from src.utils import get_valid_name_city,extract_before_parenthesis,extract_numbers_from_filenames from import Flights from tools.accommodations.apis import Accommodations from tools.restaurants.apis import Restaurants from tools.googleDistanceMatrix.apis import GoogleDistanceMatrix from tools.attractions.apis import Attractions import math import json import re import numpy as np import os import sys from tqdm import tqdm import argparse sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".."))) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) flight = Flights() accommodation = Accommodations() restaurants = Restaurants() googleDistanceMatrix = GoogleDistanceMatrix() attractions = Attractions() def load_line_json_data(filename): data = [] with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in'\n'): unit = json.loads(line) data.append(unit) return data def convert_bool_values(item): if isinstance(item, dict): # If the item is a dictionary, recurse on each value return {key: convert_bool_values(value) for key, value in item.items()} elif isinstance(item, list): # If the item is a list, recurse on each item in the list return [convert_bool_values(value) for value in item] elif isinstance(item, tuple): # If the item is a tuple, recurse on each item in the tuple and repackage as a tuple return tuple(convert_bool_values(value) for value in item) elif isinstance(item, np.bool_): # Here we check for numpy's bool_ type # If the item is a numpy bool_, convert it to a standard Python bool return bool(item) else: # If the item is any other type, return it unchanged return item def extract_from_to(text: str): """ Extracts 'A' and 'B' from the format "from A to B" in the given text, with B ending at a comma or the end of the string. Args: - text (str): The input string. Returns: - tuple: A tuple containing 'A' and 'B'. If no match is found, returns (None, None). """ pattern = r"from\s+(.+?)\s+to\s+([^,]+)(?=[,\s]|$)" matches =, text) return matches.groups() if matches else (None, None) def get_total_cost(question, tested_data): total_cost = 0 for i in range(min(question['days'],len(tested_data))): unit = tested_data[i] # transporation if unit['transportation'] and unit['transportation'] != '-': value = unit['transportation'] org_city, dest_city = extract_from_to(value) if org_city == None or dest_city == None: org_city, dest_city = extract_from_to(unit['current_city']) if org_city == None or dest_city == None: pass else: if 'flight number' in value.lower(): res =[['Flight Number'] == value.split('Flight Number: ')[1].split(',')[0]] if len(res) > 0: total_cost += res['Price'].values[0] * question['people_number'] elif 'self-driving' in value.lower() or 'taxi' in value.lower(): if 'self-driving' in value.lower(): # print(org_city,dest_city) cost = googleDistanceMatrix.run_for_evaluation(org_city,dest_city,'self-driving')['cost'] total_cost += cost * math.ceil(question['people_number'] * 1.0 / 5) else: cost = googleDistanceMatrix.run_for_evaluation(org_city,dest_city,'taxi')['cost'] total_cost += cost * math.ceil(question['people_number'] * 1.0 / 4) # breakfast if unit['breakfast'] and unit['breakfast'] != '-': name, city = get_valid_name_city(unit['breakfast']) res =[(['Name'].astype(str).str.contains(re.escape(name))) & (['City'] == city)] if len(res) > 0: total_cost += res['Average Cost'].values[0] * question['people_number'] # lunch if unit['lunch'] and unit['lunch'] != '-': name, city = get_valid_name_city(unit['lunch']) res =[(['Name'].astype(str).str.contains(re.escape(name))) & (['City'] == city)] if len(res) > 0: total_cost += res['Average Cost'].values[0] * question['people_number'] # dinner if unit['dinner'] and unit['dinner'] != '-': name, city = get_valid_name_city(unit['dinner']) res =[(['Name'].astype(str).str.contains(re.escape(name))) & (['City'] == city)] if len(res) > 0: total_cost += res['Average Cost'].values[0] * question['people_number'] # accommodation if unit['accommodation'] and unit['accommodation'] != '-': name, city = get_valid_name_city(unit['accommodation']) res =[(['NAME'].astype(str).str.contains(re.escape(name))) & (['city'] == city)] if len(res) > 0: total_cost += res['price'].values[0] * math.ceil(question['people_number'] * 1.0 / res['maximum occupancy'].values[0]) # print(total_cost) return total_cost def is_valid_room_rule(question, tested_data): if question['local_constraint']['house rule'] is None: return None,None for i in range(min(question['days'],len(tested_data))): unit = tested_data[i] if unit['accommodation'] and unit['accommodation'] != '-': name, city = get_valid_name_city(unit['accommodation']) res =[(['NAME'].astype(str).str.contains(re.escape(name))) & (['city'] == city)] if len(res) > 0: if question['local_constraint']['house rule'] == 'smoking' and 'No smoking' in str(res['house_rules'].values[0]): return False, f"The house rule should be {question['local_constraint']['house rule']}." if question['local_constraint']['house rule'] == 'parities' and 'No parties' in str(res['house_rules'].values[0]): return False, f"The house rule should be {question['local_constraint']['house rule']}." if question['local_constraint']['house rule'] == 'children under 10' and 'No children under 10' in str(res['house_rules'].values[0]): return False, f"The house rule should be {question['local_constraint']['house rule']}." if question['local_constraint']['house rule'] == 'visitors' and 'No visitors' in str(res['house_rules'].values[0]): return False, f"The house rule should be {question['local_constraint']['house rule']}." if question['local_constraint']['house rule'] == 'pets' and 'No pets' in str(res['house_rules'].values[0]): return False, f"The house rule should be {question['local_constraint']['house rule']}." return True, None def is_valid_cuisine(question, tested_data): cuisine_set = set() if question['local_constraint']['cuisine']: for i in range(min(question['days'],len(tested_data))): unit = tested_data[i] if unit['breakfast'] and unit['breakfast'] != '-': name, city = get_valid_name_city(unit['breakfast']) if city == question['org']: continue res =[(['Name'].astype(str).str.contains(re.escape(name))) & (['City'] == city)] if len(res) > 0: for cuisine in question['local_constraint']['cuisine']: if cuisine in res.iloc[0]['Cuisines']: cuisine_set.add(cuisine) if unit['lunch'] and unit['lunch'] != '-': name, city = get_valid_name_city(unit['lunch']) if city == question['org']: continue res =[(['Name'].astype(str).str.contains(re.escape(name))) & (['City'] == city)] if len(res) > 0: for cuisine in question['local_constraint']['cuisine']: if cuisine in res.iloc[0]['Cuisines']: cuisine_set.add(cuisine) if unit['dinner'] and unit['dinner'] != '-': name, city = get_valid_name_city(unit['dinner']) if city == question['org']: continue res =[(['Name'].astype(str).str.contains(re.escape(name))) & (['City'] == city)] if len(res) > 0: for cuisine in question['local_constraint']['cuisine']: if cuisine in res.iloc[0]['Cuisines']: cuisine_set.add(cuisine) if len(cuisine_set) == len(question['local_constraint']['cuisine']): return True, None else: # judge which cuisine is not satisfied for cuisine in question['local_constraint']['cuisine']: if cuisine not in cuisine_set: return False, f"The cuisine {cuisine} is not satisfied." # return False, f"The cuisine should be {question['local_constraint']['cuisine']}." else: return None,None def is_valid_transportation(question, tested_data): if question['local_constraint']['transportation'] is None: return None,None for i in range(min(question['days'],len(tested_data))): unit = tested_data[i] if unit['transportation'] and unit['transportation'] != '-': value = unit['transportation'] if question['local_constraint']['transportation'] == 'no flight' and 'Flight' in value: return False, f"The transportation should not be {question['local_constraint']['transportation']}." elif question['local_constraint']['transportation'] == 'no self-driving' and 'Self-driving' in value: return False, f"The transportation should not be {question['local_constraint']['transportation']}." return True, None def is_valid_room_type(question, tested_data): if question['local_constraint']['room type'] is None: return None,None for i in range(min(question['days'],len(tested_data))): unit = tested_data[i] if unit['accommodation'] and unit['accommodation'] != '-': name, city = get_valid_name_city(unit['accommodation']) res =[(['NAME'].astype(str).str.contains(re.escape(name))) & (['city'] == city)] if len(res) > 0: if question['local_constraint']['room type'] == 'not shared room' and res['room type'].values[0] == 'Shared room': return False, f"The room type should be {question['local_constraint']['room type']}." # "shared room", "not shared room", "private room", "entire room" elif question['local_constraint']['room type'] == 'shared room' and res['room type'].values[0] != 'Shared room': return False, f"The room type should be {question['local_constraint']['room type']}." elif question['local_constraint']['room type'] == 'private room' and res['room type'].values[0] != 'Private room': return False, f"The room type should be {question['local_constraint']['room type']}." elif question['local_constraint']['room type'] == 'entire room' and res['room type'].values[0] != 'Entire home/apt': return False, f"The room type should be {question['local_constraint']['room type']}." return True, None def evaluation(query_data, tested_data): return_info = {} return_info['valid_cuisine'] = is_valid_cuisine(query_data, tested_data) return_info['valid_room_rule'] = is_valid_room_rule(query_data, tested_data) return_info['valid_transportation'] = is_valid_transportation(query_data, tested_data) return_info['valid_room_type'] = is_valid_room_type(query_data, tested_data) return_info['valid_cost'] = (bool(get_total_cost(query_data, tested_data) <= query_data['budget']), None) return return_info def boolean_evaluation(query_data, tested_data): return_info = {} return_info['valid_cuisine'] = is_valid_cuisine(query_data, tested_data) return_info['valid_room_rule'] = is_valid_room_rule(query_data, tested_data) return_info['valid_transportation'] = is_valid_transportation(query_data, tested_data) return_info['valid_room_type'] = is_valid_room_type(query_data, tested_data) return_info['valid_cost'] = (bool(get_total_cost(query_data, tested_data) <= query_data['budget']), None) for key in return_info: if return_info[key][0] == False: print(key) return False return True