pengc02's picture
import numpy as np
def get_camera_dir(idx):
img_scale = self.body['test'].get('img_scale', 1.0)
view_setting = self.body['test'].get('view_setting', 'free')
if view_setting == 'camera':
# training view setting
cam_id = self.body['test']['render_view_idx']
intr = self.dataset.intr_mats[cam_id].copy()
intr[:2] *= img_scale
extr = self.dataset.extr_mats[cam_id].copy()
img_h, img_w = int(self.dataset.img_heights[cam_id] * img_scale), int(self.dataset.img_widths[cam_id] * img_scale)
elif view_setting.startswith('free'):
# free view setting
# frame_num_per_circle = 360
# print(self.opt['test'].get('global_orient', False))
frame_num_per_circle = 360
rot_Y = (idx % frame_num_per_circle) / float(frame_num_per_circle) * 2 * np.pi
extr = visualize_util.calc_free_mv(object_center,
tar_pos = np.array([0, 0, 2.5]),
rot_Y = rot_Y,
rot_X = 0.3 if view_setting.endswith('bird') else 0.,
global_orient = global_orient if self.body['test'].get('global_orient', False) else None)
intr = np.array([[1100, 0, 512], [0, 1100, 512], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32)
intr[:2] *= img_scale
img_h = int(1024 * img_scale)
img_w = int(1024 * img_scale)
elif view_setting.startswith('degree120'):
print('we render 120 degree')
# +- 60 degree
frame_per_cycle = 480
max_degree = 60
frame_half_cycle = frame_per_cycle // 2
if idx%frame_per_cycle < frame_per_cycle/2:
rot_Y = -max_degree + (2 * max_degree / frame_half_cycle) * (idx%frame_half_cycle)
# rot_Y = (idx % frame_per_60) / float(frame_per_60) * 2 * np.pi
rot_Y = max_degree - (2 * max_degree / frame_half_cycle) * (idx%frame_half_cycle)
# to radian
rot_Y = rot_Y * np.pi / 180
if rot_Y<0:
rot_Y = rot_Y + 2 * np.pi
# print('rot_Y: ', rot_Y)
extr = visualize_util.calc_free_mv(object_center,
tar_pos = np.array([0, 0, 2.5]),
rot_Y = rot_Y,
rot_X = 0.3 if view_setting.endswith('bird') else 0.,
global_orient = global_orient if self.body['test'].get('global_orient', False) else None)
intr = np.array([[1100, 0, 512], [0, 1100, 512], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32)
intr[:2] *= img_scale
img_h = int(1024 * img_scale)
img_w = int(1024 * img_scale)
elif view_setting.startswith('degree90'):
print('we render 90 degree')
# +- 60 degree
frame_per_cycle = 360
max_degree = 45
frame_half_cycle = frame_per_cycle // 2
if idx%frame_per_cycle < frame_per_cycle/2:
rot_Y = -max_degree + (2 * max_degree / frame_half_cycle) * (idx%frame_half_cycle)
# rot_Y = (idx % frame_per_60) / float(frame_per_60) * 2 * np.pi
rot_Y = max_degree - (2 * max_degree / frame_half_cycle) * (idx%frame_half_cycle)
# to radian
rot_Y = rot_Y * np.pi / 180
if rot_Y<0:
rot_Y = rot_Y + 2 * np.pi
# print('rot_Y: ', rot_Y)
extr = visualize_util.calc_free_mv(object_center,
tar_pos = np.array([0, 0, 2.5]),
rot_Y = rot_Y,
rot_X = 0.3 if view_setting.endswith('bird') else 0.,
global_orient = global_orient if self.body['test'].get('global_orient', False) else None)
intr = np.array([[1100, 0, 512], [0, 1100, 512], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32)
intr[:2] *= img_scale
img_h = int(1024 * img_scale)
img_w = int(1024 * img_scale)
elif view_setting.startswith('front'):
# front view setting
extr = visualize_util.calc_free_mv(object_center,
tar_pos = np.array([0, 0, 2.5]),
rot_Y = 0.,
rot_X = 0.3 if view_setting.endswith('bird') else 0.,
global_orient = global_orient if self.body['test'].get('global_orient', False) else None)
intr = np.array([[1100, 0, 512], [0, 1100, 512], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32)
intr[:2] *= img_scale
img_h = int(1024 * img_scale)
img_w = int(1024 * img_scale)
# print('extr: ', extr)
# print('intr: ', intr)
# print('img_h: ', img_h)
# print('img_w: ', img_w)
# exit()
elif view_setting.startswith('back'):
# back view setting
extr = visualize_util.calc_free_mv(object_center,
tar_pos = np.array([0, 0, 2.5]),
rot_Y = np.pi,
rot_X = 0.5 * np.pi / 4. if view_setting.endswith('bird') else 0.,
global_orient = global_orient if self.body['test'].get('global_orient', False) else None)
intr = np.array([[1100, 0, 512], [0, 1100, 512], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32)
intr[:2] *= img_scale
img_h = int(1024 * img_scale)
img_w = int(1024 * img_scale)
elif view_setting.startswith('moving'):
# moving camera setting
extr = visualize_util.calc_free_mv(object_center,
# tar_pos = np.array([0, 0, 3.0]),
# rot_Y = -0.3,
tar_pos = np.array([0, 0, 2.5]),
rot_Y = 0.,
rot_X = 0.3 if view_setting.endswith('bird') else 0.,
global_orient = global_orient if self.body['test'].get('global_orient', False) else None)
intr = np.array([[1100, 0, 512], [0, 1100, 512], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32)
intr[:2] *= img_scale
img_h = int(1024 * img_scale)
img_w = int(1024 * img_scale)
elif view_setting.startswith('cano'):
cano_center = self.dataset.cano_bounds.mean(0)
extr = np.identity(4, np.float32)
extr[:3, 3] = -cano_center
rot_x = np.identity(4, np.float32)
rot_x[:3, :3] = cv.Rodrigues(np.array([np.pi, 0, 0], np.float32))[0]
extr = rot_x @ extr
f_len = 5000
extr[2, 3] += f_len / 512
intr = np.array([[f_len, 0, 512], [0, f_len, 512], [0, 0, 1]], np.float32)
# item = self.dataset.getitem(idx,
# training = False,
# extr = extr,
# intr = intr,
# img_w = 1024,
# img_h = 1024)
img_w, img_h = 1024, 1024
# item['live_smpl_v'] = item['cano_smpl_v']
# item['cano2live_jnt_mats'] = torch.eye(4, dtype = torch.float32)[None].expand(item['cano2live_jnt_mats'].shape[0], -1, -1)
# item['live_bounds'] = item['cano_bounds']
raise ValueError('Invalid view setting for animation!')