from functools import partial |
import datetime |
from zipfile import ZipFile |
import sqlite3 |
import time |
import gradio as gr |
from tqdm.auto import tqdm |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import os |
from datetime import timedelta, datetime |
from pathlib import Path |
import torch |
from sklearn.utils import shuffle |
from model import Collection, init_w, FSRS, WeightClipper, lineToTensor |
def extract(file, prefix): |
proj_dir = Path(f'projects/{prefix}_{file.orig_name.replace(".", "_").replace("@", "_")}') |
with ZipFile(file, 'r') as zip_ref: |
zip_ref.extractall(proj_dir) |
return proj_dir |
def create_time_series_features(revlog_start_date, timezone, next_day_starts_at, proj_dir, |
progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): |
if os.path.isfile(proj_dir / "collection.anki21b"): |
os.remove(proj_dir / "collection.anki21b") |
raise Exception( |
"Please export the file with `support older Anki versions` if you use the latest version of Anki.") |
elif os.path.isfile(proj_dir / "collection.anki21"): |
con = sqlite3.connect(proj_dir / "collection.anki21") |
elif os.path.isfile(proj_dir / "collection.anki2"): |
con = sqlite3.connect(proj_dir / "collection.anki2") |
else: |
raise Exception("Collection not exist!") |
cur = con.cursor() |
res = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM revlog") |
revlog = res.fetchall() |
df = pd.DataFrame(revlog) |
df.columns = ['id', 'cid', 'usn', 'r', 'ivl', |
'last_lvl', 'factor', 'time', 'type'] |
df = df[(df['cid'] <= time.time() * 1000) & |
(df['id'] <= time.time() * 1000) & |
(df['r'] > 0) & |
(df['id'] >= time.mktime(datetime.strptime(revlog_start_date, "%Y-%m-%d").timetuple()) * 1000)].copy() |
df['create_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['cid'] // 1000, unit='s') |
df['create_date'] = df['create_date'].dt.tz_localize( |
'UTC').dt.tz_convert(timezone) |
df['review_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['id'] // 1000, unit='s') |
df['review_date'] = df['review_date'].dt.tz_localize( |
'UTC').dt.tz_convert(timezone) |
df.drop(df[df['review_date'].dt.year < 2006].index, inplace=True) |
df.sort_values(by=['cid', 'id'], inplace=True, ignore_index=True) |
type_sequence = np.array(df['type']) |
df.to_csv(proj_dir / "revlog.csv", index=False) |
df = df[(df['type'] == 0) | (df['type'] == 1)].copy() |
df['real_days'] = df['review_date'] - timedelta(hours=next_day_starts_at) |
df['real_days'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['real_days'].dt.floor('D')).to_julian_date() |
df.drop_duplicates(['cid', 'real_days'], keep='first', inplace=True) |
df['delta_t'] = df.real_days.diff() |
df.dropna(inplace=True) |
df['delta_t'] = df['delta_t'].astype(dtype=int) |
df['i'] = 1 |
df['r_history'] = "" |
df['t_history'] = "" |
col_idx = {key: i for i, key in enumerate(df.columns)} |
def get_feature(x): |
for idx, log in enumerate(x.itertuples()): |
if idx == 0: |
x.iloc[idx, col_idx['delta_t']] = 0 |
if idx == x.shape[0] - 1: |
break |
x.iloc[idx + 1, col_idx['i']] = x.iloc[idx, col_idx['i']] + 1 |
x.iloc[idx + 1, col_idx[ |
't_history']] = f"{x.iloc[idx, col_idx['t_history']]},{x.iloc[idx, col_idx['delta_t']]}" |
x.iloc[idx + 1, col_idx['r_history']] = f"{x.iloc[idx, col_idx['r_history']]},{x.iloc[idx, col_idx['r']]}" |
return x |
tqdm.pandas(desc='Saving Trainset') |
df = df.groupby('cid', as_index=False).progress_apply(get_feature) |
df["t_history"] = df["t_history"].map(lambda x: x[1:] if len(x) > 1 else x) |
df["r_history"] = df["r_history"].map(lambda x: x[1:] if len(x) > 1 else x) |
df.to_csv(proj_dir / 'revlog_history.tsv', sep="\t", index=False) |
def cal_retention(group: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: |
group['retention'] = round(group['r'].map(lambda x: {1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1}[x]).mean(), 4) |
group['total_cnt'] = group.shape[0] |
return group |
tqdm.pandas(desc='Calculating Retention') |
df = df.groupby(by=['r_history', 'delta_t']).progress_apply(cal_retention) |
df = df.drop(columns=['id', 'cid', 'usn', 'ivl', 'last_lvl', 'factor', 'time', 'type', 'create_date', 'review_date', |
'real_days', 'r', 't_history']) |
df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) |
df = df[(df['retention'] < 1) & (df['retention'] > 0)] |
def cal_stability(group: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: |
if group['i'].values[0] > 1: |
r_ivl_cnt = sum(group['delta_t'] * group['retention'].map(np.log) * pow(group['total_cnt'], 2)) |
ivl_ivl_cnt = sum(group['delta_t'].map(lambda x: x ** 2) * pow(group['total_cnt'], 2)) |
group['stability'] = round(np.log(0.9) / (r_ivl_cnt / ivl_ivl_cnt), 1) |
else: |
group['stability'] = 0.0 |
group['group_cnt'] = sum(group['total_cnt']) |
group['avg_retention'] = round( |
sum(group['retention'] * pow(group['total_cnt'], 2)) / sum(pow(group['total_cnt'], 2)), 3) |
group['avg_interval'] = round( |
sum(group['delta_t'] * pow(group['total_cnt'], 2)) / sum(pow(group['total_cnt'], 2)), 1) |
del group['total_cnt'] |
del group['retention'] |
del group['delta_t'] |
return group |
tqdm.pandas(desc='Calculating Stability') |
df = df.groupby(by=['r_history']).progress_apply(cal_stability) |
df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) |
df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) |
df.sort_values(by=['r_history'], inplace=True, ignore_index=True) |
df_out = pd.DataFrame() |
if df.shape[0] > 0: |
for idx in tqdm(df.index): |
item = df.loc[idx] |
index = df[(df['i'] == item['i'] + 1) & (df['r_history'].str.startswith(item['r_history']))].index |
df.loc[index, 'last_stability'] = item['stability'] |
df['factor'] = round(df['stability'] / df['last_stability'], 2) |
df = df[(df['i'] >= 2) & (df['group_cnt'] >= 100)] |
df['last_recall'] = df['r_history'].map(lambda x: x[-1]) |
df = df[df.groupby(['i', 'r_history'])['group_cnt'].transform(max) == df['group_cnt']] |
df.to_csv(proj_dir / 'stability_for_analysis.tsv', sep='\t', index=None) |
df_out = df[df['r_history'].str.contains(r'^[1-4][^124]*$', regex=True)][ |
['r_history', 'avg_interval', 'avg_retention', 'stability', 'factor', 'group_cnt']] |
return type_sequence, df_out |
def train_model(proj_dir, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): |
model = FSRS(init_w) |
clipper = WeightClipper() |
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=5e-4) |
dataset = pd.read_csv(proj_dir / "revlog_history.tsv", sep='\t', index_col=None, |
dtype={'r_history': str, 't_history': str}) |
dataset = dataset[(dataset['i'] > 1) & (dataset['delta_t'] > 0) & (dataset['t_history'].str.count(',0') == 0)] |
tqdm.pandas(desc='Tensorizing Line') |
dataset['tensor'] = dataset.progress_apply(lambda x: lineToTensor(list(zip([x['t_history']], [x['r_history']]))[0]), |
axis=1) |
pre_train_set = dataset[dataset['i'] == 2] |
epoch_len = len(pre_train_set) |
n_epoch = 1 |
pbar = tqdm(desc="Pre-training", colour="red", total=epoch_len * n_epoch) |
for k in range(n_epoch): |
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(shuffle(pre_train_set, random_state=2022 + k).iterrows()): |
model.train() |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
output_t = [(model.zero, model.zero)] |
for input_t in row['tensor']: |
output_t.append(model(input_t, *output_t[-1])) |
loss = model.loss(output_t[-1][0], row['delta_t'], |
{1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1}[row['r']]) |
if np.isnan(loss.data.item()): |
raise Exception('error case') |
loss.backward() |
optimizer.step() |
model.apply(clipper) |
pbar.update() |
pbar.close() |
for name, param in model.named_parameters(): |
train_set = dataset[dataset['i'] > 2] |
epoch_len = len(train_set) |
n_epoch = 1 |
print_len = max(epoch_len * n_epoch // 10, 1) |
pbar = tqdm(desc="Training", total=epoch_len * n_epoch) |
for k in range(n_epoch): |
for i, (_, row) in enumerate(shuffle(train_set, random_state=2022 + k).iterrows()): |
model.train() |
optimizer.zero_grad() |
output_t = [(model.zero, model.zero)] |
for input_t in row['tensor']: |
output_t.append(model(input_t, *output_t[-1])) |
loss = model.loss(output_t[-1][0], row['delta_t'], |
{1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1}[row['r']]) |
if np.isnan(loss.data.item()): |
raise Exception('error case') |
loss.backward() |
for param in model.parameters(): |
param.grad[:2] = torch.zeros(2) |
optimizer.step() |
model.apply(clipper) |
pbar.update() |
pbar.close() |
w = list(map(lambda x: round(float(x), 4), dict(model.named_parameters())['w'].data)) |
return w, dataset |
def process_personalized_collection(requestRetention, w): |
my_collection = Collection(w) |
rating_dict = {1: "again", 2: "hard", 3: "good", 4: "easy"} |
rating_markdown = [] |
for first_rating in (1, 2, 3, 4): |
rating_markdown.append(f'## First Rating: {first_rating} ({rating_dict[first_rating]})') |
t_history = "0" |
d_history = "0" |
r_history = f"{first_rating}" |
for i in range(10): |
states = my_collection.states(t_history, r_history) |
next_t = max(round(float(np.log(requestRetention) / np.log(0.9) * states[0])), 1) |
difficulty = round(float(states[1]), 1) |
t_history += f',{int(next_t)}' |
d_history += f',{difficulty}' |
r_history += f",3" |
rating_markdown.append(f"**rating history**: {r_history}") |
rating_markdown.append(f"**interval history**: {t_history}") |
rating_markdown.append(f"**difficulty history**: {d_history}\n") |
rating_markdown = '\n\n'.join(rating_markdown) |
return my_collection, rating_markdown |
def log_loss(my_collection, row): |
states = my_collection.states(row['t_history'], row['r_history']) |
row['log_loss'] = float(my_collection.model.loss(states[0], row['delta_t'], {1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1}[row['r']])) |
return row |
def my_loss(dataset, w): |
my_collection = Collection(init_w) |
tqdm.pandas(desc='Calculating Loss before Training') |
dataset = dataset.progress_apply(partial(log_loss, my_collection), axis=1) |
loss_before = f"{dataset['log_loss'].mean():.4f}" |
my_collection = Collection(w) |
tqdm.pandas(desc='Calculating Loss After Training') |
dataset = dataset.progress_apply(partial(log_loss, my_collection), axis=1) |
loss_after = f"{dataset['log_loss'].mean():.4f}" |
return f""" |
*Loss before training*: {loss_before} |
*Loss after training*: {loss_after} |
""" |
def cleanup(proj_dir: Path, files): |
""" |
Delete all files in prefix that dont have filenames in files |
:param proj_dir: |
:param files: |
:return: |
""" |
for file in proj_dir.glob('*'): |
if file.name not in files: |
os.remove(file) |