import datetime import json import os from itertools import repeat import ee import numpy as np import pandas as pd import plotly.graph_objects as go import yaml from utils import duckdb_queries as dq from . import logging GEE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT = ( "" ) class IndexGenerator: """ A class to generate indices and compute zonal means. Args: indices (string[], required): Array of index names to include in aggregate index generation. """ def __init__(self): # Authenticate to GEE & DuckDB self._authenticate_ee(GEE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT) self.roi = None self.project_name = None self.project_geometry = None self.project_centroid = None self.indices = None self.metric_name = None def set_metric(self, metric_name): # Use defined subset of indices indices_file = f'metrics/{metric_name.replace(" ", "_")}.yaml' self.indices = self._load_indices(indices_file) self.metric_name = metric_name def set_project(self, project_name): self.project_name = project_name self.project_geometry = dq.get_project_geometry(self.project_name) self.project_centroid = dq.get_project_centroid(self.project_name) # to-do: refactor to involve fewer transformations _polygon = json.dumps( json.loads(self.project_geometry[0][0])["features"][0]["geometry"] ) # to-do: don't use self.roi and instead pass patameter strategically self.roi = ee.Geometry.Polygon(json.loads(_polygon)["coordinates"]) def _cloudfree(self, gee_path, daterange): """ Internal method to generate a cloud-free composite. Args: gee_path (str): The path to the Google Earth Engine (GEE) image or image collection. Returns: ee.Image: The cloud-free composite clipped to the region of interest. """ # Load a raw Landsat ImageCollection for a single year. collection = ( ee.ImageCollection(gee_path).filterDate(*daterange).filterBounds(self.roi) ) # Create a cloud-free composite with custom parameters for cloud score threshold and percentile. composite_cloudfree = ee.Algorithms.Landsat.simpleComposite( **{"collection": collection, "percentile": 75, "cloudScoreRange": 5} ) return composite_cloudfree.clip(self.roi) @staticmethod def _load_indices(indices_file): # Read index configurations with open(indices_file, "r") as stream: try: return yaml.safe_load(stream) except yaml.YAMLError as e: logging.error(e) return None def generate_index(self, index_config, year): """ Generates an index based on the provided index configuration. Args: index_config (dict): Configuration for generating the index. Returns: ee.Image: The generated index clipped to the region of interest. """ # Calculate date range, assume 1 year start_date = str(, 1, 1)) end_date = str(, 12, 31)) daterange = [start_date, end_date] # Calculate index based on type f"Generating index: {index_config['name']} of type {index_config['gee_type']}" ) match index_config["gee_type"]: case "image": dataset = ee.Image(index_config["gee_path"]).clip(self.roi) if index_config.get("select"): dataset =["select"]) case "image_collection": dataset = ( ee.ImageCollection(index_config["gee_path"]) .filterBounds(self.roi) .map(lambda image: image.clip(self.roi)) .mean() ) if index_config.get("select"): dataset =["select"]) case "feature_collection": dataset = ( ee.Image() .float() .paint( ee.FeatureCollection(index_config["gee_path"]), index_config["select"], ) .clip(self.roi) ) case "algebraic": image = self._cloudfree(index_config["gee_path"], daterange) # to-do: params should come from index_config dataset = image.normalizedDifference(["B4", "B3"]) case _: dataset = None if not dataset: raise Exception("Failed to generate dataset.") # Normalize to a range of [0, 1] min_val = 0 max_val = 1 if type(index_config['min'])==int or type(index_config['min']==float): min_val = index_config['min'] if str(index_config['max'])=='roi_area': max_val = self.roi.area().getInfo() # in m^2 elif type(index_config['max'])==int or type(index_config['max']==float): max_val = index_config['max'] dataset.subtract(min_val)\ .divide(max_val - min_val)"Generated index: {index_config['name']}") return dataset def zonal_mean_index(self, index_key, year): index_config = self.indices[index_key] dataset = self.generate_index(index_config, year)"Calculating zonal mean for {index_key}...") out = dataset.reduceRegion( **{ "reducer": ee.Reducer.mean(), "geometry": self.roi, "scale": 2000, # map scale "bestEffort": True, "maxPixels": 1e3, } ).getInfo() if index_config.get("bandname"): return out[index_config.get("bandname")]"Calculated zonal mean for {index_key}.") return out def generate_composite_index_df(self, year): data = { "metric": self.metric_name, "year": year, "centroid": "", "project_name": "", "value": list(map(self.zonal_mean_index, self.indices, repeat(year))), # to-do: calculate with duckdb; also, should be part of project table instead "area": self.roi.area().getInfo(), # m^2 "geojson": "", "coefficient": list(map(lambda x: self.indices[x]['coefficient'], self.indices)) }"data", data) df = pd.DataFrame(data) return df @staticmethod def _authenticate_ee(ee_service_account): """ Huggingface Spaces does not support secret files, therefore authenticate with an environment variable containing the JSON. """"Authenticating to Google Earth Engine...") credentials = ee.ServiceAccountCredentials( ee_service_account, key_data=os.environ["ee_service_account"] ) ee.Initialize(credentials)"Authenticated to Google Earth Engine.") def _calculate_yearly_index(self, years): dfs = [] # to-do: pararelize? for year in years: df = self.generate_composite_index_df(year) dfs.append(df) # Concatenate all dataframes df_concat = pd.concat(dfs) df_concat["centroid"] = str(self.project_centroid) df_concat["project_name"] = self.project_name df_concat["geojson"] = str(self.project_geometry) return df_concat.round(2) # h/t:\ @staticmethod def _latlon_to_config(longitudes=None, latitudes=None): """Function documentation:\n Basic framework adopted from Krichardson under the following thread: # NOTE: # THIS IS A TEMPORARY SOLUTION UNTIL THE DASH TEAM IMPLEMENTS DYNAMIC ZOOM # in their plotly-functions associated with mapbox, such as go.Densitymapbox() etc. Returns the appropriate zoom-level for these plotly-mapbox-graphics along with the center coordinate tuple of all provided coordinate tuples. """ # Check whether both latitudes and longitudes have been passed, # or if the list lenghts don't match if (latitudes is None or longitudes is None) or ( len(latitudes) != len(longitudes) ): # Otherwise, return the default values of 0 zoom and the coordinate origin as center point return 0, (0, 0) # Get the boundary-box b_box = {} b_box["height"] = latitudes.max() - latitudes.min() b_box["width"] = longitudes.max() - longitudes.min() b_box["center"] = (np.mean(longitudes), np.mean(latitudes)) # get the area of the bounding box in order to calculate a zoom-level area = b_box["height"] * b_box["width"] # * 1D-linear interpolation with numpy: # - Pass the area as the only x-value and not as a list, in order to return a scalar as well # - The x-points "xp" should be in parts in comparable order of magnitude of the given area # - The zpom-levels are adapted to the areas, i.e. start with the smallest area possible of 0 # which leads to the highest possible zoom value 20, and so forth decreasing with increasing areas # as these variables are antiproportional zoom = np.interp( x=area, xp=[0, 5**-10, 4**-10, 3**-10, 2**-10, 1**-10, 1**-5], fp=[20, 15, 14, 13, 12, 7, 5], ) # Finally, return the zoom level and the associated boundary-box center coordinates return zoom, b_box["center"] def show_project_map(self): features = json.loads(self.project_geometry[0][0].replace("'", '"'))["features"] geometry = features[0]["geometry"] longitudes = np.array(geometry["coordinates"])[0, :, 0] latitudes = np.array(geometry["coordinates"])[0, :, 1] zoom, bbox_center = self._latlon_to_config(longitudes, latitudes) fig = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox( mode="markers", lon=[bbox_center[0]], lat=[bbox_center[1]], marker={"size": 20, "color": ["cyan"]}, ) ) fig.update_layout( mapbox={ "style": "satellite", "accesstoken":os.environ['MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN'], "center": {"lon": bbox_center[0], "lat": bbox_center[1]}, "zoom": zoom, "layers": [ { "source": { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"type": "Feature", "geometry": geometry}], }, "type": "fill", "below": "traces", "color": "royalblue", "opacity": 0.5, } ], }, margin={"l": 0, "r": 0, "b": 0, "t": 0}, ) return fig def calculate_score(self, start_year, end_year): years = [] # Create `bioindicator` table IF NOT EXISTS. dq.get_or_create_bioindicator_table() for year in range(start_year, end_year+1): row_exists = dq.check_if_project_exists_for_year(self.project_name, year) if not row_exists: years.append(year) if len(years) > 0: df = self._calculate_yearly_index(years) # Write score table to `_temptable` dq.write_score_to_temptable(df) # UPSERT project record dq.upsert_project_record()"upserted records into motherduck") scores = dq.get_project_scores(self.project_name, start_year, end_year) scores.columns = scores.columns.str.replace('_', ' ').str.title() if 'Area' in scores.columns: scores['Area'] /= 1000**2 scores.rename(columns={'Area':'Area (km^2)'}, inplace=True) if 'Score' in scores.columns: scores['Score'] /= 1000**2 scores.rename(columns={'Score': 'Score (Area * Value)'}, inplace=True) # Round scores to 4 significant figures scores = scores.apply( lambda x: ['%.4g'%x_i for x_i in x] if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(x) else x) return scores