import os import gradio as gr import as px import pandas as pd from utils import duckdb_queries as dq from utils.gradio import get_window_url_params from utils.indicators import IndexGenerator # Instantiate outside gradio app to avoid re-initializing GEE, which is slow indexgenerator = IndexGenerator() metric_names = os.listdir('metrics') for i in range(len(metric_names)): metric_names[i] = metric_names[i].split('.yaml')[0].replace('_', ' ') def toggle_metric_definition_box(text_input): if text_input is None or text_input == '': return indexgenerator.get_metric_file() else: return None def make_timeseries_plot(df): for col in df.columns: df[col] = pd.to_numeric(df[col], errors='ignore') return px.line(df, x='Year', y='Score (Area * Value)', markers=True) with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): m1 = gr.Plot(label='Project Map') ts_plot = gr.Plot(label='Metric scores over time') with gr.Row(): project_name = gr.Dropdown([], label="Project", value="Select project") metric = gr.Dropdown(metric_names, label='Metric', value='Select metric') start_year = gr.Number(value=2017, label="Start Year", precision=0) end_year = gr.Number(value=2022, label="End Year", precision=0) with gr.Row(): view_btn = gr.Button(value="Show project map") calc_btn = gr.Button(value="Calculate metric") metric_btn = gr.Button(value='Show/hide metric definition') metric_docs = gr.Textbox( label="The chosen metric is a linear combination of these components normalized to a range of 0 to 1 and with the given coefficients", interactive=False) results_df = gr.Dataframe( headers=["Year", "Project Name", "Score"], datatype=["number", "str", "number"], label="Scores by year", ) indexgenerator.calculate_score, inputs=[start_year, end_year], outputs=results_df, ).then( make_timeseries_plot, inputs=results_df, outputs=ts_plot ) fn=indexgenerator.show_project_map, outputs=[m1], ) def update_project_dropdown_list(url_params): username = url_params.get("username", "default") projects = dq.list_projects_by_author(author_id=username) # Initialize the first project in the list project_names = projects['name'].tolist() return gr.Dropdown.update(choices=project_names) # Change the project name in the index generator object when the # user selects a new project project_name.change( indexgenerator.set_project, inputs=project_name ) # Set the metric to be calculated metric.change( indexgenerator.set_metric, inputs=metric ) # Toggle display of metric information toggle_metric_definition_box, inputs=metric_docs, outputs=metric_docs ) # Get url params url_params = gr.JSON({"username": "default"}, visible=False, label="URL Params") # Gradio has a bug # For dropdown to update by demo.load, dropdown value must be called downstream b1 = gr.Button("Hidden button that fixes bug.", visible=False) x: x, inputs=project_name, outputs=[]) # Update project dropdown list on page load demo.load( fn=update_project_dropdown_list, inputs=[url_params], outputs=[project_name], _js=get_window_url_params, queue=False, ) demo.launch()