
with st.spinner(text='loading visualization...'): |
viz_panel(merged) |
st.sidebar.download_button( |
data=cluster_content, |
label="Build prompt from data", |
file_name='prompt' |
) |