from transformers import pipeline import gradio as gr model_id = 'okite97/distilbert-base-uncased-najianews' pipe = pipeline('text-classification',model=model_id) sample_title1 = 'Uefa Opens Proceedings against Barcelona, Juventus and Real Madrid Over European Super League Plan' sample_desc1 = 'Uefa has opened disciplinary proceedings against Barcelona, Juventus and Real Madrid over their involvement in the proposed European Super League.' sample_title2 = 'Nigeria’s Parliament Passes Amended Electoral Bill' sample_desc2 = 'Nigeria\'s Senate on Tuesday passed the harmonised Clause 84 of the 2010 Electoral Act (Amendment) Bill 2022, which allows political' def predict_news(title, description): news = title + '. ' + description outputs = pipe(news, top_k=6) labels = {} for val in outputs: labels[val['label']] = val['score'] return labels title = 'News Categorization' description = '''Given a news title and an excerpt from the news article, can we place the news in its proper category?''' article = "To learn more, check out [Github repo]( that this demo is based off of." examples = [[sample_title1, sample_desc1], [sample_title2, sample_desc2]] textbox1 = gr.Textbox(label="News Title" , lines=1) textbox2 = gr.Textbox(label="Excerpt", lines=2) label = gr.Label() demo = gr.Interface(fn=predict_news, inputs = [textbox1, textbox2], outputs = label, title=title, description=description, article = article, examples = examples) demo.launch()