import os from dotenv import load_dotenv import streamlit as st from streamlit.runtime.scriptrunner import RerunException, StopException from openai import OpenAI from pymongo import MongoClient from pinecone import Pinecone import uuid from datetime import datetime import time from streamlit.runtime.caching import cache_data from streamlit_autorefresh import st_autorefresh # Load environment variables load_dotenv() # Configuration OPENAI_API_KEY = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") MONGODB_URI = os.getenv("MONGODB_URI") PINECONE_API_KEY = os.getenv("PINECONE_API_KEY") PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT = os.getenv("PINECONE_ENVIRONMENT") PINECONE_INDEX_NAME = os.getenv("PINECONE_INDEX_NAME") GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID = "global_common_memory_id" # Added GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID openai_client = OpenAI(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY) mongo_client = MongoClient(MONGODB_URI) db = mongo_client["Wall_Street"] conversation_history = db["conversation_history"] global_common_memory = db["global_common_memory"] # New global common memory collection # Initialize GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID if it doesn't exist if not global_common_memory.find_one({"memory_id": GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID}): global_common_memory.insert_one({ "memory_id": GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID, "memory": [] }) # Initialize Pinecone pc = Pinecone(api_key=PINECONE_API_KEY) pinecone_index = pc.Index(PINECONE_INDEX_NAME) # Set up Streamlit page configuration st.set_page_config(page_title="GPT-Driven Chat System - Tester", page_icon="🔬", layout="wide") # Custom CSS to improve the UI st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # Initialize Streamlit session state if 'chat_history' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['chat_history'] = [] if 'user_type' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['user_type'] = None if 'session_id' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['session_id'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) # --- Common Memory Functions --- @cache_data(ttl=300) # Cache for 5 minutes def get_global_common_memory(): """Retrieve the global common memory.""" memory_doc = global_common_memory.find_one({"memory_id": GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID}) return memory_doc.get('memory', []) if memory_doc else [] def append_to_global_common_memory(content): """Append content to the global common memory.""" try: # First, ensure the document exists with an initialized memory array global_common_memory.update_one( {"memory_id": GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID}, {"$setOnInsert": {"memory": []}}, upsert=True ) # Then, add the new content to the memory array result = global_common_memory.update_one( {"memory_id": GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID}, {"$push": {"memory": content}} ) # Invalidate the cache after updating get_global_common_memory.clear() st.success("Memory appended successfully!") # Instead of using st.rerun(), we'll set a flag in session state st.session_state['memory_updated'] = True except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to append to global common memory: {str(e)}") def clear_global_common_memory(): """Clear all items from the global common memory.""" try: global_common_memory.update_one( {"memory_id": GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID}, {"$set": {"memory": []}}, upsert=True ) # Invalidate the cache after clearing get_global_common_memory.clear() st.success("Global common memory cleared successfully!") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to clear global common memory: {str(e)}") # --- Relevant Context Retrieval --- @cache_data(ttl=60) # Cache for 1 minute def get_relevant_context(query, top_k=3): """ Retrieve relevant context from Pinecone based on the user query. """ try: query_embedding = openai_client.embeddings.create( model="text-embedding-3-large", # Updated to use the larger model input=query ).data[0].embedding results = pinecone_index.query(vector=query_embedding, top_k=top_k, include_metadata=True) contexts = [item['metadata']['text'] for item in results['matches']] return " ".join(contexts) except Exception as e: print(f"Error retrieving context: {str(e)}") return "" # --- GPT Response Function --- def get_gpt_response(prompt, context="", system_message=None): try: common_memory = get_global_common_memory() system_msg = ( "You are a helpful assistant. Use the following context and global common memory " "to inform your responses, but don't mention them explicitly unless directly relevant to the user's question." ) if system_message: system_msg += f"\n\nTrainer Instructions:\n{system_message}" if common_memory: memory_str = "\n".join(common_memory) system_msg += f"\n\nGlobal Common Memory:\n{memory_str}" messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": system_msg}, {"role": "user", "content": f"Context: {context}\n\nUser query: {prompt}"} ] completion = model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=messages ) response = completion.choices[0].message.content.strip() return response except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error generating response: {str(e)}") return None # --- Send User Message --- def send_message(message): """ Sends a user message. If admin takeover is active, messages are sent to admin instead of GPT. """ context = get_relevant_context(message) user_message = { "role": "user", "content": message, "timestamp": datetime.utcnow(), "status": "approved" # User messages are always approved } # Upsert the user message immediately result = conversation_history.update_one( {"session_id": st.session_state['session_id']}, { "$push": {"messages": user_message}, "$set": {"last_updated": datetime.utcnow()}, "$setOnInsert": {"created_at": datetime.utcnow()} }, upsert=True ) # Update the session state with the user message st.session_state['chat_history'].append(user_message) if not st.session_state.get('admin_takeover_active'): # Generate GPT response if takeover is not active gpt_response = get_gpt_response(message, context) assistant_message = { "role": "assistant", "content": gpt_response, "timestamp": datetime.utcnow(), "status": "pending" # Set status to pending for admin approval } # Upsert the assistant message result = conversation_history.update_one( {"session_id": st.session_state['session_id']}, { "$push": {"messages": assistant_message}, "$set": {"last_updated": datetime.utcnow()} } ) # Update the session state with the assistant message st.session_state['chat_history'].append(assistant_message) # --- Send Admin Message --- def send_admin_message(message): """ Sends an admin message directly to the user during a takeover. """ admin_message = { "role": "admin", "content": message, "timestamp": datetime.utcnow(), "status": "approved" } # Upsert the admin message result = conversation_history.update_one( {"session_id": st.session_state['session_id']}, { "$push": {"messages": admin_message}, "$set": {"last_updated": datetime.utcnow()} } ) # Update the session state with the admin message st.session_state['chat_history'].append(admin_message) # --- Takeover Functions --- def activate_takeover(session_id): """ Activates takeover mode for the given session. """ try: db.takeover_status.update_one( {"session_id": session_id}, {"$set": {"active": True, "activated_at": datetime.utcnow()}}, upsert=True ) st.success(f"Takeover activated for session {session_id[:8]}...") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to activate takeover: {str(e)}") def deactivate_takeover(session_id): """ Deactivates takeover mode for the given session. """ try: db.takeover_status.update_one( {"session_id": session_id}, {"$set": {"active": False}}, ) st.success(f"Takeover deactivated for session {session_id[:8]}...") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to deactivate takeover: {str(e)}") def handle_admin_takeover(session_id): st.subheader("Admin Takeover") takeover_active = db.takeover_status.find_one({"session_id": session_id}) is_active = takeover_active.get("active", False) if takeover_active else False if is_active:"Takeover is currently active for this session.") if st.button("Deactivate Takeover"): deactivate_takeover(session_id) st.success("Takeover deactivated.") st.rerun() else: st.warning("Takeover is not active for this session.") if st.button("Activate Takeover"): activate_takeover(session_id) st.success("Takeover activated.") st.rerun() if is_active: admin_message = st.text_area("Send Message to User", key="admin_message") if st.button("Send Admin Message"): admin_message = st.session_state.get("admin_message", "") if admin_message.strip(): send_admin_message(admin_message.strip()) st.success("Admin message sent successfully!") st.session_state["admin_message"] = "" else: st.warning("Please enter a message to send.") # --- View Full Chat (User Perspective) --- def view_full_chat(session_id): st.title(f"Full Chat View - Session: {session_id[:8]}...") chat = db.chat_history.find_one({"session_id": session_id}) if not chat: st.error("Chat not found.") return col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 1]) with col1: st.subheader(f"Session ID: {session_id}") with col2: st.write(f"Last Updated: {chat.get('last_updated', 'N/A')}") st.markdown("---") for message in chat.get('messages', []): role = message['role'].capitalize() content = message['content'] timestamp = message.get('timestamp', 'N/A') if role == 'User': with st.chat_message("user"): st.markdown(f"**User** - {timestamp}") st.markdown(content) elif role == 'Assistant': with st.chat_message("assistant"): st.markdown(f"**Assistant** - {timestamp}") st.markdown(content) elif role == 'Admin': with st.chat_message("human"): st.markdown(f"**Admin** - {timestamp}") st.markdown(content) st.markdown("---") # Add text box to append to global memory st.subheader("Add to Global Memory") new_memory = st.text_area("Enter new memory item", key=f"new_memory_input_{session_id}") if st.button("Add Memory", key=f"add_memory_button_{session_id}"): if new_memory.strip(): append_to_global_common_memory(new_memory.strip()) st.success("New memory item added to global memory!") # Instead of rerunning, we'll update the session state st.session_state[f'memory_added_{session_id}'] = True st.rerun() else: st.warning("Please enter a valid memory item.") # Display success message if memory was added if st.session_state.get(f'memory_added_{session_id}'): st.success("Memory item added successfully!") # Clear the flag del st.session_state[f'memory_added_{session_id}'] st.markdown("---") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 1, 1]) with col2: if st.button("Back to Chat History", use_container_width=True): st.session_state.pop('full_chat_view', None) st.rerun() # --- Clear Global Chat Memory--- def clear_global_common_memory(): """Clear all items from the global common memory.""" try: global_common_memory.update_one( {"memory_id": GLOBAL_MEMORY_ID}, {"$set": {"memory": []}}, upsert=True ) # Invalidate the cache after clearing get_global_common_memory.clear() st.success("Global common memory cleared successfully!") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to clear global common memory: {str(e)}") def display_chat_history(): st.subheader("All Chat History") all_chats = list(db.chat_history.find().sort("last_updated", -1)) if not all_chats:"No chat history found.") return for idx, chat in enumerate(all_chats): session_id = chat['session_id'] last_updated = chat.get('last_updated', 'N/A') with st.expander(f"Session: {session_id[:8]}... - Last Updated: {last_updated}"): if chat.get('messages'): last_message = chat['messages'][-1] st.markdown(f"Last message ({last_message['role'].capitalize()}):") st.markdown(f"> {last_message['content'][:100]}...") if st.button(f"Show Full Chat", key=f"show_full_chat_{idx}"): st.session_state['full_chat_view'] = session_id st.rerun() def trainer_intervention_tab(): st.subheader("Trainer Intervention") # Handle admin intervention handle_admin_intervention() def handle_admin_intervention(): st.subheader("Review Pending Responses") pending_responses = conversation_history.find( {"messages.role": "assistant", "messages.status": "pending"} ) for conversation in pending_responses: st.write(f"Session ID: {conversation['session_id'][:8]}...") for i, message in enumerate(conversation['messages']): if message['role'] == 'assistant' and message.get('status') == 'pending': user_message = conversation['messages'][i-1]['content'] if i > 0 else "N/A" st.write(f"**User:** {user_message}") st.write(f"**GPT:** {message['content']}") col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) with col1: if st.button("Approve", key=f"approve_{conversation['session_id']}_{i}"): if approve_response(conversation['session_id'], i): st.success("Response approved") time.sleep(0.5) st.rerun() with col2: if st.button("Modify", key=f"modify_{conversation['session_id']}_{i}"): st.session_state['modifying'] = (conversation['session_id'], i) st.rerun() with col3: if st.button("Regenerate", key=f"regenerate_{conversation['session_id']}_{i}"): st.session_state['regenerating'] = (conversation['session_id'], i) st.rerun() with col4: takeover_doc = db.takeover_status.find_one({"session_id": conversation['session_id']}) takeover_active = takeover_doc.get("active", False) if takeover_doc else False if takeover_active: if st.button("Deactivate Takeover", key=f"deactivate_takeover_{conversation['session_id']}_{i}"): deactivate_takeover(conversation['session_id']) st.success("Takeover deactivated.") st.rerun() else: if st.button("Activate Takeover", key=f"activate_takeover_{conversation['session_id']}_{i}"): activate_takeover(conversation['session_id']) st.success("Takeover activated.") st.rerun() st.divider() if 'regenerating' in st.session_state: session_id, message_index = st.session_state['regenerating'] with st.form(key="regenerate_form"): operator_input = st.text_input("Enter additional instructions for regeneration:") submit_button = st.form_submit_button("Submit") if submit_button: del st.session_state['regenerating'] regenerate_response(session_id, message_index, operator_input) st.success("Response regenerated with operator input.") st.rerun() if 'modifying' in st.session_state: session_id, message_index = st.session_state['modifying'] conversation = conversation_history.find_one({"session_id": session_id}) message = conversation['messages'][message_index] modified_content = st.text_area("Modify the response:", value=message['content']) if st.button("Save Modification"): save_modified_response(session_id, message_index, modified_content) st.success("Response modified and approved") del st.session_state['modifying'] st.rerun() def approve_response(session_id, message_index): try: result = conversation_history.update_one( {"session_id": session_id}, {"$set": {f"messages.{message_index}.status": "approved"}} ) return result.modified_count > 0 except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to approve response: {str(e)}") return False def save_modified_response(session_id, message_index, modified_content): try: conversation_history.update_one( {"session_id": session_id}, { "$set": { f"messages.{message_index}.content": modified_content, f"messages.{message_index}.status": "approved" } } ) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to save modified response: {str(e)}") def regenerate_response(session_id, message_index, operator_input): try: conversation = conversation_history.find_one({"session_id": session_id}) user_message = conversation['messages'][message_index - 1]['content'] if message_index > 0 else "" new_response = get_gpt_response(user_message, system_message=operator_input) conversation_history.update_one( {"session_id": session_id}, { "$set": { f"messages.{message_index}.content": new_response, f"messages.{message_index}.status": "pending" } } ) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Failed to regenerate response: {str(e)}") def trainer_page(): st.title("Trainer Dashboard") # Add auto-refresh every 10 seconds (10000 milliseconds) st_autorefresh(interval=10000, limit=None, key="trainer_autorefresh") tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Current Status", "Chat History", "Intervention"]) with tab1: # Display current global memory st.subheader("Current Global Memory") global_memory = get_global_common_memory() if global_memory: for idx, item in enumerate(global_memory, 1): st.text(f"{idx}. {item}") else:"No global memory items found.") # Add button to clear global memory if st.button("Clear Global Memory", key="clear_global_memory"): clear_global_common_memory() st.success("Global memory cleared successfully!") time.sleep(1) st.rerun() # Display current chats st.subheader("Active Chats") chats = list(conversation_history.find().sort("last_updated", -1).limit(5)) for idx, chat in enumerate(chats): with st.expander(f"Session: {chat['session_id'][:8]}... - Last Updated: {chat.get('last_updated', 'N/A')}"): for message in chat.get('messages', [])[-5:]: role = message['role'].capitalize() content = message['content'] st.markdown(f"**{role}:** {content}") col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) with col1: if st.button(f"View Full Chat", key=f"view_chat_{idx}"): st.session_state['selected_chat'] = chat['session_id'] st.rerun() with col2: takeover_doc = db.takeover_status.find_one({"session_id": chat['session_id']}) takeover_active = takeover_doc.get("active", False) if takeover_doc else False if takeover_active: if st.button(f"Deactivate Takeover", key=f"deactivate_takeover_{idx}"): deactivate_takeover(chat['session_id']) st.success("Takeover deactivated.") st.rerun() else: if st.button(f"Activate Takeover", key=f"activate_takeover_{idx}"): activate_takeover(chat['session_id']) st.success("Takeover activated.") st.rerun() with col3: if st.button(f"Delete Chat", key=f"delete_chat_{idx}"): delete_chat(chat['session_id']) st.success(f"Chat {chat['session_id'][:8]}... deleted.") st.rerun() with col4: if takeover_active: st.text_input("Send message", key=f"takeover_message_{idx}") if st.button("Send", key=f"send_takeover_{idx}"): message = st.session_state[f"takeover_message_{idx}"] if message.strip(): send_admin_message(chat['session_id'], message.strip()) st.success("Message sent.") st.rerun() else: st.warning("Please enter a message to send.") # Manual refresh button if st.button("Refresh", key="refresh_button"): st.rerun() with tab2: display_chat_history() with tab3: trainer_intervention_tab() def delete_chat(session_id): try: result = conversation_history.delete_one({"session_id": session_id}) if result.deleted_count == 0: st.error("Failed to delete chat. Please try again.") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error deleting chat: {str(e)}") # --- Main Function --- def main(): try: if 'memory_updated' in st.session_state: del st.session_state['memory_updated'] st.rerun() if 'full_chat_view' in st.session_state: view_full_chat(st.session_state['full_chat_view']) elif 'selected_chat' in st.session_state: view_full_chat(st.session_state['selected_chat']) else: trainer_page() except (RerunException, StopException): raise except Exception as e: st.error(f"An unexpected error occurred: {str(e)}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()