Runtime error
Runtime error
import gradio as gr | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import numpy as np | |
from sklearn import datasets | |
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression | |
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler | |
rng = np.random.default_rng(0) | |
X, y = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True) | |
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) | |
# classify small against large digits | |
y = (y > 4).astype(int) | |
# l1_ratio = 0.5 # L1 weight in the Elastic-Net regularization | |
md_description = """ | |
# L1 Penalty and Sparsity in Logistic Regression | |
Comparison of the sparsity (percentage of zero coefficients) of solutions when L1, L2 and Elastic-Net penalty are used for different values of C. We can see that large values of C give more freedom to the model. Conversely, smaller values of C constrain the model more. In the L1 penalty case, this leads to sparser solutions. As expected, the Elastic-Net penalty sparsity is between that of L1 and L2. | |
We classify 8x8 images of digits into two classes: 0-4 against 5-9. The visualization shows coefficients of the models for varying C. | |
""" | |
def make_regression(l1_ratio): | |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3) | |
# Set regularization parameter | |
for i, (C, axes_row) in enumerate(zip((1, 0.1, 0.01), axes)): | |
# Increase tolerance for short training time | |
clf_l1_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty="l1", tol=0.01, solver="saga") | |
clf_l2_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty="l2", tol=0.01, solver="saga") | |
clf_en_LR = LogisticRegression( | |
C=C, penalty="elasticnet", solver="saga", l1_ratio=l1_ratio, tol=0.01 | |
) | |, y) | |, y) | |, y) | |
coef_l1_LR = clf_l1_LR.coef_.ravel() | |
coef_l2_LR = clf_l2_LR.coef_.ravel() | |
coef_en_LR = clf_en_LR.coef_.ravel() | |
# coef_l1_LR contains zeros due to the | |
# L1 sparsity inducing norm | |
sparsity_l1_LR = np.mean(coef_l1_LR == 0) * 100 | |
sparsity_l2_LR = np.mean(coef_l2_LR == 0) * 100 | |
sparsity_en_LR = np.mean(coef_en_LR == 0) * 100 | |
print(f"C={C:.2f}") | |
print(f"{'Sparsity with L1 penalty:':<40} {sparsity_l1_LR:2f}%") | |
print(f"{'Sparsity with Elastic-Net penalty:':<40} {sparsity_en_LR:.2f}%") | |
print(f"{'Sparsity with L2 penalty:':<40} {sparsity_l2_LR:.2f}%") | |
print(f"{'Score with L1 penalty:':<40} {clf_l1_LR.score(X, y):.2f}") | |
print(f"{'Score with Elastic-Net penalty:':<40} {clf_en_LR.score(X, y):.2f}") | |
print(f"{'Score with L2 penalty:':<40} {clf_l2_LR.score(X, y):.2f}") | |
log_out = f""" | |
C={C:.2f} | |
{'Sparsity with L1 penalty:':<40} {sparsity_l1_LR:2f}% | |
{'Sparsity with Elastic-Net penalty:':<40} {sparsity_en_LR:.2f}% | |
{'Sparsity with L2 penalty:':<40} {sparsity_l2_LR:.2f}% | |
{'Score with L1 penalty:':<40} {clf_l1_LR.score(X, y):.2f} | |
{'Score with Elastic-Net penalty:':<40} {clf_en_LR.score(X, y):.2f} | |
{'Score with L2 penalty:':<40} {clf_l2_LR.score(X, y):.2f} | |
""" | |
if i == 0: | |
axes_row[0].set_title("L1 penalty") | |
axes_row[1].set_title(f"Elastic-Net\nl1/l2_ratio = {l1_ratio}") | |
axes_row[2].set_title("L2 penalty") | |
for ax, coefs in zip(axes_row, [coef_l1_LR, coef_en_LR, coef_l2_LR]): | |
ax.imshow( | |
np.abs(coefs.reshape(8, 8)), | |
interpolation="nearest", | |
cmap="binary", | |
vmax=1, | |
vmin=0, | |
) | |
ax.set_xticks(()) | |
ax.set_yticks(()) | |
axes_row[0].set_ylabel(f"{C=}") | |
return fig, log_out, make_example(l1_ratio) | |
def make_example(l1_ratio): | |
return f""" | |
With the following code you can reproduce this example with the current values of the sliders and the same data in a notebook: | |
```python | |
import numpy as np | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression | |
from sklearn import datasets | |
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler | |
rng = np.random.default_rng(0) | |
X, y = datasets.load_digits(return_X_y=True) | |
X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) | |
# classify small against large digits | |
y = (y > 4).astype(int) | |
l1_ratio = 0.5 # L1 weight in the Elastic-Net regularization | |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3) | |
# Set regularization parameter | |
for i, (C, axes_row) in enumerate(zip((1, 0.1, 0.01), axes)): | |
# Increase tolerance for short training time | |
clf_l1_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty="l1", tol=0.01, solver="saga") | |
clf_l2_LR = LogisticRegression(C=C, penalty="l2", tol=0.01, solver="saga") | |
clf_en_LR = LogisticRegression( | |
C=C, penalty="elasticnet", solver="saga", l1_ratio=l1_ratio, tol=0.01 | |
) | |, y) | |, y) | |, y) | |
coef_l1_LR = clf_l1_LR.coef_.ravel() | |
coef_l2_LR = clf_l2_LR.coef_.ravel() | |
coef_en_LR = clf_en_LR.coef_.ravel() | |
# coef_l1_LR contains zeros due to the | |
# L1 sparsity inducing norm | |
sparsity_l1_LR = np.mean(coef_l1_LR == 0) * 100 | |
sparsity_l2_LR = np.mean(coef_l2_LR == 0) * 100 | |
sparsity_en_LR = np.mean(coef_en_LR == 0) * 100 | |
print(f"C={{C:.2f}}") | |
print(f"{{'Sparsity with L1 penalty:':<40}} {{sparsity_l1_LR:2f}}%\") | |
print(f"{{'Sparsity with Elastic-Net penalty:':<40}} {{sparsity_en_LR:.2f}}%") | |
print(f"{{'Sparsity with L2 penalty:':<40}} {{sparsity_l2_LR:.2f}}%") | |
print(f"{{'Score with L1 penalty:':<40}} {{clf_l1_LR.score(X, y):.2f}}") | |
print(f"{{'Score with Elastic-Net penalty:':<40}} {{clf_en_LR.score(X, y):.2f}}") | |
print(f"{{'Score with L2 penalty:':<40}} {{clf_l2_LR.score(X, y):.2f}}") | |
if i == 0: | |
axes_row[0].set_title("L1 penalty") | |
axes_row[1].set_title(f"Elastic-Net\\nl1/l2_ratio = {l1_ratio}") | |
axes_row[2].set_title("L2 penalty") | |
for ax, coefs in zip(axes_row, [coef_l1_LR, coef_en_LR, coef_l2_LR]): | |
ax.imshow( | |
np.abs(coefs.reshape(8, 8)), | |
interpolation="nearest", | |
cmap="binary", | |
vmax=1, | |
vmin=0, | |
) | |
ax.set_xticks(()) | |
ax.set_yticks(()) | |
axes_row[0].set_ylabel(f"{{C=}}") | | | |
``` | |
""" | |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: | |
with gr.Row(): | |
gr.Markdown(md_description) | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(): | |
ratio_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=1, label="L1/L2 ratio", step=0.1, value=0.5) | |
button = gr.Button(value="Generate") | |
with gr.Column(): | |
plot = gr.Plot(label="Output") | |
log = gr.Markdown("", label="Log") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
example = gr.Markdown(make_example(ratio_slider.value)) | |, inputs=[ratio_slider], outputs=[plot, log, example]) | |
ratio_slider.change(fn=make_regression, inputs=[ratio_slider], outputs=[plot, log, example]) | |
demo.launch() | |