psistolar's picture
Add sentiment scoring to complete sonification.
Find the inspiration for this project as well as the pretrained model
we used here:
import gradio as gr
from musicautobot.utils.setup_musescore import play_wav
from music21.midi.translate import midiFileToStream
from pathlib import Path
from midi2audio import FluidSynth
# from musicautobot.numpy_encode import *
from musicautobot.config import default_config
from musicautobot.music_transformer import *
from musicautobot.utils.midifile import *
# from musicautobot.utils.file_processing import process_all
import pickle
import subprocess
import os
# Load the stored data. This is needed to generate the vocab.
print('Loading data to build vocabulary.')
data_dir = Path('.')
data = load_data(data_dir, 'data.pkl')
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
print('Downloading model.')
model_cache_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="psistolar/musicautobot-fine1", filename="model.pth")
from transformers import pipeline
classifier = pipeline("sentiment-analysis")
# Default config options
config = default_config()
config['encode_position'] = True
print("Building model.")
# Load our fine-tuned model
learner = music_model_learner(
print("Ready to use.")
musical_letters = 'abcdefg'
from music21 import note
def sonify_text(text, sentiment):
name = Path('C Major Scale.midi')
item = MusicItem.from_file(name, data.vocab)
note_names = [f"{letter.upper()}4" for letter in text.lower() if letter in musical_letters]
p =
if sentiment == 'NEGATIVE':
# If negative, use TODO
p.append(music21.chord.Chord('A3 C4 E4', type='half')) # i
p.append(music21.chord.Chord('F3 A4 C4', type='half')) # VI
p.append(music21.chord.Chord('C3 E3 G3', type='half')) # III
p.append(music21.chord.Chord('G3 B3 D4', type='half')) # VII
# If positive, use a partial progression I-V-vi in C Major.
p.append(music21.chord.Chord('C4 E4 G4', type='half')) # I
p.append(music21.chord.Chord('G3 B3 D4', type='half')) # V
p.append(music21.chord.Chord('A3 C4 E4', type='half')) # vi
notes = []
for note_name in note_names:
note_obj = note.Note(note_name)
note_obj.duration.type = "quarter"
s =[p])
musical_seed = MusicItem.from_stream(s, data.vocab)
return musical_seed
def process_midi(MIDI_File, Text_to_Sonify, Randomness, Amount_of_Music_to_Add):
if MIDI_File is not None:
name = Path(
name = Path('C Major Scale.midi')
sonification = False
if MIDI_File is None and Text_to_Sonify is not None:
sonification = True
# create the model input object
if sonification:
sentiment_analysis = classifier(Text_to_Sonify)[0]
sentiment = sentiment_analysis['label']
score = sentiment_analysis['score']
item = sonify_text(Text_to_Sonify, sentiment)
# the lower our confidence in the sentiment, the more randomness we inject
score = max(0.25, score)
temp = Randomness / (100 * score)
item = MusicItem.from_file(name, data.vocab)
temp = Randomness / 100
# full is the prediction appended to the input
pred, full = learner.predict(
temperatures=(temp, temp)
# convert to stream and then MIDI file
if sonification:
# do not replay the musical seed if sonifying
stream = pred.to_stream()
stream = full.to_stream()
out = music21.midi.translate.streamToMidiFile(stream)
# save MIDI file'result.midi', 'wb')
# use fluidsynth to convert MIDI to WAV so the user can hear the output
sound_font = "/usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2"
FluidSynth(sound_font).midi_to_audio('result.midi', 'result.wav')
# TODO: if we can personalize the file names, let's do that with the text
return 'result.wav', 'result.midi'
midi_file_desc = """Upload your own MIDI file here (try to keep it small without any fun time signatures).
If you do not have a MIDI file, add some text and we will turn it into music!
article = """# Pop Music Transformer
We are using a language model to create music by treating a musical standard MIDI a simple text, with tokens for note values, note duration, and separations to denote movement forward in time.
This is all following the great work you can find [at this repo]( Moreover check out [their full web app]( We use the pretrained model they created as well as the utilities for converting between MIDI, audio streams, numpy encodings, and WAV files.
## Sonification
This is the process of turning something not inherently musical into music. Here we do something pretty simple. We take your input text "pretty cool", get a sentiment score (hard coded right now, model TODO), and use a major progression if it's positive and a minor progression if it's negative, and then factor the score into the randomness of the generated music. We also take the text and extract a melody by taking any of the letters from A to G, which in the example is just "E C". With the simple "E C" melody and a major progression a musical idea is generated.
iface = gr.Interface(
gr.inputs.File(optional=True, label=midi_file_desc),
gr.inputs.Slider(0, 250, default=100, step=50),
gr.inputs.Radio([100, 200, 500], type="value", default=100)
outputs=["audio", "file"],
# examples=['C major scale.midi']