import chumpy as ch import numpy as np import sys import pickle as pkl import scipy.sparse as sp from import Ch from .vendor.smpl.posemapper import posemap, Rodrigues from .vendor.smpl.serialization import backwards_compatibility_replacements VERT_NOSE = 331 VERT_EAR_L = 3485 VERT_EAR_R = 6880 VERT_EYE_L = 2802 VERT_EYE_R = 6262 class Smpl(Ch): """ Class to store SMPL object with slightly improved code and access to more matrices """ terms = 'model', dterms = 'trans', 'betas', 'pose', 'v_personal' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.on_changed(self._dirty_vars) def on_changed(self, which): if not hasattr(self, 'trans'): self.trans = ch.zeros(3) if not hasattr(self, 'betas'): self.betas = ch.zeros(10) if not hasattr(self, 'pose'): self.pose = ch.zeros(72) if 'model' in which: if not isinstance(self.model, dict): dd = pkl.load(open(self.model)) else: dd = self.model backwards_compatibility_replacements(dd) for s in ['posedirs', 'shapedirs']: if (s in dd) and not hasattr(dd[s], 'dterms'): dd[s] = ch.array(dd[s]) self.f = dd['f'] self.v_template = dd['v_template'] if not hasattr(self, 'v_personal'): self.v_personal = ch.zeros_like(self.v_template) self.shapedirs = dd['shapedirs'] self.J_regressor = dd['J_regressor'] if 'J_regressor_prior' in dd: self.J_regressor_prior = dd['J_regressor_prior'] if sp.issparse(self.J_regressor): self.J_regressor = self.J_regressor.toarray() self.bs_type = dd['bs_type'] self.weights = dd['weights'] if 'vert_sym_idxs' in dd: self.vert_sym_idxs = dd['vert_sym_idxs'] if 'weights_prior' in dd: self.weights_prior = dd['weights_prior'] self.kintree_table = dd['kintree_table'] self.posedirs = dd['posedirs'] self._set_up() def _set_up(self): self.v_shaped = + self.v_template self.v_shaped_personal = self.v_shaped + self.v_personal self.J = ch.sum(self.J_regressor.T.reshape(-1, 1, 24) * self.v_shaped.reshape(-1, 3, 1), axis=0).T self.v_posevariation = self.v_poseshaped = self.v_shaped_personal + self.v_posevariation self.A, A_global = self._global_rigid_transformation() self.Jtr = ch.vstack([g[:3, 3] for g in A_global]) self.J_transformed = self.Jtr + self.trans.reshape((1, 3)) self.V = rest_shape_h = ch.hstack((self.v_poseshaped, ch.ones((self.v_poseshaped.shape[0], 1)))) self.v_posed = ch.sum(self.V.T * rest_shape_h.reshape(-1, 4, 1), axis=1)[:, :3] self.v = self.v_posed + self.trans def _global_rigid_transformation(self): results = {} pose = self.pose.reshape((-1, 3)) parent = {i: self.kintree_table[0, i] for i in range(1, self.kintree_table.shape[1])} with_zeros = lambda x: ch.vstack((x, ch.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]))) pack = lambda x: ch.hstack([ch.zeros((4, 3)), x.reshape((4, 1))]) results[0] = with_zeros(ch.hstack((Rodrigues(pose[0, :]), self.J[0, :].reshape((3, 1))))) for i in range(1, self.kintree_table.shape[1]): results[i] = results[parent[i]].dot(with_zeros(ch.hstack(( Rodrigues(pose[i, :]), # rotation around bone endpoint (self.J[i, :] - self.J[parent[i], :]).reshape((3, 1)) # bone )))) results = [results[i] for i in sorted(results.keys())] results_global = results # subtract rotated J position results2 = [results[i] - (pack( results[i].dot(ch.concatenate((self.J[i, :], [0])))) ) for i in range(len(results))] result = ch.dstack(results2) return result, results_global def compute_r(self): return self.v.r def compute_dr_wrt(self, wrt): if wrt is not self.trans and wrt is not self.betas and wrt is not self.pose and wrt is not self.v_personal: return None return self.v.dr_wrt(wrt) def copy_smpl(smpl, model): new = Smpl(model, betas=smpl.betas) new.pose[:] = smpl.pose.r new.trans[:] = smpl.trans.r return new def joints_coco(smpl): J = smpl.J_transformed nose = smpl[VERT_NOSE] ear_l = smpl[VERT_EAR_L] ear_r = smpl[VERT_EAR_R] eye_l = smpl[VERT_EYE_L] eye_r = smpl[VERT_EYE_R] shoulders_m = ch.sum(J[[14, 13]], axis=0) / 2. neck = J[12] - 0.55 * (J[12] - shoulders_m) return ch.vstack(( nose, neck, 2.1 * (J[14] - shoulders_m) + neck, J[[19, 21]], 2.1 * (J[13] - shoulders_m) + neck, J[[18, 20]], J[2] + 0.38 * (J[2] - J[1]), J[[5, 8]], J[1] + 0.38 * (J[1] - J[2]), J[[4, 7]], eye_r, eye_l, ear_r, ear_l, )) def model_params_in_camera_coords(trans, pose, J0, camera_t, camera_rt): root = Rodrigues(np.matmul(Rodrigues(camera_rt).r, Rodrigues(pose[:3]).r)).r.reshape(-1) pose[:3] = root trans = (Rodrigues(camera_rt).dot(J0 + trans) - J0 + camera_t).r return trans, pose if __name__ == '__main__': smpl = Smpl(model='../vendor/smpl/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl') smpl.pose[:] = np.random.randn(72) * .2 smpl.pose[0] = np.pi # smpl.v_personal[:] = np.random.randn(*smpl.shape) / 500. # render test from opendr.renderer import ColoredRenderer from import ProjectPoints from import LambertianPointLight rn = ColoredRenderer() # Assign attributes to renderer w, h = (640, 480) = ProjectPoints(v=smpl, rt=np.zeros(3), t=np.array([0, 0, 3.]), f=np.array([w, w]), c=np.array([w, h]) / 2., k=np.zeros(5)) rn.frustum = {'near': 1., 'far': 10., 'width': w, 'height': h} rn.set(v=smpl, f=smpl.f, bgcolor=np.zeros(3)) # Construct point light source = LambertianPointLight( f=smpl.f, v=rn.v, num_verts=len(smpl), light_pos=np.array([-1000, -1000, -2000]), vc=np.ones_like(smpl) * .9, light_color=np.array([1., 1., 1.])) # Show it using OpenCV import cv2 cv2.imshow('render_SMPL', rn.r) print ('..Print any key while on the display window') cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()