# Use the Node.js 20 base image FROM node:20 # Update system packages and install FFmpeg RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y ffmpeg && apt-get clean # Switch to non-root user USER node # Clone the repository RUN git clone https://github.com/BASHER0706/bookie /home/node/blue # Set the working directory WORKDIR /home/node/blue # Grant full permissions to the directory (optional but helps with permissions) RUN chmod -R 777 /home/node/blue/ # Install dependencies RUN yarn install && yarn add http # Copy server and start script into the directory COPY server.js . COPY start.sh . # Verify FFmpeg installation and print directory contents (for debugging purposes) RUN ffmpeg -version && ls -la /home/node/blue # Run the start script CMD ["bash", "start.sh"]