## 1. Build the image From the root path of the project: ```shell docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t neuralbody . ``` You may want to try several times since there are so many packages to be downloaded through the Internet and htpp(s) erros could occur. ## 2. Data preparation The docker image contains the environment you need to run the project, while you still need to manually download data as described in [INSTALL.md](https://github.com/zju3dv/neuralbody/blob/master/INSTALL.md). Note that the files downloaded are originally tar.gz files, while you need to extract each of them. An example is like: ```shell for name in $(ls *.tar.gz); do tar -xvf $name; done ``` ## 3. Execution using docker containers Suppose you are at the root path of the project, run a docker container like: ```shell docker run -it --rm --gpus=all \ --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/app \ --mount type=bind,source=,target=/app/data \ neuralbody ``` where `` can be obtained from [README.md](https://github.com/zju3dv/neuralbody/blob/master/README.md) and `` is your path for data.