# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import random
import torch as th
from torch import nn

class Shift(nn.Module):
    Randomly shift audio in time by up to `shift` samples.
    def __init__(self, shift=8192):
        self.shift = shift

    def forward(self, wav):
        batch, sources, channels, time = wav.size()
        length = time - self.shift
        if self.shift > 0:
            if not self.training:
                wav = wav[..., :length]
                offsets = th.randint(self.shift, [batch, sources, 1, 1], device=wav.device)
                offsets = offsets.expand(-1, -1, channels, -1)
                indexes = th.arange(length, device=wav.device)
                wav = wav.gather(3, indexes + offsets)
        return wav

class FlipChannels(nn.Module):
    Flip left-right channels.
    def forward(self, wav):
        batch, sources, channels, time = wav.size()
        if self.training and wav.size(2) == 2:
            left = th.randint(2, (batch, sources, 1, 1), device=wav.device)
            left = left.expand(-1, -1, -1, time)
            right = 1 - left
            wav = th.cat([wav.gather(2, left), wav.gather(2, right)], dim=2)
        return wav

class FlipSign(nn.Module):
    Random sign flip.
    def forward(self, wav):
        batch, sources, channels, time = wav.size()
        if self.training:
            signs = th.randint(2, (batch, sources, 1, 1), device=wav.device, dtype=th.float32)
            wav = wav * (2 * signs - 1)
        return wav

class Remix(nn.Module):
    Shuffle sources to make new mixes.
    def __init__(self, group_size=4):
        Shuffle sources within one batch.
        Each batch is divided into groups of size `group_size` and shuffling is done within
        each group separatly. This allow to keep the same probability distribution no matter
        the number of GPUs. Without this grouping, using more GPUs would lead to a higher
        probability of keeping two sources from the same track together which can impact
        self.group_size = group_size

    def forward(self, wav):
        batch, streams, channels, time = wav.size()
        device = wav.device

        if self.training:
            group_size = self.group_size or batch
            if batch % group_size != 0:
                raise ValueError(f"Batch size {batch} must be divisible by group size {group_size}")
            groups = batch // group_size
            wav = wav.view(groups, group_size, streams, channels, time)
            permutations = th.argsort(th.rand(groups, group_size, streams, 1, 1, device=device),
            wav = wav.gather(1, permutations.expand(-1, -1, -1, channels, time))
            wav = wav.view(batch, streams, channels, time)
        return wav

class Scale(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, proba=1., min=0.25, max=1.25):
        self.proba = proba
        self.min = min
        self.max = max

    def forward(self, wav):
        batch, streams, channels, time = wav.size()
        device = wav.device
        if self.training and random.random() < self.proba:
            scales = th.empty(batch, streams, 1, 1, device=device).uniform_(self.min, self.max)
            wav *= scales
        return wav