No application file
No application file
# micro lib to implement the watermarking extensions to LM generation | |
# as well as utils for eval/validaiton | |
from typing import List, Optional, Callable | |
import time | |
import random | |
import math | |
import torch | |
import numpy as np | |
from torch import Tensor | |
from tokenizers import Tokenizer | |
from transformers import LogitsProcessor, LogitsProcessorList, set_seed | |
def tokenize_and_truncate(example: dict, | |
completion_length: int = None, | |
prompt_length: int = None, | |
hf_model_name: str = None, | |
tokenizer = None, | |
model_max_seq_len: int = 4096): | |
"""take hf dataset entry and preprocess it for completion by a model""" | |
assert hf_model_name is not None, "need model name to know whether to adjust wrt special tokens" | |
assert "text" in example, "expects 'text' field to be present" | |
# tokenize | |
inputs = tokenizer.encode(example["text"], return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, max_length=model_max_seq_len) | |
example.update({"untruncated_inputs": inputs}) | |
if (completion_length is not None) and (prompt_length is None): | |
# leave at least one token as prefix # FIXME I think plus 1 since 0 is start tok | |
slice_length = min(inputs.shape[1]-1, completion_length) | |
elif (prompt_length is not None) and (completion_length is None): | |
desired_comp_len = (inputs.shape[1]-1) - prompt_length | |
slice_length = desired_comp_len if desired_comp_len > 0 else 0 | |
else: | |
raise ValueError((f"Can only tokenize and truncate based on either the desired prompt length or desired completion length,", | |
f" but got completion_length:{completion_length},prompt_length:{prompt_length}")) | |
# truncate | |
inputs = inputs[:,:inputs.shape[1]-slice_length] | |
# logic depending on special tokens for the model | |
if "t5" in hf_model_name or "T0" in hf_model_name: | |
inputs[0,-1] = 1 | |
# else: pass | |
example.update({"inputs": inputs}) | |
return example | |
class BlacklistLogitsProcessor(LogitsProcessor): | |
""" | |
[`LogitsProcessor`] that enforces that specified sequences will never be sampled. | |
Args: | |
bad_words_ids (`List[List[int]]`): | |
List of list of token ids that are not allowed to be generated. In order to get the token ids of the words | |
that should not appear in the generated text, use `tokenizer(bad_words, add_prefix_space=True, | |
add_special_tokens=False).input_ids`. | |
eos_token_id (`int`): | |
The id of the *end-of-sequence* token. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, | |
bad_words_ids: List[List[int]], | |
eos_token_id: int, | |
vocab: list[int], | |
vocab_size: int, | |
bl_proportion: float=0.5, | |
bl_logit_bias: float=1.0, | |
bl_type: str = "hard", # "soft" | |
initial_seed: int=None, | |
dynamic_seed: str=None, # "initial", "markov_1", None | |
store_bl_ids: bool=True, | |
store_spike_ents: bool = False, | |
noop_blacklist: bool = False, | |
): | |
self.vocab = vocab | |
self.vocab_size = vocab_size | |
self.bl_proportion = bl_proportion | |
self.bl_logit_bias = bl_logit_bias | |
self.bl_type = bl_type | |
if initial_seed is None: | |
self.initial_seed = None | |
assert dynamic_seed != "initial" | |
else: | |
random.seed(initial_seed) | |
self.initial_seed = initial_seed | |
self.dynamic_seed = dynamic_seed | |
self.eos_token_id = eos_token_id | |
# self.bad_words_id_length_1 = self._prepare_bad_words(bad_words_ids) | |
self.bad_words_mask: Optional[torch.LongTensor] = None | |
self.store_bl_ids = store_bl_ids | |
self.bl_ids = None | |
self.store_spike_ents = store_spike_ents | |
self.spike_entropies = None | |
# hack to replace this with an approximation of infinite bias | |
# so that the expectation coefficient will come out to 1.0 | |
if self.bl_type == "hard": | |
self.bl_logit_bias = 10000 # FIXME to a value that is actually close to the largest soft watermark used | |
alpha = torch.exp(torch.tensor(self.bl_logit_bias)).item() | |
# gamma = self.bl_proportion | |
gamma = 1.0-self.bl_proportion | |
self.alpha = alpha | |
self.gamma = gamma | |
self.z_value = ((1-gamma)*(alpha-1))/(1-gamma+(alpha*gamma)) | |
self.expected_wl_coef = (gamma*alpha)/(1-gamma+(alpha*gamma)) | |
# catch for overflow when bias is "infinite" | |
if self.alpha == torch.inf: | |
self.z_value = 1.0 | |
self.expected_wl_coef = 1.0 | |
self.noop_blacklist = noop_blacklist | |
if self.noop_blacklist: print(f"Blacklist processor for accounting only, no rescoring of logits") | |
self.g_cuda = None | |
self.large_prime = 15485863 | |
def blacklisted_ids(self): | |
assert self.store_bl_ids, "Need to instantiate processor with `store_bl_ids` to be able to retrieve them later" | |
# flatten the each indexes blacklist | |
l_of_bl_ids = [[] for _ in range(len(self.bl_ids))] | |
for b_idx, batch in enumerate(self.bl_ids): | |
for l_of_l, seed in batch: | |
bl_ids = [l[0] for l in l_of_l] # this was the main line, maybe unnecessary now? | |
l_of_bl_ids[b_idx].append((bl_ids,seed)) | |
return l_of_bl_ids | |
def get_and_clear_stored_bl_ids(self): | |
old_bl_ids = self.bl_ids | |
self.bl_ids = None | |
return old_bl_ids | |
def get_spike_entropies(self): | |
spike_ents = [[] for _ in range(len(self.spike_entropies))] | |
for b_idx, ent_tensor_list in enumerate(self.spike_entropies): | |
for ent_tensor in ent_tensor_list: | |
spike_ents[b_idx].append(ent_tensor.item()) | |
return spike_ents | |
def get_and_clear_stored_spike_ents(self): | |
spike_ents = self.get_spike_entropies() | |
self.spike_entropies = None | |
return spike_ents | |
def compute_spike_entropy(self, scores): | |
# precomputed z value in init | |
probs = scores.softmax(dim=-1) | |
denoms = 1+(self.z_value*probs) | |
renormed_probs = probs / denoms | |
sum_renormed_probs = renormed_probs.sum() | |
return sum_renormed_probs | |
def __call__(self, input_ids: torch.LongTensor, scores: torch.FloatTensor) -> torch.FloatTensor: | |
self.bad_words_id_length_1 = [None for _ in range(input_ids.shape[0])] | |
if self.g_cuda is None: | |
self.g_cuda = torch.Generator(device=input_ids.device) | |
for b_idx in range(input_ids.shape[0]): | |
if self.dynamic_seed == "initial": | |
self.g_cuda.manual_seed(self.large_prime*self.initial_seed) | |
elif self.dynamic_seed == "markov_1": | |
self.g_cuda.manual_seed(self.large_prime*input_ids[b_idx][-1].item()) | |
elif self.dynamic_seed is None: | |
# let the rng evolve naturally - this is not a realistic setting | |
pass | |
bl_ct = int(self.vocab_size*self.bl_proportion) | |
blacklist_ids = torch.randperm(self.vocab_size, device=input_ids.device, generator=self.g_cuda)[:bl_ct] # ty Yuxin :] | |
if self.store_bl_ids: | |
if self.bl_ids is None: self.bl_ids = [[] for _ in range(input_ids.shape[0])] | |
self.bl_ids[b_idx].append((blacklist_ids,input_ids.tolist()[b_idx][-1])) | |
if self.store_spike_ents: | |
if self.spike_entropies is None: self.spike_entropies = [[] for _ in range(input_ids.shape[0])] | |
self.spike_entropies[b_idx].append(self.compute_spike_entropy(scores[b_idx])) | |
# self.bad_words_id_length_1[b_idx] = self._prepare_bad_words(blacklist_ids) | |
# this logic may not really be necessary for our usecase | |
self.bad_words_id_length_1[b_idx] = blacklist_ids | |
if not self.noop_blacklist: | |
self.bad_words_mask = self._calc_curr_bad_word_mask(scores) | |
scores = self._set_scores_to_inf_for_banned_tokens(scores) | |
return scores | |
def _prepare_bad_words(self, bad_words_ids: List[List[int]]) -> list[int]: | |
bad_words_ids = list(filter(lambda bad_token_seq: bad_token_seq != [self.eos_token_id], bad_words_ids)) | |
return bad_words_ids | |
# used to have more logic, not used now | |
def _calc_curr_bad_word_mask(self, scores: torch.FloatTensor) -> torch.BoolTensor: | |
bad_words_mask = torch.zeros_like(scores) | |
for b_idx in range(len(self.bad_words_id_length_1)): | |
bad_words_mask[b_idx][self.bad_words_id_length_1[b_idx]] = 1 | |
final_mask = bad_words_mask.bool() | |
return final_mask | |
def _set_scores_to_inf_for_banned_tokens( | |
self, scores: torch.Tensor | |
) -> torch.Tensor: | |
""" | |
Modifies the scores in place by setting the banned token positions to `-inf`. Banned token is expected to be a | |
list of list of banned tokens to ban in the format [[batch index, vocabulary position],... | |
Args: | |
scores: logits distribution of shape (batch size, vocabulary size) | |
banned_tokens: list of list of tokens to ban of length (batch_size) | |
# NOTE^^ Omitted logic for dynamic mask based on multi-token ban words | |
""" | |
if self.bl_type == "hard": | |
scores = scores.masked_fill(self.bad_words_mask, -float("inf")) | |
elif self.bl_type == "soft": | |
whitelist_mask = torch.logical_not(self.bad_words_mask) | |
blacklist_mask = self.bad_words_mask | |
scores[whitelist_mask] = scores[whitelist_mask] + self.bl_logit_bias | |
# scores[blacklist_mask] = scores[blacklist_mask] - self.bl_logit_bias # additive only | |
else: | |
raise NotImplementedError(f"unrecognized bl type {self.bl_type}!") | |
return scores | |
def score_sequence(inputs: Tensor = None, | |
outputs: Tensor = None, | |
tokenizer: Tokenizer = None, | |
# logits_processor: LogitsProcessor = None, | |
initial_seed: int = None, | |
dynamic_seed: str = None, | |
bl_proportion: float = None, | |
use_cuda: bool = True, | |
record_hits: bool = False, | |
debug: bool = True, | |
# trim_tokens: int = 2, | |
): | |
assert (inputs is not None) and \ | |
(outputs is not None) and \ | |
(tokenizer is not None),"output tensor, tokenizer, and bl params req'd" | |
# (logits_processor is not None), | |
vocabulary = list(tokenizer.get_vocab().values()) | |
vocab_size = len(vocabulary) | |
model_generations = outputs.tolist()[0] # these are tensors unpack once for speed | |
# toks_generated = model_generations[num_orig_input_tokens:] | |
toks_generated = model_generations | |
num_toks_generated = len(toks_generated) | |
# num_toks_to_trim = trim_tokens*2 | |
# if (num_toks_generated-num_toks_to_trim > 0) == False: | |
# return -1, -1 | |
# assert num_toks_generated > num_toks_to_trim, f"Need more than {num_toks_to_trim} toks total since we trim start and end a bit." | |
# toks_generated = toks_generated[trim_tokens:-trim_tokens] | |
if initial_seed is not None: | |
random.seed(initial_seed) | |
device = (torch.device("cuda") if use_cuda else torch.device("cpu")) | |
g_cuda = torch.Generator(device=device) | |
large_prime = 15485863 | |
bl_hits, hit_list = 0, [] | |
prev_token = inputs[0][-1].item() | |
# prev_token = toks_generated[0] # haven't decided whether this edge effect matters | |
# for idx,tok_gend in enumerate(toks_generated[1:]): | |
for idx,tok_gend in enumerate(toks_generated): | |
# prev_token = model_generations[num_orig_input_tokens+idx-1] | |
if dynamic_seed == "initial": | |
g_cuda.manual_seed(large_prime*initial_seed) | |
elif dynamic_seed == "markov_1": | |
g_cuda.manual_seed(large_prime*prev_token) | |
elif dynamic_seed is None: | |
# let the rng evolve naturally - this is not a realistic setting | |
pass | |
bl_ct = int(vocab_size*bl_proportion) | |
posthoc_blacklist = torch.randperm(vocab_size, device=device, generator=g_cuda)[:bl_ct] # ty Yuxin :] | |
tok_in_ph_bl = tok_gend in posthoc_blacklist | |
if tok_in_ph_bl: | |
bl_hits += 1 | |
hit_list.append(True) | |
else: | |
hit_list.append(False) | |
if debug: | |
decoded_token = tokenizer.decode(tok_gend, skip_special_tokens=True) | |
print(f"Token generated: '{decoded_token}' was in the blacklist {tok_in_ph_bl}") | |
prev_token = tok_gend | |
if debug: | |
print(f"wl hits / num tokens : {num_toks_generated-bl_hits}/{num_toks_generated} = {(num_toks_generated-bl_hits)/num_toks_generated:.02f}") | |
print(f"bl hits / num tokens : {bl_hits}/{num_toks_generated} = {bl_hits/num_toks_generated:.02f}") | |
if record_hits: | |
return bl_hits, num_toks_generated, hit_list | |
# bl_fraction = bl_hits/num_toks_generated | |
return bl_hits, num_toks_generated | |
def tokenize_for_generation(example: dict, | |
idx: int, | |
max_new_tokens: int=None, | |
min_prompt_tokens: int=None, | |
hf_model_name : str=None, | |
tokenizer: Tokenizer=None, | |
model: torch.nn.Module=None): | |
# preprocessing, generation & scoring | |
assert isinstance(example, dict), "Expect no batch dimension currently!" | |
# preprocess for model generation/completion | |
example = tokenize_and_truncate(example, | |
completion_length=max_new_tokens, | |
prompt_length=min_prompt_tokens, | |
hf_model_name=hf_model_name, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer, | |
# model_max_seq_len=model.config.max_position_embeddings) | |
model_max_seq_len=None) | |
inputs = example["inputs"] | |
# for calculating the baseline violation rate across the "gold" completion | |
untruncated_inputs = example["untruncated_inputs"] | |
# decode the preprocessed input to store for audit | |
re_decoded_input = tokenizer.batch_decode(inputs, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
example.update({"truncated_input":re_decoded_input}) | |
# also decode the original suffix of the input for audit as the baseline | |
decoded_untruncated_input = tokenizer.batch_decode(untruncated_inputs, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
example.update({"baseline_completion":decoded_untruncated_input.replace(re_decoded_input,"")}) | |
example.update({ | |
"orig_sample_length" : untruncated_inputs.shape[1], | |
"prompt_length" : inputs.shape[1], | |
"real_completion_length" : untruncated_inputs.shape[1] - inputs.shape[1], | |
}) | |
return example | |
def generate_completions(example: dict, | |
idx: int, | |
max_new_tokens: int=None, | |
hf_model_name : str=None, | |
tokenizer: Tokenizer=None, | |
model: torch.nn.Module=None, | |
no_bl_partial: Callable=None, | |
w_bl_partial: Callable=None, | |
# return_logits: bool=False, | |
bl_processor_list: LogitsProcessorList=None): | |
# preprocessing, generation & scoring | |
assert isinstance(example, dict), "Expect no batch dimension currently!" | |
# # preprocess for model generation/completion | |
# example = tokenize_and_truncate(example, | |
# completion_length=max_new_tokens, | |
# hf_model_name=hf_model_name, | |
# tokenizer=tokenizer, | |
# model_max_seq_len=model.config.max_position_embeddings) | |
# inputs = example["inputs"] | |
# # for calculating the baseline violation rate across the "gold" completion | |
# untruncated_inputs = example["untruncated_inputs"] | |
# # decode the preprocessed input to store for audit | |
# re_decoded_input = tokenizer.batch_decode(inputs, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
# example.update({"truncated_input":re_decoded_input}) | |
# # also decode the original suffix of the input for audit as the baseline | |
# decoded_untruncated_input = tokenizer.batch_decode(untruncated_inputs, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
# example.update({"baseline_completion":decoded_untruncated_input.replace(re_decoded_input,"")}) | |
inputs = example["inputs"] | |
re_decoded_input = example["truncated_input"] | |
# call the vanilla and watermarked generation function wrappers with the preprocessed inputs | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
samples_taken = 0 | |
max_retries = 10 | |
success = False | |
while (success is False) and (samples_taken < max_retries): | |
samples_taken += 1 | |
# set_seed(1234) # debugging the error when using sampling # leaving this off for now | |
start_generation = time.time() | |
outputs_no_bl = no_bl_partial( | |
example["no_bl_gen_time"] = time.time() - start_generation | |
# set_seed(1234) # debugging the error when using sampling | |
start_generation = time.time() | |
outputs_w_bl = w_bl_partial( | |
example["w_bl_gen_time"] = time.time() - start_generation | |
# if return_logits: | |
# output_no_bl_dict = outputs_no_bl | |
# logits_no_bl = output_no_bl_dict.scores | |
# outputs_no_bl = output_no_bl_dict.sequences | |
# example["logits_no_bl"] = logits_no_bl | |
# output_w_bl_dict = outputs_w_bl | |
# logits_w_bl = output_w_bl_dict.scores | |
# outputs_w_bl = output_w_bl_dict.sequences | |
# example["logits_w_bl"] = logits_w_bl | |
if bl_processor_list: | |
if bl_processor_list[0].bl_ids is not None: | |
example["bl_ids"] = bl_processor_list[0].get_and_clear_stored_bl_ids() | |
if bl_processor_list[0].spike_entropies is not None: | |
example["spike_entropies"] = bl_processor_list[0].get_and_clear_stored_spike_ents() | |
try: | |
# decode and store the new generations for auditing | |
no_bl_decoded_output = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs_no_bl, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
example.update({"no_bl_output":no_bl_decoded_output.replace(re_decoded_input,"")}) | |
w_bl_decoded_output = tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs_w_bl, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
example.update({"w_bl_output":w_bl_decoded_output.replace(re_decoded_input,"")}) | |
success = True | |
except: | |
# log what happened | |
print(f"Error while trying to decode the outputs of the model...") | |
if samples_taken == 1: | |
print(f"truncated_input: {inputs.tolist()}") | |
print(f"Result of attempt {samples_taken}") | |
print(f"shape outputs_no_bl: {outputs_no_bl.shape}") | |
no_bl_toks = outputs_no_bl.tolist()[0] | |
print(f"outputs_no_bl: {no_bl_toks}") | |
print(f"outputs_no_bl min: {min(no_bl_toks)}") | |
print(f"outputs_no_bl max: {max(no_bl_toks)}") | |
print(f"shape outputs_w_bl: {outputs_w_bl.shape}") | |
w_bl_toks = outputs_w_bl.tolist()[0] | |
print(f"outputs_w_bl: {w_bl_toks}") | |
print(f"outputs_w_bl min: {min(w_bl_toks)}") | |
print(f"outputs_w_bl max: {max(w_bl_toks)}") | |
if success is False: | |
print(f"Unable to get both a no_bl and w_bl output that were decodeable after {samples_taken} tries, returning empty strings.") | |
example.update({"no_bl_output":""}) | |
example.update({"w_bl_output":""}) | |
if bl_processor_list: | |
if bl_processor_list[0].bl_ids is not None: | |
example["bl_ids"] = [] | |
if bl_processor_list[0].spike_entropies is not None: | |
example["spike_entropies"] = [] | |
# Able to get lengths in here by checking | |
# truncated input shape versus the output shape | |
example.update({ | |
# "baseline_num_tokens_generated" : untruncated_inputs.shape[1] - inputs.shape[1], # want this earlier now | |
"no_bl_num_tokens_generated" : outputs_no_bl.shape[1] - inputs.shape[1], | |
"w_bl_num_tokens_generated" : outputs_w_bl.shape[1] - inputs.shape[1] | |
}) | |
example.update({ | |
"no_bl_sec_per_tok" : example["no_bl_gen_time"]/example["no_bl_num_tokens_generated"], | |
"no_bl_tok_per_sec" : example["no_bl_num_tokens_generated"]/example["no_bl_gen_time"], | |
"w_bl_sec_per_tok" : example["w_bl_gen_time"]/example["w_bl_num_tokens_generated"], | |
"w_bl_tok_per_sec" : example["w_bl_num_tokens_generated"]/example["w_bl_gen_time"], | |
}) | |
# now done externally because these persist outside this func | |
# # remove any fields we don't need to keep | |
# del example["inputs"] | |
# del example["untruncated_inputs"] | |
return example | |
def compute_bl_metrics(example: dict, | |
idx: int, | |
hf_model_name: str = None, | |
tokenizer: Tokenizer=None, | |
initial_seed: int = None, | |
dynamic_seed: str = None, | |
bl_proportion: float = None, | |
use_cuda: bool = None, | |
record_hits: bool = False, | |
limit_output_tokens: int = 0): | |
# if example["idx"] == 3: breakpoint() | |
# okay need to catch an odd bug here and fix things | |
baseline_before = example["baseline_completion"] | |
example["baseline_completion"] = baseline_before.replace(example["truncated_input"][:-1],"") | |
if example["baseline_completion"] != baseline_before: | |
print("baseline input replacement bug occurred!") | |
no_bl_before = example["no_bl_output"] | |
example["no_bl_output"] = no_bl_before.replace(example["truncated_input"][:-1],"") | |
if example["no_bl_output"] != no_bl_before: | |
print("no_bl_output input replacement bug occurred!") | |
w_bl_before = example["w_bl_output"] | |
example["w_bl_output"] = w_bl_before.replace(example["truncated_input"][:-1],"") | |
if example["w_bl_output"] != w_bl_before: | |
print("w_bl_output input replacement bug occurred!") | |
if ("w_bl_output_attacked" in example): | |
w_bl_attacked_before = example["w_bl_output_attacked"] | |
example["w_bl_output_attacked"] = w_bl_attacked_before.replace(example["truncated_input"][:-1],"") | |
if example["w_bl_output_attacked"] != w_bl_attacked_before: | |
print("w_bl_output_attacked input replacement bug occurred!") | |
########## | |
# preprocess for model generation/completion | |
inputs = tokenize_and_truncate({"text":example["truncated_input"]}, | |
completion_length=0, | |
hf_model_name=hf_model_name, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer)["inputs"] | |
baseline_outputs = tokenize_and_truncate({"text":example["baseline_completion"]}, | |
completion_length=0, | |
hf_model_name=hf_model_name, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer)["inputs"][:,1:] | |
no_bl_outputs = tokenize_and_truncate({"text":example["no_bl_output"]}, | |
completion_length=0, | |
hf_model_name=hf_model_name, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer)["inputs"][:,1:] | |
w_bl_outputs = tokenize_and_truncate({"text":example["w_bl_output"]}, | |
completion_length=0, | |
hf_model_name=hf_model_name, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer)["inputs"][:,1:] | |
if "w_bl_output_attacked" in example: | |
w_bl_attacked_outputs = tokenize_and_truncate({"text":example["w_bl_output_attacked"]}, | |
completion_length=0, | |
hf_model_name=hf_model_name, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer)["inputs"][:,1:] | |
else: | |
w_bl_attacked_outputs = None | |
if limit_output_tokens > 0: | |
example["orig_baseline_completion"] = example["baseline_completion"] | |
example["orig_real_completion_length"] = example["real_completion_length"] | |
baseline_outputs = baseline_outputs[:,:limit_output_tokens] | |
example["real_completion_length"] = baseline_outputs.shape[1] | |
example["baseline_completion"] = tokenizer.batch_decode(baseline_outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
example["orig_no_bl_output"] = example["no_bl_output"] | |
example["orig_no_bl_num_tokens_generated"] = example["no_bl_num_tokens_generated"] | |
no_bl_outputs = no_bl_outputs[:,:limit_output_tokens] | |
example["no_bl_num_tokens_generated"] = no_bl_outputs.shape[1] | |
example["no_bl_output"] = tokenizer.batch_decode(no_bl_outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
example["orig_w_bl_output"] = example["w_bl_output"] | |
example["orig_w_bl_num_tokens_generated"] = example["w_bl_num_tokens_generated"] | |
w_bl_outputs = w_bl_outputs[:,:limit_output_tokens] | |
example["w_bl_num_tokens_generated"] = w_bl_outputs.shape[1] | |
example["w_bl_output"] = tokenizer.batch_decode(w_bl_outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
example["orig_spike_entropies"] = example["spike_entropies"] | |
example["spike_entropies"] = [example["spike_entropies"][0][:limit_output_tokens]] | |
if "w_bl_output_attacked" in example: | |
# raise NotImplementedError("Havent thought what to do yet for this") | |
example["orig_w_bl_output_attacked"] = example["w_bl_output_attacked"] | |
# example["orig_w_bl_attacked_num_tokens_generated"] = example["w_bl_attacked_num_tokens_generated"] | |
w_bl_attacked_outputs = w_bl_attacked_outputs[:,:limit_output_tokens] | |
example["w_bl_attacked_num_tokens_generated"] = w_bl_attacked_outputs.shape[1] | |
example["w_bl_output_attacked"] = tokenizer.batch_decode(w_bl_attacked_outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] | |
# score the 3 sequence completions/outputs wrt to bl hits | |
result = score_sequence(inputs=inputs, | |
outputs=baseline_outputs, # <-- real text completions | |
initial_seed=initial_seed, | |
dynamic_seed=dynamic_seed, | |
bl_proportion=bl_proportion, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer, | |
use_cuda=use_cuda, | |
record_hits=record_hits, | |
debug=False) | |
if record_hits: | |
bl_hits, num_toks_gend, hit_list = result | |
else: | |
bl_hits, num_toks_gend = result | |
example.update({"baseline_num_toks_gend_eq_0":(num_toks_gend == 0)}) | |
# if num_toks_gend < 0.99*example["real_completion_length"]: breakpoint() | |
# if len(hit_list) < 0.99*example["real_completion_length"]: breakpoint() | |
if num_toks_gend == 0: | |
# print("No tokens generated, odd, avoiding div by zero and returning -1's") | |
wl_frac = -1 | |
bl_frac = -1 | |
else: | |
wl_frac = (num_toks_gend-bl_hits)/num_toks_gend | |
bl_frac = bl_hits/num_toks_gend | |
baseline_stats = { | |
"baseline_whitelist_fraction": wl_frac, | |
"baseline_blacklist_fraction": bl_frac | |
} | |
example.update(baseline_stats) | |
if record_hits: example.update({"baseline_hit_list":hit_list}) | |
result = score_sequence(inputs=inputs, | |
outputs=no_bl_outputs, # <-- non-blacklisted version | |
initial_seed=initial_seed, | |
dynamic_seed=dynamic_seed, | |
bl_proportion=bl_proportion, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer, | |
record_hits=record_hits, | |
debug=False) | |
if record_hits: | |
bl_hits, num_toks_gend, hit_list = result | |
else: | |
bl_hits, num_toks_gend = result | |
example.update({"no_bl_num_toks_gend_eq_0":(num_toks_gend == 0)}) | |
# if num_toks_gend < 0.99*example["no_bl_num_tokens_generated"]: breakpoint() | |
# if len(hit_list) < 0.99*example["no_bl_num_tokens_generated"]: breakpoint() | |
if num_toks_gend == 0: | |
# print("No tokens generated, odd, avoiding div by zero and returning -1's") | |
wl_frac = -1 | |
bl_frac = -1 | |
else: | |
wl_frac = (num_toks_gend-bl_hits)/num_toks_gend | |
bl_frac = bl_hits/num_toks_gend | |
no_bl_stats = { | |
"no_bl_whitelist_fraction": wl_frac, | |
"no_bl_blacklist_fraction": bl_frac | |
} | |
example.update(no_bl_stats) | |
if record_hits: example.update({"no_bl_hit_list":hit_list}) | |
result = score_sequence(inputs=inputs, | |
outputs=w_bl_outputs, # <-- blacklisted version | |
initial_seed=initial_seed, | |
dynamic_seed=dynamic_seed, | |
bl_proportion=bl_proportion, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer, | |
record_hits=record_hits, | |
# breakpoint_on_hit=True, # banging head against wall | |
debug=False) | |
if record_hits: | |
bl_hits, num_toks_gend, hit_list = result | |
else: | |
bl_hits, num_toks_gend = result | |
example.update({"w_bl_num_toks_gend_eq_0":(num_toks_gend == 0)}) | |
# if num_toks_gend < 0.99*example["w_bl_num_tokens_generated"]: breakpoint() | |
# if len(hit_list) < 0.99*example["w_bl_num_tokens_generated"]: breakpoint() | |
if num_toks_gend == 0: | |
# print("No tokens generated, odd, avoiding div by zero and returning -1's") | |
wl_frac = -1 | |
bl_frac = -1 | |
else: | |
wl_frac = (num_toks_gend-bl_hits)/num_toks_gend | |
bl_frac = bl_hits/num_toks_gend | |
w_bl_stats = { | |
"w_bl_whitelist_fraction": wl_frac, | |
"w_bl_blacklist_fraction": bl_frac | |
} | |
example.update(w_bl_stats) | |
if record_hits: example.update({"w_bl_hit_list":hit_list}) | |
if w_bl_attacked_outputs is not None: | |
result = score_sequence(inputs=inputs, | |
outputs=w_bl_attacked_outputs, # <-- blacklisted but attacked version | |
initial_seed=initial_seed, | |
dynamic_seed=dynamic_seed, | |
bl_proportion=bl_proportion, | |
tokenizer=tokenizer, | |
record_hits=record_hits, | |
# breakpoint_on_hit=True, # banging head against wall | |
debug=False) | |
if record_hits: | |
bl_hits, num_toks_gend, hit_list = result | |
else: | |
bl_hits, num_toks_gend = result | |
example.update({"w_bl_attacked_num_toks_gend_eq_0":(num_toks_gend == 0)}) | |
# if (num_toks_gend-bl_hits)/(num_toks_gend) < 1.0: breakpoint() | |
if num_toks_gend == 0: | |
# print("No tokens generated, odd, avoiding div by zero and returning -1's") | |
wl_frac = -1 | |
bl_frac = -1 | |
else: | |
wl_frac = (num_toks_gend-bl_hits)/num_toks_gend | |
bl_frac = bl_hits/num_toks_gend | |
w_bl_attacked_stats = { | |
"w_bl_attacked_num_tokens_generated": num_toks_gend, | |
"w_bl_attacked_whitelist_fraction": wl_frac, | |
"w_bl_attacked_blacklist_fraction": bl_frac | |
} | |
example.update(w_bl_attacked_stats) | |
if record_hits: example.update({"w_bl_attacked_hit_list":hit_list}) | |
return example | |
def aggregate_bl_stats(example: dict, idx: int, stat_table: dict): | |
stat_table["baseline_stats"]["whitelist_fraction"] += example["baseline_stats"]["whitelist_fraction"] | |
stat_table["baseline_stats"]["blacklist_fraction"] += example["baseline_stats"]["blacklist_fraction"] | |
stat_table["w_bl_stats"]["whitelist_fraction"] += example["w_bl_stats"]["whitelist_fraction"] | |
stat_table["w_bl_stats"]["blacklist_fraction"] += example["w_bl_stats"]["blacklist_fraction"] | |
stat_table["no_bl_stats"]["whitelist_fraction"] += example["no_bl_stats"]["whitelist_fraction"] | |
stat_table["no_bl_stats"]["blacklist_fraction"] += example["no_bl_stats"]["blacklist_fraction"] | |
stat_table["num_examples"] += 1 | |
return example | |
def compute_ppl_single(prefix_and_output_text = None, | |
output_text = None, | |
oracle_model_name = None, | |
oracle_model = None, | |
oracle_tokenizer = None): | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
tokd_prefix = tokenize_and_truncate({"text":prefix_and_output_text}, completion_length=0, hf_model_name=oracle_model_name, tokenizer=oracle_tokenizer, model_max_seq_len=oracle_model.config.max_position_embeddings)["inputs"] | |
tokd_inputs = tokd_prefix | |
# if only want to score the "generation" part we need the suffix tokenization length | |
tokd_suffix = tokenize_and_truncate({"text":output_text}, completion_length=0, hf_model_name=oracle_model_name, tokenizer=oracle_tokenizer, model_max_seq_len=oracle_model.config.max_position_embeddings)["inputs"] | |
tokd_inputs = | |
# make labels, mark if not including all positions | |
tokd_labels = tokd_inputs.clone().detach() | |
tokd_labels[:,:tokd_labels.shape[1]-tokd_suffix.shape[1]+1] = -100 | |
outputs = oracle_model(input_ids=tokd_inputs, labels=tokd_labels) | |
loss = outputs.loss # avg CE loss all positions (except -100, TODO plz check that this is working correctly) | |
ppl = torch.tensor(math.exp(loss)) | |
return loss.item(), ppl.item() | |
def evaluate_generation_fluency(example: dict, | |
idx: int, | |
oracle_model_name = None, | |
oracle_model = None, | |
oracle_tokenizer = None): | |
# pull out the required fields from the pipeline results | |
inputs_plus_baseline_output = f"{example['truncated_input']}{example['baseline_completion']}" | |
baseline_output = f"{example['baseline_completion']}" | |
inputs_plus_no_bl_output = f"{example['truncated_input']}{example['no_bl_output']}" | |
no_bl_output = f"{example['no_bl_output']}" | |
inputs_plus_w_bl_output = f"{example['truncated_input']}{example['w_bl_output']}" | |
w_bl_output = f"{example['w_bl_output']}" | |
# add metrics | |
loss, ppl = compute_ppl_single(inputs_plus_baseline_output, baseline_output, oracle_model_name, oracle_model, oracle_tokenizer) | |
example["baseline_loss"] = loss | |
example["baseline_ppl"] = ppl | |
loss, ppl = compute_ppl_single(inputs_plus_no_bl_output, no_bl_output, oracle_model_name, oracle_model, oracle_tokenizer) | |
example["no_bl_loss"] = loss | |
example["no_bl_ppl"] = ppl | |
loss, ppl = compute_ppl_single(inputs_plus_w_bl_output, w_bl_output, oracle_model_name, oracle_model, oracle_tokenizer) | |
example["w_bl_loss"] = loss | |
example["w_bl_ppl"] = ppl | |
# del any temp values | |
return example | |
def add_idx(example,idx): | |
example.update({"idx":idx}) | |
return example | |
def check_input_lengths(example,idx, min_sample_len=0, min_prompt_len=0, min_completion_len=0): | |
orig_sample_length = example["orig_sample_length"] | |
prompt_length = example["prompt_length"] | |
real_completion_length = example["real_completion_length"] | |
# breakpoint() | |
conds = all([ | |
orig_sample_length >= min_sample_len, | |
prompt_length >= min_prompt_len, | |
real_completion_length >= min_completion_len, | |
]) | |
return conds | |
def check_output_lengths(example,min_output_len=0): | |
no_bl_output_len = example["no_bl_num_tokens_generated"] | |
w_bl_output_len = example["w_bl_num_tokens_generated"] | |
conds = all([ | |
no_bl_output_len >= min_output_len, | |
w_bl_output_len >= min_output_len, | |
]) | |
return conds | |