import json |
import pandas as pd |
import streamlit as st |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots |
def display_results(results, setting='avg', rank_metric='Entailment(β)', is_auto=True): |
label_marker = { |
'Entailment': dict( |
color='rgba(102, 204, 0, 0.6)'), |
'Neutral': dict( |
color='rgba(255, 178, 102, 0.6)'), |
'Contradiction': dict( |
color='rgba(255, 51, 51, 0.6)'), |
'Abstain': dict( |
color='rgba(192, 192, 192, 0.6)') |
} |
model_names= [] |
entails = [] |
neutrals = [] |
contras = [] |
abstains = [] |
for k, v in results.items(): |
model_names.append(k) |
entails.append(v[setting]['entailment']) |
neutrals.append(v[setting]['neutral']) |
contras.append(v[setting]['contradiction']) |
abstains.append(v[setting]['abstain']) |
results = list(zip(model_names, entails, neutrals, contras, abstains)) |
label_order = None |
if rank_metric == 'Entailment(β)': |
results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[1]) |
label_order = ['Entailment', 'Neutral', 'Contradiction'] |
elif rank_metric == 'Neutral(β)': |
results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) |
label_order = ['Neutral', 'Contradiction', 'Entailment'] |
elif rank_metric == 'Contradiction(β)': |
results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[3], reverse=True) |
label_order = ['Contradiction', 'Neutral', 'Entailment'] |
elif rank_metric == 'Abstain(β)': |
results = sorted(results, key=lambda x: x[4], reverse=True) |
label_order = ['Contradiction', 'Neutral', 'Entailment'] |
label_to_results_idx = { |
'Entailment': 1, |
'Neutral': 2, |
'Contradiction': 3, |
'Abstain': 4 |
} |
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, shared_yaxes=True, column_widths=[0.9, 0.1], horizontal_spacing=0) |
for label in label_order: |
text = [] |
fig.add_trace( |
go.Bar( |
y=[x[0] for rank, x in enumerate(results)], |
x=[x[label_to_results_idx[label]] for x in results], |
name=label, |
orientation='h', |
marker=label_marker[label], |
text=[round(x[label_to_results_idx[label]], 1) for x in results] |
), |
row=1, |
col=1 |
) |
fig.add_trace( |
go.Bar( |
y=[x[0] for rank, x in enumerate(results)], |
x=[x[label_to_results_idx['Abstain']] for x in results], |
name='Abstain', |
orientation='h', |
marker=label_marker['Abstain'], |
text=[round(x[label_to_results_idx['Abstain']], 1) for x in results] |
), |
row=1, |
col=2 |
) |
fig.update_layout( |
barmode='stack', |
width=1000, |
height=900 if is_auto else 500, |
bargap=0.35, |
legend_font=dict(size=18), |
) |
fig.update_yaxes(tickfont=dict(size=19, color='black')) |
st.plotly_chart(fig) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
st.set_page_config(layout='wide') |
st.title('LLMHallucination Leaderboard') |
st.write('[GitHub repo of LLMHallucination](https://github.com/LuoXiaoHeics/LLMHallucination)') |
tab1 = st.tabs(['Auto-checked Leaderboard'])[0] |
with tab1: |
col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 7]) |
with col1: |
extractor = st.radio('Claim-Triplet Extractor', ['GPT-4', 'Claude 2']) |
checker = st.radio('Checker', ['Ensemble of 3 Checkers', 'GPT-4', 'Claude 2', 'RoBERTa-NLI']) |
model_map = { |
'Ensemble of 3 Checkers': 'ensemble', |
'GPT-4': 'gpt4', |
'Claude 2': 'claude2', |
'RoBERTa-NLI': 'nli' |
} |
extractor = model_map[extractor] |
checker = model_map[checker] |
rank_metric = st.radio('Rank By:', ['Contradiction(β)', 'Neutral(β)', 'Entailment(β)', 'Abstain(β)']) |
with col2: |
results = json.load(open('auto_leaderboard_scores.json')) |
res_key = f'{extractor}###{checker}' |
if res_key not in results: |
st.write('Work in progress, please stay tuned π') |
else: |
results = results[res_key] |
tab_avg, tab_zero, tab_noisy, tab_accurate = \ |
st.tabs(['Average over Settings', 'Zero Context', 'Noisy Context', 'Accurate Context']) |
with tab_avg: |
display_results(results, setting='avg', rank_metric=rank_metric) |
with tab_zero: |
display_results(results, setting='nq', rank_metric=rank_metric) |
with tab_noisy: |
display_results(results, setting='msmarco', rank_metric=rank_metric) |
with tab_accurate: |
display_results(results, setting='dolly', rank_metric=rank_metric) |
st.divider() |
st.write('\* The responses of Gemini Pro (Bard) are manually collected from [Google Bard](https://bard.google.com/) on December 7, 2023.') |
st.write('β The responses of Gemini Pro (API) are collected from its offical API without tools.') |
st.write('β£ Our project is executed using the tool of RefChecker (https://github.com/amazon-science/RefChecker).') |