File size: 5,816 Bytes
0c39b50 e7bbb2c 0c39b50 e7bbb2c 0c39b50 2414a72 0c39b50 e7bbb2c 0c39b50 e7bbb2c 0c39b50 8b1250d 0c39b50 e7bbb2c 0c39b50 e7bbb2c 0c39b50 e7bbb2c |
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from RestrictedPython import compile_restricted
from RestrictedPython.PrintCollector import PrintCollector
from RestrictedPython.Guards import safe_globals, safe_builtins, guarded_iter_unpack_sequence
from RestrictedPython.Eval import default_guarded_getiter, default_guarded_getitem
from RestrictedPython.Utilities import utility_builtins
from RestrictedPython.Guards import guarded_unpack_sequence
from RestrictedPython.Limits import limited_range, limited_list, limited_tuple
from io import StringIO
import types
def eval_restricted_script(script):
# Set up print collector and output handling
all_prints = StringIO()
class CustomPrintCollector:
"""Collect printed text, accumulating in shared StringIO"""
def __init__(self, _getattr_=None):
self.txt = []
self._getattr_ = _getattr_
def write(self, text):
def __call__(self):
result = ''.join(self.txt)
return result
def _call_print(self, *objects, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('file', None) is None:
kwargs['file'] = self
self._getattr_(kwargs['file'], 'write')
print(*objects, **kwargs)
# Create the restricted builtins dictionary
restricted_builtins = dict(safe_builtins)
restricted_builtins.update(utility_builtins) # Add safe __import__
# Print handling
'_print_': CustomPrintCollector,
'_getattr_': getattr,
'_getitem_': default_guarded_getitem,
'_getiter_': default_guarded_getiter,
'_iter_unpack_sequence_': guarded_iter_unpack_sequence,
'_unpack_sequence_': guarded_unpack_sequence,
'_inplacevar_': protected_inplacevar,
'_apply_': _apply,
'_write_': _default_write_,
# Define allowed imports
'__allowed_modules__': ['math', 'datetime'],
'__import__': __import__,
# Basic functions
'len': len,
'range': limited_range,
'enumerate': enumerate,
'zip': zip,
# Math operations
'sum': sum,
'max': max,
'min': min,
'abs': abs,
'round': round,
'pow': pow,
# Type conversions
'int': int,
'float': float,
'str': str,
'bool': bool,
'list': limited_list,
'tuple': limited_tuple,
'set': set,
'dict': dict,
'bytes': bytes,
'bytearray': bytearray,
# Sequence operations
'all': all,
'any': any,
'sorted': sorted,
'reversed': reversed,
# String operations
'chr': chr,
'ord': ord,
# Other safe operations
'isinstance': isinstance,
'issubclass': issubclass,
'hasattr': hasattr,
'callable': callable,
'format': format,
# Create the restricted globals dictionary
restricted_globals = dict(safe_globals)
restricted_globals['__builtins__'] = restricted_builtins
byte_code = compile_restricted(script, filename='<inline>', mode='exec')
exec(byte_code, restricted_globals)
return {
'prints': all_prints.getvalue(),
'success': True
except Exception as e:
return {
'error': str(e),
'success': False
def _default_write_(obj):
if isinstance(obj, types.ModuleType):
raise ValueError("Modules are not allowed in to be written to.")
return obj
Borrowed implementation of _inplacevar_ from the Zope Foundations's AccessControl module
valid_inplace_types = (list, set)
inplace_slots = {
'+=': '__iadd__',
'-=': '__isub__',
'*=': '__imul__',
'/=': (1 / 2 == 0) and '__idiv__' or '__itruediv__',
'//=': '__ifloordiv__',
'%=': '__imod__',
'**=': '__ipow__',
'<<=': '__ilshift__',
'>>=': '__irshift__',
'&=': '__iand__',
'^=': '__ixor__',
'|=': '__ior__',
def __iadd__(x, y):
x += y
return x
def __isub__(x, y):
x -= y
return x
def __imul__(x, y):
x *= y
return x
def __idiv__(x, y):
x /= y
return x
def __ifloordiv__(x, y):
x //= y
return x
def __imod__(x, y):
x %= y
return x
def __ipow__(x, y):
x **= y
return x
def __ilshift__(x, y):
x <<= y
return x
def __irshift__(x, y):
x >>= y
return x
def __iand__(x, y):
x &= y
return x
def __ixor__(x, y):
x ^= y
return x
def __ior__(x, y):
x |= y
return x
inplace_ops = {
'+=': __iadd__,
'-=': __isub__,
'*=': __imul__,
'/=': __idiv__,
'//=': __ifloordiv__,
'%=': __imod__,
'**=': __ipow__,
'<<=': __ilshift__,
'>>=': __irshift__,
'&=': __iand__,
'^=': __ixor__,
'|=': __ior__,
def protected_inplacevar(op, var, expr):
"""Do an inplace operation
If the var has an inplace slot, then disallow the operation
unless the var an instance of ``valid_inplace_types``.
if hasattr(var, inplace_slots[op]) and \
not isinstance(var, valid_inplace_types):
cls = var.__class__
except AttributeError:
cls = type(var)
raise TypeError(
"Augmented assignment to %s objects is not allowed"
" in untrusted code" % cls.__name__)
return inplace_ops[op](var, expr)
def _apply(f, *a, **kw):
return f(*a, **kw) |