espejelomar's picture
first draft
history blame
7.47 kB
# from import build
import streamlit as st # HF spaces at v1.2.0
# from utils import load_model,generate,get_dataset,embed,make_meme
from utils import load_model,generate
# import streamlit.components.v1 as components
# import io
# import os
# root_dir=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# build_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "custom_component/frontend/build")
# _component_func = components.declare_component("release_butterflies", path=build_dir)
# def release_butterflies(name, key=None):
# component_value = _component_func(name=name, key=key, default=0)
# return component_value
## Configuraci贸n de nuestro demo
st.write("Light-GAN model trained on 1000 butterfly images taken from the Smithsonian Museum collection. \n \
Based on [paper:]( *Towards Faster and Stabilized GAN Training for High-fidelity Few-shot Image Synthesis*")
st.sidebar.subheader("This butterfly does not exist! ")
st.sidebar.image("assets/logo.png", width=200)
st.sidebar.caption(f"[Model]( & [Dataset]( used")
st.sidebar.caption(f"Made during the [huggan]( hackathon")
st.sidebar.caption(f"[Ceyda Cinarel]( & [Jonathan Whitaker](")
## Cargamos modelo
repo_id = 'ceyda/butterfly_cropped_uniq1K_512'
version_modelo ='57d36a15546909557d9f967f47713236c8288838'
modelo_gan = load_model(repo_id, version_modelo)
# @st.experimental_singleton
# def load_model_intocache(model_name,model_version):
# # model_name='ceyda/butterfly_512_base'
# gan = load_model(model_name,model_version)
# return gan
# @st.experimental_singleton
# def load_dataset():
# dataset=get_dataset()
# return dataset
# @st.experimental_singleton
# def load_variables():# Don't want to open read files over and over. not sure if it makes a diff
# latent_walk_code=open("assets/code_snippets/").read()
# latent_walk_code_music=open("assets/code_snippets/").read()
# return latent_walk_code,latent_walk_code_music
# def img2download(image):
# imgByteArr = io.BytesIO()
#, format="JPEG")
# imgByteArr = imgByteArr.getvalue()
# return imgByteArr
# model_name='ceyda/butterfly_cropped_uniq1K_512'
# model_version='57d36a15546909557d9f967f47713236c8288838'
# model_version=None
# model=load_model_intocache(model_name,model_version)
# dataset=loadk_dataset()
# latent_walk_code, latent_walk_code_music=load_variables()
# generate_menu="馃 Make butterflies"
# latent_walk_menu="馃帶 Take a latent walk"
# make_meme_menu="馃惁 Make a meme"
# mosaic_menu="馃憖 See the mosaic"
# fun_menu="馃檶 Release the butterflies"
# screen ="Pick a destination",[generate_menu,latent_walk_menu,make_meme_menu,mosaic_menu,fun_menu])
## Generamos 4 mariposas
n_mariposas =4
## Funci贸n que genera mariposas y lo guarda como un estado de la sesi贸n
def corre():
with st.spinner("Generando, espera un poco..."):
st.session_state['ims'] = ims
## Si no hay una imagen generada entonces generala
if 'ims' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['ims'] = None
## ims contiene las im谩genes generadas
## Si la usuaria da click en el bot贸n entonces corremos la funci贸n genera()
runb=st.button("Genera mariposas por favor", on_click=corre ,help="generated on the fly maybe slow")
if ims is not None:
# picks=[False]*n_mariposas
for j,im in enumerate(ims):
cols[i].image(im, use_column_width=True)
# picks[j]=cols[i].button("Find Nearest",key="pick_"+str(j))
# if any(picks):
# # st.write("Nearest butterflies:")
# for i,pick in enumerate(picks):
# if pick:
# scores, retrieved_examples=dataset.get_nearest_examples('beit_embeddings', embed(ims[i]), k=5)
# for r in retrieved_examples["image"]:
# cols[i].image(r, use_column_width=True)
# st.write("Nearest neighbors found in the training set according to L2 distance on 'microsoft/beit-base-patch16-224' embeddings")
# st.write(f"Latent dimension: {model.latent_dim}, image size:{model.image_size}")
# elif screen == latent_walk_menu:
# st.write("Take a latent walk :musical_note: with cute butterflies")
# cols=st.columns(3)
# cols[0].caption("A regular walk (no music)")
# cols[0].video("assets/latent_walks/regular_walk.mp4")
# cols[1].caption("Walk with music :butterfly:")
# cols[1].video("assets/latent_walks/walk_happyrock.mp4")
# cols[2].caption("Walk with music :butterfly:")
# cols[2].video("assets/latent_walks/walk_cute.mp4")
# st.caption("Royalty Free Music from Bensound")
# st.write("馃帶Did those butterflies seem to be dancing to the music?!Here is the secret:")
# with st.expander("See the Code Snippets"):
# st.write("A regular latent walk:")
# st.code(latent_walk_code, language='python')
# st.write(":musical_note: latent walk with music:")
# st.code(latent_walk_code_music, language='python')
# elif screen == make_meme_menu:
# if "pigeon" not in st.session_state:
# st.session_state['pigeon'] = generate(model,1)[0]
# def get_pigeon():
# st.session_state['pigeon'] = generate(model,1)[0]
# cols= st.columns(2)
# cols[0].button("change pigeon",on_click=get_pigeon)
# no_bg=cols[1].checkbox("Remove background?",True,help="Remove the background from pigeon")
# show_text=cols[1].checkbox("Show text?",True)
# meme_text=st.text_input("Enter text","Is this a pigeon?")
# meme=make_meme(st.session_state['pigeon'],text=meme_text,show_text=show_text,remove_background=no_bg)
# st.image(meme)
# coly=st.columns(2)
# coly[0].download_button("Download", img2download(meme),mime="image/jpeg")
# coly[1].write("Made a cool one? [Share]( on Twitter")
# elif screen == mosaic_menu:
# cols=st.columns(2)
# cols[0].markdown("These are all the butterflies in our [training set](")
# cols[0].image("assets/train_data_mosaic_lowres.jpg")
# cols[0].write("馃攷 view the high-res version [here](")
# cols[1].markdown("These are the butterflies our model generated.")
# cols[1].image("assets/gen_mosaic_lowres.jpg")
# cols[1].write("馃攷 view the high-res version [here](")
# elif screen == fun_menu:
# cols=st.columns([1,2])
# cols[0].write("While working on this project")
# cols[0].image("assets/butterflies_everywhere.jpg")
# with cols[1]:
# release_butterflies("Hello World")
## Feel free to add more & change stuff ^