history blame
11.4 kB
Coqui module for SillyTavern Extras
- Pyrater (
- Tony Ribeiro (
Models are saved into user cache folder: "C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/tts"
- Code adapted from:
- Coqui TTS
- Audio-webui:
import json
import os
import io
import shutil
from flask import abort, request, send_file, jsonify
from TTS.api import TTS
from TTS.utils.manage import ModelManager
from modules.utils import silence_log
DEBUG_PREFIX = "<Coqui-TTS module>"
COQUI_MODELS_PATH = "data/models/coqui/"
IGNORED_FILES = [".placeholder"]
gpu_mode = False
is_downloading = False
def install_model(model_id):
global gpu_mode
audio_buffer = io.BytesIO()
speaker_id = None
language_id = None
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Loading model",model_id)
tts = TTS(model_name=model_id, progress_bar=True, gpu=gpu_mode)
if tts.is_multi_lingual:
language_id = tts.languages[0]
if tts.is_multi_speaker:
speaker_id =tts.speakers[0]
tts.tts_to_file(text="this is a test message", file_path=audio_buffer, speaker=speaker_id, language=language_id)
except Exception as e:
print("Model", model_id, "cannot be loaded, maybe wrong model name? Must be one of")
for i in TTS.list_models():
return False
return True
def coqui_check_model_state():
Check if the requested model is installed on the server machine
model_state = "absent"
request_json = request.get_json()
model_id = request_json["model_id"]
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Search for model", model_id)
coqui_models_folder = ModelManager().output_prefix # models location
# Check if tts folder exist
if os.path.isdir(coqui_models_folder):
installed_models = os.listdir(coqui_models_folder)
model_folder_exists = False
model_folder = None
for i in installed_models:
if model_id == i.replace("--","/",3): # Error with model wrong name
model_folder_exists = True
model_folder = i
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Folder found:",model_folder)
# Check failed download
if model_folder_exists:
content = os.listdir(os.path.join(coqui_models_folder,model_folder))
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Checking content:",content)
for i in content:
if i == model_folder+".zip":
print("Corrupt installed found, model download must have failed previously")
model_state = "corrupted"
if model_state != "corrupted":
model_state = "installed"
response = json.dumps({"model_state":model_state})
return response
except Exception as e:
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Exception occurs while trying to search for installed model")
def coqui_install_model():
Install requested model is installed on the server machine
global gpu_mode
global is_downloading
model_installed = False
request_json = request.get_json()
model_id = request_json["model_id"]
action = request_json["action"]
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Received request",action,"for model",model_id)
if (is_downloading):
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Rejected, already downloading a model")
return json.dumps({"status":"downloading"})
coqui_models_folder = ModelManager().output_prefix # models location
# Check if tts folder exist
if os.path.isdir(coqui_models_folder):
installed_models = os.listdir(coqui_models_folder)
model_path = None
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Found",len(installed_models),"models in",coqui_models_folder)
for i in installed_models:
if model_id == i.replace("--","/"):
model_installed = True
model_path = os.path.join(coqui_models_folder,i)
if model_installed:
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"model found:", model_id)
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"model not found")
if action == "download":
if model_installed:
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + "Bad request, model already installed.")
is_downloading = True
TTS(model_name=model_id, progress_bar=True, gpu=gpu_mode)
is_downloading = False
if action == "repare":
if not model_installed:
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " bad request: requesting repare of model not installed")
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Deleting corrupted model folder:",model_path)
shutil.rmtree(model_path, ignore_errors=True)
is_downloading = True
TTS(model_name=model_id, progress_bar=True, gpu=gpu_mode)
is_downloading = False
response = json.dumps({"status":"done"})
return response
except Exception as e:
is_downloading = False
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Exception occurs while trying to search for installed model")
def coqui_get_local_models():
Return user local models list in the following format: [language][dataset][name] = TTS_string_id
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Received request for list of RVC models")
folder_names = os.listdir(COQUI_MODELS_PATH)
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Searching model in",COQUI_MODELS_PATH)
model_list = []
for folder_name in folder_names:
folder_path = COQUI_MODELS_PATH+folder_name
if folder_name in IGNORED_FILES:
# Must be a folder
if not os.path.isdir(folder_path):
print("> WARNING:",folder_name,"is not a folder, it should not be there, ignored")
print("> Found model folder",folder_name)
# Check pth
valid_folder = False
for file_name in os.listdir(folder_path):
if file_name.endswith(".pth"):
print(" > pth:",file_name)
valid_folder = True
if file_name.endswith(".config"):
print(" > config:",file_name)
if valid_folder:
print(" > Valid folder added to list")
print(" > WARNING: Missing pth or config file, ignored folder")
# Return the list of valid folders
response = json.dumps({"models_list":model_list})
return response
except Exception as e:
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Exception occurs while searching for Coqui models.")
def coqui_generate_tts():
Process request text with the loaded RVC model
- expected request: {
"text": text,
"model_id": voiceId,
"language_id": language,
"speaker_id": speaker
- model_id formats:
- model_type/language/dataset/model_name
- model_type/language/dataset/model_name[spearker_id]
- model_type/language/dataset/model_name[spearker_id][language_id]
- examples:
- tts_models/ja/kokoro/tacotron2-DDC
- tts_models/en/vctk/vits[0]
- tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/your_tts[2][1]
global gpu_mode
global is_downloading
audio_buffer = io.BytesIO()
request_json = request.get_json()
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Received TTS request for ", request_json)
if (is_downloading):
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Rejected, currently downloading a model, cannot perform TTS")
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Requested TTS while downloading a model")
text = request_json["text"]
model_name = request_json["model_id"]
language_id = None
speaker_id = None
# Local model
model_type = model_name.split("/")[0]
if model_type == "local":
return generate_tts_local(model_name.split("/")[1], text)
if request_json["language_id"] != "none":
language_id = request_json["language_id"]
if request_json["speaker_id"] != "none":
speaker_id = request_json["speaker_id"]
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Loading tts \n- model", model_name, "\n - speaker_id: ",speaker_id,"\n - language_id: ",language_id, "\n - using",("GPU" if gpu_mode else "CPU"))
is_downloading = True
tts = TTS(model_name=model_name, progress_bar=True, gpu=gpu_mode)
is_downloading = False
if tts.is_multi_lingual:
if language_id is None:
abort(400, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Requested model "+model_name+" is multi-lingual but no language id provided")
language_id = tts.languages[int(language_id)]
if tts.is_multi_speaker:
if speaker_id is None:
abort(400, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Requested model "+model_name+" is multi-speaker but no speaker id provided")
speaker_id =tts.speakers[int(speaker_id)]
tts.tts_to_file(text=text, file_path=audio_buffer, speaker=speaker_id, language=language_id)
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Success, saved to",audio_buffer)
# Return the output_audio_path object as a response
response = send_file(audio_buffer, mimetype="audio/x-wav")
audio_buffer = io.BytesIO()
return response
except Exception as e:
abort(500, DEBUG_PREFIX + " Exception occurs while trying to process request "+str(request_json))
def generate_tts_local(model_folder, text):
Generate tts using local coqui model
audio_buffer = io.BytesIO()
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Request for tts from local coqui model",model_folder)
model_path = os.path.join(COQUI_MODELS_PATH,model_folder,COQUI_LOCAL_MODEL_FILE_NAME)
config_path = os.path.join(COQUI_MODELS_PATH,model_folder,COQUI_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
if not os.path.exists(model_path):
raise ValueError("File does not exists:",model_path)
if not os.path.exists(config_path):
raise ValueError("File does not exists:",config_path)
print(DEBUG_PREFIX,"Loading local tts model", model_path,"using",("GPU" if gpu_mode else "CPU"))
tts = TTS(model_path=model_path, config_path=config_path, progress_bar=True, gpu=gpu_mode)
tts.tts_to_file(text=text, file_path=audio_buffer)
print(DEBUG_PREFIX, "Success, saved to",audio_buffer)
# Return the output_audio_path object as a response
response = send_file(audio_buffer, mimetype="audio/x-wav")
audio_buffer = io.BytesIO()
return response