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<title>Result | Text to Exam (Vocabulary Exam Generator)</title> |
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<h1>Results</h1> |
<a href="/send" class="download" download>Download</a> |
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<div class="exam"> |
{% if not output %} |
<div class="note"> |
<i class="alert fa-solid fa-triangle-exclamation"></i> |
<p class="alert">Oops! Something went wrong. Try changing the CEFR difficulty level or choose ALL CEFR level. You might as well try putting a longer text passage next time. |
<a class="alert" target="_blank" href="https://scribehow.com/shared/How_to_use_T2E_Vocabulary_Exam_Generator__vyYu396JT_qZ0jKATVUqeQ#89cd5f52">Read more</a> |
</p> |
</div> |
{% endif %} |
{% for key, values in output.items() %} |
<h2 class="question">What is the meaning of the word "{{ key.split(' = ')[0] }}" in this sentence "{{ key.split(' = ')[1] }}"?</h2> |
<ul> |
{% for value in values %} |
<li class="choice">{{ value }}</li> |
{% endfor %} |
</ul> |
<div class="question_divider"></div> |
{% endfor %} |
</div> |
</div> |
<a class="generate_another" href="/">Generate another exam</a> |
<a href="https://nontgcob.com/" target="_blank" class="dev"> |
<p class="credit">Developed by Nutnornont Chamadol</p> |
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