[metadata] name = lm-watermarking version = 0.1.0 author = Authors of 'A Watermark for Large Language Models' author_email = jkirchen@umd.edu url = https://github.com/jwkirchenbauer/lm-watermarking description = Implementation of watermark algorithms for large language models. long_description = file: README.md, LICENSE.md long_description_content_type = text/markdown license = Apache 2.0 license_file = LICENSE.md platform = any keywords = Machine Learning, NLP, Language Models, Watermark, Safety, Model Output Detection classifiers = Topic :: Security License :: OSI Approved :: Apache 2.0 Operating System :: OS Independent Programming Language :: Python homepage = https://github.com/jwkirchenbauer/lm-watermarking repository = https://github.com/jwkirchenbauer/lm-watermarking documentation = https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.10226 [options] zip_safe = False include_package_data = True python_requires = >= 3.9 packages = find: setup_requires = setuptools install_requires = nltk scipy torch transformers tokenizers [tool.black] line-length = 140 [check-manifest] ignore = .ipynb .sh #inspired by https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/master/.flake8 [flake8] select = B,C,E,F,P,T4,W,B9 max-line-length = 140 extend-ignore = E203 ignore = E203,E305,E402,E501,E721,E741,F821,F841,F999,W503,W504,C408,E302,W291,E303, # shebang has extra meaning in fbcode lints, so I think it's not worth trying # to line this up with executable bit EXE001, # these ignores are from flake8-bugbear; please fix! B007,B008, # these ignores are from flake8-comprehensions; please fix! C400,C401,C402,C403,C404,C405,C407,C411,C413,C414,C415 #unignored: F403,F405, D102,D103,D403 # for doc linting exclude = .git __pycache__ log/*