Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
# modeling | |
import torch | |
from import Dataset, DataLoader | |
import pytorch_lightning as pl | |
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer, seed_everything | |
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint | |
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks.early_stopping import EarlyStopping | |
from transformers import ( | |
T5ForConditionalGeneration, | |
T5TokenizerFast as T5Tokenizer, | |
) | |
from transformers.optimization import Adafactor | |
# aesthetics | |
from IPython.display import Markdown, display, clear_output | |
import re | |
import warnings | |
warnings.filterwarnings( | |
"ignore", ".*Trying to infer the `batch_size` from an ambiguous collection.*" | |
) | |
seed_everything(25429) | |
# scoring | |
import spacy | |
from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu, SmoothingFunction | |
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') | |
print(device) | |
# loading the model | |
hug = 't5-small' | |
t5tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(hug) | |
t5model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(hug, return_dict=True) | |
# defining tokens | |
SEP_TOKEN = '<sep>' | |
class DataEncodings(Dataset): | |
''' | |
tokenizes, pads, and adds special tokens | |
''' | |
def __init__( | |
self, | |
data: pd.DataFrame, | |
tokenizer, | |
source_max_token_len: int, | |
target_max_token_len: int | |
): | |
self.tokenizer = t5tokenizer | | = data | |
self.source_max_token_len = source_max_token_len | |
self.target_max_token_len = target_max_token_len | |
def __len__(self): | |
return len( | |
def __getitem__(self, index:int): | |
data_row =[index] | |
# adds a random mask for answer-agnostic qg | |
if np.random.rand() > MASKING_CHANCE: | |
answer = data_row['answer'] | |
else: | |
answer = MASK_TOKEN | |
source_encoding = t5tokenizer( | |
f"{answer} {SEP_TOKEN} {data_row['context']}", | |
max_length= self.source_max_token_len, | |
padding='max_length', | |
truncation= True, | |
return_attention_mask=True, | |
return_tensors='pt' | |
) | |
target_encoding = t5tokenizer( | |
f"{data_row['answer']} {SEP_TOKEN} {data_row['question']}", | |
max_length=self.target_max_token_len, | |
padding='max_length', | |
truncation = True, | |
return_attention_mask=True, | |
return_tensors='pt' | |
) | |
labels = target_encoding['input_ids'] | |
labels[labels == 0] = -100 # masked | |
encodings = dict( | |
answer = data_row['answer'], | |
context = data_row['context'], | |
question = data_row['question'], | |
input_ids = source_encoding['input_ids'].flatten(), | |
attention_mask = source_encoding['attention_mask'].flatten(), | |
labels=labels.flatten() | |
) | |
return encodings | |
class DataModule(pl.LightningDataModule): | |
def __init__( | |
self, | |
train: pd.DataFrame, | |
val: pd.DataFrame, | |
tokenizer, | |
batch_size, | |
source_max_token_len: int, | |
target_max_token_len: int | |
): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.batch_size = batch_size | |
self.train = train | |
self.val = val | |
self.tokenizer = t5tokenizer | |
self.source_max_token_len = source_max_token_len | |
self.target_max_token_len = target_max_token_len | |
def setup(self): | |
self.train_dataset = DataEncodings(self.train, self.tokenizer, self.source_max_token_len, self.target_max_token_len) | |
self.val_dataset = DataEncodings(self.val, self.tokenizer, self.source_max_token_len, self.target_max_token_len) | |
def train_dataloader(self): | |
return DataLoader(self.train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=0) | |
def val_dataloader(self): | |
return DataLoader(self.val_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=0) | |
# hyperparameters | |
num_epochs = 16 | |
batch_size = 32 | |
learning_rate = 0.001 | |
# model | |
class T5Model(pl.LightningModule): | |
def __init__(self): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.model = t5model | |
self.model.resize_token_embeddings(len(t5tokenizer)) # resizing after adding new tokens to the tokenizer | |
# feed forward pass | |
def forward(self, input_ids, attention_mask, labels=None): | |
output = self.model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, labels=labels) | |
return output.loss, output.logits | |
# train model and compute loss | |
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): | |
input_ids = batch['input_ids'] | |
attention_mask = batch['attention_mask'] | |
labels = batch['labels'] | |
loss, output = self(input_ids, attention_mask, labels) | |
self.log('train_loss', loss, prog_bar=True, logger=True, batch_size=batch_size) | |
return loss | |
# gets model predictions, returns loss | |
def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx): | |
input_ids = batch['input_ids'] | |
attention_mask = batch['attention_mask'] | |
labels = batch['labels'] | |
loss, output = self(input_ids, attention_mask, labels) | |
self.log('val_loss', loss, prog_bar=True, logger=True, batch_size=batch_size) | |
return {'val loss': loss} | |
# def validation_epoch_end(self, outputs): | |
# # outputs = list of dictionaries to print loss | |
# avg_loss = torch.stack([x['val_loss'] for x in outputs]).mean() | |
# tensorboard_logs = {'avg_val_loss': avg_loss} | |
# return {'val_loss': avg_loss, 'log': tensorboard_logs} | |
def configure_optimizers(self): | |
return Adafactor(model.parameters(), scale_parameter=False, relative_step=False, lr=learning_rate) | |
def generate(model: T5Model, answer:str, context:str, beams, length, temper) -> str: | |
source_encoding = t5tokenizer( | |
f"{answer} {SEP_TOKEN} {context}", | |
max_length=512, | |
padding='max_length', | |
truncation=True, | |
return_attention_mask=True, | |
add_special_tokens=True, | |
return_tensors='pt' | |
) | |
generated_ids=model.model.generate( | |
input_ids=source_encoding['input_ids'], | |
attention_mask=source_encoding['attention_mask'], | |
num_beams=beams, | |
max_length=length, | |
repetition_penalty=2.5, | |
length_penalty=0.8, | |
temperature=temper, | |
early_stopping=True, | |
use_cache=True | |
) | |
preds = { | |
t5tokenizer.decode(generated_id, skip_special_tokens=False, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True) | |
for generated_id in generated_ids | |
} | |
return ''.join(preds) | |
def show_result(generated:str, answer:str, context:str, original_question:str=''): | |
regex = r"(?<=>)(.*?)(?=<)" | |
matches = re.findall(regex, generated) | |
matches[1] = matches[1][5:] | |
final = {cat: match.strip() for cat, match in zip(['Answer', 'Question'], matches)} | |
st.title('Context') | |
st.write(context) | |
st.title('Answer') | |
st.write(answer) | |
st.title('Generated') | |
st.write(final) | |
# if original_question: | |
# printBold('Original Question') | |
# print(original_question) | |
# gen = nlp(matches[1]) | |
# ori = nlp(original_question) | |
# bleu_score = sentence_bleu(matches[1], original_question, smoothing_function=SmoothingFunction().method5) | |
# cs_score = ori.similarity(gen) | |
# printBold('Scores') | |
# print(f"BLEU: {bleu_score}") | |
# print(f'Cosine Similarity: {cs_score}') | |
# return bleu_score, cs_score | |
# streamlit app | |
st.title('Question Generation From Text') | |
with st.form('my_form'): | |
context = st.text_input('Enter a context passage for question generation:', 'The capital of France is Paris.') | |
answer = st.text_input('Give a correct answer, or [MASK] for unsupervised generation:', 'Paris') | |
# question = st.text_input('Question', 'What is the capital of France?') | |
# original_question = st.text_input('Original Question', 'What is the capital of France?') | |
beams = st.sidebar.slider('Beams', min_value=1, max_value=20) | |
length = st.sidebar.slider('Maximum length of generated question', min_value=50, max_value=200) | |
temper = st.sidebar.slider("Temperature", value = 1.0, min_value = 0.0, max_value=1.0, step=0.05) | |
submitted = st.form_submit_button('Generate') | |
with st.spinner('Loading Model...'): | |
model = T5Model | |
best_model_dir = 't5-chkpt-v2.ckpt' | |
best_model = model.load_from_checkpoint(best_model_dir) | |
# best_model = model.load_from_checkpoint(callback.best_model_path) | |
best_model.freeze() | |
with st.spinner('Generating...'): | |
if submitted: | |
generated = generate(best_model, answer, context, beams, length, temper) | |
show_result(generated, answer, context) | |