# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. import math import numpy as np import torch from . import FairseqDataset, data_utils def collate( samples, pad_idx, eos_idx, vocab, left_pad_source=False, left_pad_target=False, input_feeding=True, pad_to_length=None, ): assert input_feeding if len(samples) == 0: return {} def merge(key, left_pad, move_eos_to_beginning=False, pad_to_length=None): return data_utils.collate_tokens( [s[key] for s in samples], pad_idx, eos_idx=None, # use eos_idx of each sample instead of vocab.eos() left_pad=left_pad, move_eos_to_beginning=move_eos_to_beginning, pad_to_length=pad_to_length, ) id = torch.LongTensor([s["id"] for s in samples]) src_tokens = merge( "source", left_pad=left_pad_source, pad_to_length=pad_to_length["source"] if pad_to_length is not None else None, ) # sort by descending source length src_lengths = torch.LongTensor([s["source"].numel() for s in samples]) src_lengths, sort_order = src_lengths.sort(descending=True) id = id.index_select(0, sort_order) src_tokens = src_tokens.index_select(0, sort_order) prev_output_tokens = None target = None if samples[0].get("target", None) is not None: target = merge( "target", left_pad=left_pad_target, pad_to_length=pad_to_length["target"] if pad_to_length is not None else None, ) target = target.index_select(0, sort_order) ntokens = sum(len(s["target"]) for s in samples) if input_feeding: # we create a shifted version of targets for feeding the # previous output token(s) into the next decoder step prev_output_tokens = merge( "target", left_pad=left_pad_target, move_eos_to_beginning=True, pad_to_length=pad_to_length["target"] if pad_to_length is not None else None, ) prev_output_tokens = prev_output_tokens.index_select(0, sort_order) else: ntokens = sum(len(s["source"]) for s in samples) batch = { "id": id, "ntokens": ntokens, "net_input": { "src_tokens": src_tokens, "src_lengths": src_lengths, }, "target": target, "nsentences": samples[0]["source"].size(0), "sort_order": sort_order, } if prev_output_tokens is not None: batch["net_input"]["prev_output_tokens"] = prev_output_tokens return batch class DenoisingDataset(FairseqDataset): """ A wrapper around TokenBlockDataset for BART dataset. Args: dataset (TokenBlockDataset): dataset to wrap sizes (List[int]): sentence lengths vocab (~fairseq.data.Dictionary): vocabulary mask_idx (int): dictionary index used for masked token mask_whole_words: only mask whole words. This should be a byte mask over vocab indices, indicating whether it is the beginning of a word. We will extend any mask to encompass the whole word. shuffle (bool, optional): shuffle the elements before batching. Default: ``True`` seed: Seed for random number generator for reproducibility. """ def __init__( self, dataset, sizes, vocab, mask_idx, mask_whole_words, shuffle, seed, mask, mask_random, insert, rotate, permute_sentences, bpe, replace_length, mask_length, poisson_lambda, eos=None, item_transform_func=None, ): self.dataset = dataset self.sizes = sizes self.vocab = vocab self.shuffle = shuffle self.seed = seed self.mask_idx = mask_idx self.mask_whole_word = mask_whole_words self.mask_ratio = mask self.random_ratio = mask_random self.insert_ratio = insert self.rotate_ratio = rotate self.permute_sentence_ratio = permute_sentences self.eos = eos if eos is not None else vocab.eos() self.item_transform_func = item_transform_func if bpe != "gpt2": self.full_stop_index = self.vocab.eos() else: assert bpe == "gpt2" self.full_stop_index = self.vocab.index("13") self.replace_length = replace_length if self.replace_length not in [-1, 0, 1]: raise ValueError(f"invalid arg: replace_length={self.replace_length}") if mask_length not in ["subword", "word", "span-poisson"]: raise ValueError(f"invalid arg: mask-length={mask_length}") if mask_length == "subword" and replace_length not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError(f"if using subwords, use replace-length=1 or 0") self.mask_span_distribution = None if mask_length == "span-poisson": _lambda = poisson_lambda lambda_to_the_k = 1 e_to_the_minus_lambda = math.exp(-_lambda) k_factorial = 1 ps = [] for k in range(0, 128): ps.append(e_to_the_minus_lambda * lambda_to_the_k / k_factorial) lambda_to_the_k *= _lambda k_factorial *= k + 1 if ps[-1] < 0.0000001: break ps = torch.FloatTensor(ps) self.mask_span_distribution = torch.distributions.Categorical(ps) self.epoch = 0 @property def can_reuse_epoch_itr_across_epochs(self): return True # only the noise changes, not item sizes def set_epoch(self, epoch, **unused): self.epoch = epoch def __getitem__(self, index): with data_utils.numpy_seed(self.seed, self.epoch, index): tokens = self.dataset[index] assert tokens[-1] == self.eos source, target = tokens, tokens.clone() if self.permute_sentence_ratio > 0.0: source = self.permute_sentences(source, self.permute_sentence_ratio) if self.mask_ratio > 0: source = self.add_whole_word_mask(source, self.mask_ratio) if self.insert_ratio > 0: source = self.add_insertion_noise(source, self.insert_ratio) if self.rotate_ratio > 0.0 and np.random.random() < self.rotate_ratio: source = self.add_rolling_noise(source) # there can additional changes to make: if self.item_transform_func is not None: source, target = self.item_transform_func(source, target) assert (source >= 0).all() assert (source[1:-1] >= 1).all() assert (source <= len(self.vocab)).all() assert source[0] == self.vocab.bos() assert source[-1] == self.eos return { "id": index, "source": source, "target": target, } def __len__(self): return len(self.dataset) def permute_sentences(self, source, p=1.0): full_stops = source == self.full_stop_index # Pretend it ends with a full stop so last span is a sentence full_stops[-2] = 1 # Tokens that are full stops, where the previous token is not sentence_ends = (full_stops[1:] * ~full_stops[:-1]).nonzero(as_tuple=False) + 2 result = source.clone() num_sentences = sentence_ends.size(0) num_to_permute = math.ceil((num_sentences * 2 * p) / 2.0) substitutions = torch.randperm(num_sentences)[:num_to_permute] ordering = torch.arange(0, num_sentences) ordering[substitutions] = substitutions[torch.randperm(num_to_permute)] # Ignore at start index = 1 for i in ordering: sentence = source[(sentence_ends[i - 1] if i > 0 else 1) : sentence_ends[i]] result[index : index + sentence.size(0)] = sentence index += sentence.size(0) return result def word_starts(self, source): if self.mask_whole_word is not None: is_word_start = self.mask_whole_word.gather(0, source) else: is_word_start = torch.ones(source.size()) is_word_start[0] = 0 is_word_start[-1] = 0 return is_word_start def add_whole_word_mask(self, source, p): is_word_start = self.word_starts(source) num_to_mask = int(math.ceil(is_word_start.float().sum() * p)) num_inserts = 0 if num_to_mask == 0: return source if self.mask_span_distribution is not None: lengths = self.mask_span_distribution.sample(sample_shape=(num_to_mask,)) # Make sure we have enough to mask cum_length = torch.cumsum(lengths, 0) while cum_length[-1] < num_to_mask: lengths = torch.cat( [ lengths, self.mask_span_distribution.sample(sample_shape=(num_to_mask,)), ], dim=0, ) cum_length = torch.cumsum(lengths, 0) # Trim to masking budget i = 0 while cum_length[i] < num_to_mask: i += 1 lengths[i] = num_to_mask - (0 if i == 0 else cum_length[i - 1]) num_to_mask = i + 1 lengths = lengths[:num_to_mask] # Handle 0-length mask (inserts) separately lengths = lengths[lengths > 0] num_inserts = num_to_mask - lengths.size(0) num_to_mask -= num_inserts if num_to_mask == 0: return self.add_insertion_noise(source, num_inserts / source.size(0)) assert (lengths > 0).all() else: lengths = torch.ones((num_to_mask,)).long() assert is_word_start[-1] == 0 word_starts = is_word_start.nonzero(as_tuple=False) indices = word_starts[ torch.randperm(word_starts.size(0))[:num_to_mask] ].squeeze(1) mask_random = torch.FloatTensor(num_to_mask).uniform_() < self.random_ratio source_length = source.size(0) assert source_length - 1 not in indices to_keep = torch.ones(source_length, dtype=torch.bool) is_word_start[ -1 ] = 255 # acts as a long length, so spans don't go over the end of doc if self.replace_length == 0: to_keep[indices] = 0 else: # keep index, but replace it with [MASK] source[indices] = self.mask_idx source[indices[mask_random]] = torch.randint( 1, len(self.vocab), size=(mask_random.sum(),) ) if self.mask_span_distribution is not None: assert len(lengths.size()) == 1 assert lengths.size() == indices.size() lengths -= 1 while indices.size(0) > 0: assert lengths.size() == indices.size() lengths -= is_word_start[indices + 1].long() uncompleted = lengths >= 0 indices = indices[uncompleted] + 1 mask_random = mask_random[uncompleted] lengths = lengths[uncompleted] if self.replace_length != -1: # delete token to_keep[indices] = 0 else: # keep index, but replace it with [MASK] source[indices] = self.mask_idx source[indices[mask_random]] = torch.randint( 1, len(self.vocab), size=(mask_random.sum(),) ) else: # A bit faster when all lengths are 1 while indices.size(0) > 0: uncompleted = is_word_start[indices + 1] == 0 indices = indices[uncompleted] + 1 mask_random = mask_random[uncompleted] if self.replace_length != -1: # delete token to_keep[indices] = 0 else: # keep index, but replace it with [MASK] source[indices] = self.mask_idx source[indices[mask_random]] = torch.randint( 1, len(self.vocab), size=(mask_random.sum(),) ) assert source_length - 1 not in indices source = source[to_keep] if num_inserts > 0: source = self.add_insertion_noise(source, num_inserts / source.size(0)) return source def add_permuted_noise(self, tokens, p): num_words = len(tokens) num_to_permute = math.ceil(((num_words * 2) * p) / 2.0) substitutions = torch.randperm(num_words - 2)[:num_to_permute] + 1 tokens[substitutions] = tokens[substitutions[torch.randperm(num_to_permute)]] return tokens def add_rolling_noise(self, tokens): offset = np.random.randint(1, max(1, tokens.size(-1) - 1) + 1) tokens = torch.cat( (tokens[0:1], tokens[offset:-1], tokens[1:offset], tokens[-1:]), dim=0, ) return tokens def add_insertion_noise(self, tokens, p): if p == 0.0: return tokens num_tokens = len(tokens) n = int(math.ceil(num_tokens * p)) noise_indices = torch.randperm(num_tokens + n - 2)[:n] + 1 noise_mask = torch.zeros(size=(num_tokens + n,), dtype=torch.bool) noise_mask[noise_indices] = 1 result = torch.LongTensor(n + len(tokens)).fill_(-1) num_random = int(math.ceil(n * self.random_ratio)) result[noise_indices[num_random:]] = self.mask_idx result[noise_indices[:num_random]] = torch.randint( low=1, high=len(self.vocab), size=(num_random,) ) result[~noise_mask] = tokens assert (result >= 0).all() return result def collater(self, samples, pad_to_length=None): """Merge a list of samples to form a mini-batch. Args: samples (List[dict]): samples to collate Returns: dict: a mini-batch of data """ return collate( samples, self.vocab.pad(), self.eos, self.vocab, pad_to_length=pad_to_length ) def num_tokens(self, index): """Return the number of tokens in a sample. This value is used to enforce ``--max-tokens`` during batching.""" return self.sizes[index] def size(self, index): """Return an example's size as a float or tuple. This value is used when filtering a dataset with ``--max-positions``.""" return self.sizes[index] def ordered_indices(self): """Return an ordered list of indices. Batches will be constructed based on this order.""" if self.shuffle: indices = np.random.permutation(len(self)) else: indices = np.arange(len(self)) return indices[np.argsort(self.sizes[indices], kind="mergesort")] def prefetch(self, indices): self.src.prefetch(indices) self.tgt.prefetch(indices) @property def supports_prefetch(self): return ( hasattr(self.src, "supports_prefetch") and self.src.supports_prefetch and hasattr(self.tgt, "supports_prefetch") and self.tgt.supports_prefetch )