nsthorat-lilac's picture
Duplicate from lilacai/nikhil_staging
"""Find secret keys in text.
# Code forked from
# https://github.com/bigcode-project/pii-lib/blob/main/utils/keys_detection.py
# under the Apache 2.0 License.
import os
import tempfile
from typing import Iterator
from detect_secrets import SecretsCollection
from detect_secrets.settings import transient_settings
from ..schema import Item, lilac_span
# Secrets detection with detect-secrets tool
filters = [
# some filters from
# https://github.com/Yelp/detect-secrets/blob/master/docs/filters.md#built-in-filters
# were removed based on their targets
'path': 'detect_secrets.filters.heuristic.is_potential_uuid'
'path': 'detect_secrets.filters.heuristic.is_likely_id_string'
'path': 'detect_secrets.filters.heuristic.is_templated_secret'
'path': 'detect_secrets.filters.heuristic.is_sequential_string'
plugins = [
'name': 'ArtifactoryDetector'
'name': 'AWSKeyDetector'
'name': 'AzureStorageKeyDetector'
'name': 'CloudantDetector'
'name': 'DiscordBotTokenDetector'
'name': 'GitHubTokenDetector'
'name': 'IbmCloudIamDetector'
'name': 'IbmCosHmacDetector'
'name': 'JwtTokenDetector'
'name': 'MailchimpDetector'
'name': 'NpmDetector'
'name': 'SendGridDetector'
'name': 'SlackDetector'
'name': 'SoftlayerDetector'
'name': 'StripeDetector'
'name': 'TwilioKeyDetector'
# remove 3 plugins for keyword
# {'name': 'BasicAuthDetector'},
# {'name': 'KeywordDetector'},
# {'name': 'PrivateKeyDetector'},
def _is_hash(content: str, value: str) -> bool:
"""Second check if the value is a hash (after gibberish detector)."""
index = content.index(value)
except ValueError:
return False
lines = content[:index].splitlines()
if not lines:
return False
target_line = lines[-1]
if len(value) in [32, 40, 64]:
# if 'sha' or 'md5' are in content:
keywords = ['sha', 'md5', 'hash', 'byte']
if any(x in target_line.lower() for x in keywords):
return True
return False
def _file_has_hashes(content: str, coeff: float = 0.02) -> bool:
"""Checks if the file contains literals 'hash' or 'sha' for more than 2% nb_of_lines."""
lines = content.splitlines()
count_sha = 0
count_hash = 0
nlines = content.count('\n')
threshold = int(coeff * nlines)
for line in lines:
count_sha += line.lower().count('sha')
count_hash += line.lower().count('hash')
if count_sha > threshold or count_hash > threshold:
return True
return False
def _get_indexes(text: str, value: str) -> list[tuple[int, int]]:
string = text
indexes: list[int] = []
new_start = 0
while True:
start = string.index(value)
indexes.append(new_start + start)
new_start = new_start + start + len(value)
string = text[new_start:]
except ValueError:
return [(x, x + len(value)) for x in indexes]
def find_secrets(content: str, suffix: str = '.txt') -> Iterator[Item]:
"""Detect secret keys in content using detect-secrets tool."""
fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=suffix, delete=False, mode='w')
secrets = SecretsCollection()
with transient_settings({'plugins_used': plugins, 'filters_used': filters}):
secrets_set = list(secrets.data.values())
if not secrets_set:
for secret in secrets_set[0]:
if not secret.secret_value:
if _is_hash(content, secret.secret_value) or _file_has_hashes(content):
indexes = _get_indexes(content, secret.secret_value)
for start, end in indexes:
yield lilac_span(start, end)