import spacy

# Load the spaCy English model
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

# Define the mapping of keywords to SQL column names based on the new schema
column_mapping = {
    "handle": "Handle",
    "title": "Title",
    "body": "Body (HTML)",
    "vendor": "Vendor",
    "type": "Type",
    "tags": "Tags",
    "published": "Published",
    "option1_name": "Option1 Name",
    "option1_value": "Option1 Value",
    "option2_name": "Option2 Name",
    "option2_value": "Option2 Value",
    "option3_name": "Option3 Name",
    "option3_value": "Option3 Value",
    "variant_sku": "Variant SKU",
    "variant_price": "Variant Price",
    "variant_inventory_qty": "Variant Inventory Qty",
    # Add more mappings as needed

# Function to generate SQL query based on natural language input
def generate_sql_query(natural_language_input):
    doc = nlp(natural_language_input)

    # Initialize SQL query parts
    sql_query = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE "
    conditions = []

    # Extract keywords and values for building the query
    for token in doc:
        if token.lemma_ in column_mapping:
            column_name = column_mapping[token.lemma_]
            # Look for the word 'is' and the value after it
            if token.nbor(1).text.lower() == "is":
                value_token = token.nbor(2)  # Get the token after 'is'
                # Check if the value token is valid (e.g., if it's a string)
                if value_token and value_token.text not in ["and", "or"]:
                    # Format the value correctly for SQL
                    conditions.append(f"{column_name} = '{value_token.text}'")

    # Join conditions with AND
    if conditions:
        sql_query += " AND ".join(conditions)
        sql_query = sql_query[:-7]  # Remove the last " WHERE " if no conditions were added
    return sql_query

# Example natural language input
natural_language_input = "Find products where title is laptop and vendor is apple and published is active"

# Generate SQL query
sql_query = generate_sql_query(natural_language_input)