if(!require(pacman)) install.packages("pacman"); | |
#library(shiny) | |
#library(shinythemes) | |
#library(car) | |
#library(leaps) | |
# library(tidyverse) | |
# library(magrittr) | |
# library(MVN) | |
# library(MASS) | |
# library(mvtnorm) | |
pacman::p_load( | |
pacman, | |
shiny, | |
shinythemes, | |
leaps, | |
tidyverse, # gestión y visualización de datos | |
magrittr, | |
### para NM | |
MVN, | |
MASS, | |
mvtnorm, | |
mvnormtest, | |
clusterGeneration, | |
flexdashboard, | |
### para lectura de datos | |
rio, # importación/exportación de datos | |
here, # localizar archivos | |
readxl, | |
flexdashboard, # versiones dashboard de informes R Markdown | |
plotly, # figuras interactivas | |
knitr, | |
HH, | |
car, | |
rgl, | |
sampling, | |
### para ACP | |
kableExtra, | |
FactoMineR, ### Fucntion: PCA(x,x,x,x) | |
ade4, ### Function: dudi.pca(x,x,x,x) | |
stats, ### FUNCTIONS: prcomp and princomp | |
factoextra, ### Extract and Visualize the Results of | |
### Multivariate Data Analyse | |
gridExtra, | |
corrplot, | |
DT, | |
latex2exp, | |
### para pruebas varias | |
rrcov, | |
ICSNP, | |
ppcc, | |
ICS, | |
bslib, | |
goftest, | |
robustbase, | |
mixtools, | |
ergm, | |
biotools, | |
gtsummary, | |
tools, | |
xfun | |
) | |
# library(clusterGeneration) | |
# library(DT) | |
# library(latex2exp) | |
# library(rrcov) | |
# library(ICSNP) | |
# library(ppcc) | |
# library(ICS) | |
#library(mvnormtest) | |
#library(readxl) | |
# library(bslib) | |
# library(goftest) | |
# library(robustbase) | |
# library(mixtools) | |
# library(ergm) | |
source("funcionesR/funciones.R") | |
#source("modulos/sfasdf.R") | |
#source("funcionesR/paquetes.R") | |
if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools') | |
devtools::install_github('fhernanb/stests', force=TRUE) | |
library(stests) | |