import logging import re import string from import Sentence from flair.models import SequenceTagger from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine from presidio_anonymizer import AnonymizerEngine entity_label_to_code_map = {'': 0, '': 1, '-': 2, '': 3, '-': 4, '': 5, '': 6, # Miscellaneous: doesn't fall into the more common categories of PERSON, LOCATION, ORGANIZATION, '': 7, '': 8, '': 9, '': 10, '-': 11, '': 12, '-': 13, '-': 14, '': 15, '-': 16, '-': 17, '': 18, '-': 19, '-': 20, '': 21, '-': 22, '-': 23, '-': 24, '-': 25, '-': 26, '-': 27, '-': 28, '': 29, '': 30, '': 33, '': 34, '': 35, '': 36, '': 35, '': 36, '': 37, '-': 38} pronoun_list = [ 'I', 'i', 'me', 'my', 'mine', 'myself', 'you', 'your', 'yours', "I'm", "I am",\ 'yourself', 'yourselves', 'he', 'him', 'his', 'himself', 'she', "i'm", \ 'her', 'hers', 'herself', 'it', 'its', 'itself', 'they', 'them', \ 'their', 'theirs', 'themselves', 'we', 'us', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves' \ 'Me', 'My', 'Mine', 'Myself', 'You', 'Your', 'Yours', 'Yourself', 'Yourselves', \ 'He', 'Him', 'His', 'Himself', 'She', 'Her', 'Hers', 'Herself', 'It', 'Its', 'Itself', \ 'They', 'Them', 'Their', 'Theirs', 'Themselves', 'We', 'Us', 'Our', 'Ours', 'Ourselves', "Lady", "Madam", "Mr.", "Mister", "Sir", "Miss", "Ms.", "Mrs.", "Mr" ] privacy_category_codes = {'': 1, '': 2, '': 3} punctuation_list = list(string.punctuation) punctuation_list.remove('%') punctuation_list.remove('$') punctuation_list = ''.join(punctuation_list) def get_word_boundaries(sentence): """ Find the start and end positions of each word in a sentence.""" return [(match.start(), match.end()) for match in re.finditer(r'[^\s]+', sentence)] def fuse_ner_labels(flair_ner, presidio_ner, text_type=""): """Merges The NER labels from 'Flair' and 'Presidio' for a given text. We add take into account custom cases and predefined rules for entity classification. """ merged_ner = [] # Sanity check assert len(flair_ner) == len(presidio_ner) for i, ((w1, n1), (w2, n2)) in enumerate(zip(presidio_ner, flair_ner)): assert w1 == w2 if w1.lower() in pronoun_list: common_ner = "" # elif w1 in ['A+', 'A-', 'B+', 'B-', 'AB+', 'AB-', 'O+', 'O-']: # common_ner = "" elif n1 == "" and n2 == "": if w1.lower() in ["am", "'m"] and (i - 1) >= 0 and presidio_ner[i - 1][0].lower() == 'i': common_ner = "" elif bool(re.match(r'(?" else: common_ner = '' elif n1 in n2: common_ner = n2 elif n1 == '' and n2 != '': common_ner = n2 elif n2 == '' and n1 != '': common_ner = f"<{n1}>" else: common_ner = f"<{n1}>-{n2}" try: common_binary_label = 0 if common_ner =="" else 1 except: print(f"ERROR: common_binary_label = 0 if common_ner =='' else 1 | {w1=}, {w2=}, {n1=}, {n2=}") if common_ner not in entity_label_to_code_map.keys(): common_multi_label = len(entity_label_to_code_map) if common_ner not in entity_label_to_code_map.keys(): print("NOT in KEY", common_ner) entity_label_to_code_map[common_ner] = common_multi_label else: common_multi_label = entity_label_to_code_map[common_ner] is_private = text_type if common_ner != '' else '' merged_ner.append([w1, common_ner, is_private, privacy_category_codes[is_private], common_binary_label, common_multi_label]) return merged_ner analyzer = AnalyzerEngine() anonymizer = AnonymizerEngine() def apply_presidio_model(sentence, verbose=True): """Get Presidio predictions.""" if verbose: print(f"{sentence=}") # anonymized_text looks like: ['', 'went', 'to', 'Pitier', 'Hospital', ...] anonymized_text = anonymizer.anonymize(text=sentence, analyzer_results=analyzer.analyze(text=sentence, language='en')) anonymized_text = anonymized_text.__dict__['text'].split() anonymized_text = ' '.join(anonymized_text) next_word_to_concate = None if verbose: print(f"{anonymized_text=}") if verbose: print(f"{anonymized_text.split('<')=}") start_index, label = 0, [] previous_label = None for i, before_split in enumerate(anonymized_text.split('<')): if verbose: print(f"\nSubseq_{i}: {before_split=}") if i == 0: assert len(before_split) == len(sentence[start_index: len(before_split)]) start_index = len(before_split) label.extend([(s, '') for s in before_split.split()]) else: after_split = before_split.split(">") if verbose: print(f" -----> ", after_split) print(sentence[start_index:]) print(sentence[start_index:].find(after_split[-1])) start2_index = start_index + sentence[start_index:].find(after_split[-1]) end2_index = start2_index + len(after_split[-1]) if verbose: print(f"Sanity check: '[{sentence[start2_index: end2_index]}]' VS '[{after_split[-1]}]'") print(f"Hidden part: sentence[{start2_index}: {end2_index}] = {sentence[start2_index: end2_index]}") assert sentence[start2_index: end2_index] == after_split[-1] start2_index = start2_index if start2_index != start_index else len(sentence) for j, anonimyzed_word in enumerate((sentence[start_index: start2_index]).split()): if next_word_to_concate != None and j == 0: label.append((f"{next_word_to_concate}{anonimyzed_word}", f"<{after_split[0]}>")) next_word_to_concate = None else: label.append((anonimyzed_word, f"<{after_split[0]}>")) previous_label = f"<{after_split[0]}>" if len(sentence[start2_index: end2_index]) >= 1 and after_split[-1][-1] != ' ' and i != len(anonymized_text.split('<')) - 1: if verbose: print("Is there a space after?", after_split, after_split[-1][-1], i, len(anonymized_text.split('<'))) for j, anonimyzed_word in enumerate((after_split[-1]).split()[:-1]): label.append((anonimyzed_word, "")) next_word_to_concate = (after_split[-1]).split()[-1] elif len(sentence[start2_index: end2_index]) >= 1 and after_split[-1][0] != ' ' and i != len(anonymized_text.split('<')) - 1: if verbose: print("Is there a space before?", after_split, after_split[-1][0], i, len(anonymized_text.split('<'))) label[-1] = (f"{label[-1][0]}{after_split[-1].split()[0]}", previous_label) for j, anonimyzed_word in enumerate((after_split[-1]).split()[1:]): label.append((anonimyzed_word, "")) else: for j, anonimyzed_word in enumerate((after_split[-1]).split()): label.append((anonimyzed_word, "")) start_index = end2_index return label def apply_flair_model(original_sentence): """Get Flair predictions.""" logging.getLogger('flair').setLevel(logging.WARNING) tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/ner-english-large") flair_sentence = Sentence(original_sentence) tagger.predict(flair_sentence) word_boundaries = get_word_boundaries(original_sentence) ner = [[i_token.form, \ b_token.get_label().value, \ i_token.get_label().score, \ i_token.start_position, \ i_token.end_position] for b_token in flair_sentence.get_spans("ner") for i_token in b_token] ner_labels, ner_index = [], 0 for start, end in word_boundaries: word_from_text = original_sentence[start:end] if ner_index < len(ner): form, label, _, s, e = ner[ner_index] if (s, e) == (start, end) and word_from_text == form: ner_labels.append((word_from_text, label)) ner_index += 1 else: ner_labels.append((word_from_text, "")) else: ner_labels.append((word_from_text, "")) assert len(ner_labels) == len(word_boundaries) return ner_labels def preprocess_sentences(sentence, verbose=False): """Preprocess the sentence.""" # Removing Extra Newlines: sentence = re.sub(r'\n+', ' ', sentence) if verbose: print(sentence) # Collapsing Multiple Spaces: sentence = re.sub(' +', ' ', sentence) if verbose: print(sentence) # Handling Apostrophes in Possessives: sentence = re.sub(r"'s\b", " s", sentence) if verbose: print(sentence) # Removing Spaces Before Punctuation: sentence = re.sub(r'\s([,.!?;:])', r'\1', sentence) if verbose: print(sentence) # Pattern for Matching Leading or Trailing Punctuation: pattern = r'(?