import json import os import random import shutil from datetime import datetime import langdetect import nltk import pandas as pd from langdetect import DetectorFactory, LangDetectException DATA_FILE = "data/crashes/thecrashes_data_all_text.json" DEV_PORTION = .10 random.seed(2001) DetectorFactory.seed = 0 def is_a_real_time(timestamp): """Helper function, checks if a given timestamp really has a time""" # 00:00:00 (midnight) is the "empty" timestamp, ignore it if timestamp.hour == timestamp.minute == timestamp.second == 0: return False return True def main(): process_events() def detect_language(article): if article["alltext"]: sample = article["alltext"] elif article["summary"]: sample = article["summary"] else: sample = article["title"] try: return langdetect.detect(sample) except LangDetectException: print(f"\tCould not detect language for text_id={article['id']}") print(f"\tSample={sample})") print() return "UNK_LANG" def extract_text_info(event): ev_text_lines = [] ev_id_lines = [] ev_meta_rows = [] for article in event["articles"]: text_id = article["id"] try: pubdate = datetime.fromisoformat(article["publishedtime"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") except ValueError: print(f"\t\tcould not parse date {article['publishedtime']}") pubdate = None url = article["url"] provider = article["sitename"] title = article["title"] language = detect_language(article) ev_meta_rows.append({ "event_id": event["id"], "text_id": text_id, "pubdate": pubdate, "language": language, "url": url, "provider": provider, "title": title }) summary = article["summary"] body = article["alltext"] text_lines = [] id_lines = [] for line in segment(title, language): text_lines.append(line) id_lines.append(f"event {event['id']}\ttext {text_id}\ttitle") for line in segment(summary, language): text_lines.append(line) id_lines.append(f"event {event['id']}\ttext {text_id}\tsummary") for line in segment(body, language): text_lines.append(line) id_lines.append(f"event {event['id']}\ttext {text_id}\tbody") ev_text_lines.append(text_lines) ev_id_lines.append(id_lines) return ev_text_lines, ev_id_lines, ev_meta_rows def segment(text, language): # don't split Hebrew and Vietnamese (because we don't have a segmenter for it) if language in ["he", "vi"]: return text lang_map = { "nl": "dutch", "en": "english", "es": "spanish", "de": "german", "fr": "french", "ru": "russian", "pt": "portuguese" } nltk_lang = lang_map.get(language) # what to do with languages without sent tokenizer in NLTK (apart from Hebrew): if not nltk_lang: if language == "af": # treat Afrikaans as Dutch nltk_lang = "dutch" else: print(f"Found an article with unsupported language={language}, falling back to English NLTK") nltk_lang = "english" return nltk.sent_tokenize(text, nltk_lang) def write_to_text_by_event(text_lines, text_meta_lines, event_id, split_to_dir, split): event_dir = f"{split_to_dir[split]}/{event_id}" os.makedirs(event_dir, exist_ok=True) for art_lines, row in zip(text_lines, text_meta_lines): text_file = f"{event_dir}/{row['text_id']}.txt" with open(text_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in art_lines: f.write(line + os.linesep) def process_events(): print("Loading data file...") with open(DATA_FILE, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = json.load(f) event_all_rows = [] event_dev_rows = [] event_main_rows = [] text_all_rows = [] text_dev_rows = [] text_main_rows = [] # make empty text files text_file_basenames = { "all": "output/crashes/split_data/all.texts", "dev": "output/crashes/split_data/split_dev10.texts", "main": "output/crashes/split_data/split_main.texts" } for split, bn in text_file_basenames.items(): for ext in [".text.txt", ".ids.txt"]: f = open(f"{bn}{ext}", "w", encoding="utf-8") f.close() # clear & make text file directories text_files_by_event_dir = {} for split in ["all", "dev", "main"]: prefix = "split_dev10" if split == "dev" else "split_main" if split == "main" else "all" text_dir = f"output/crashes/split_data/{prefix}_texts_by_event" text_files_by_event_dir[split] = text_dir if os.path.exists(text_dir): shutil.rmtree(text_dir) os.mkdir(text_dir) # helper function for writing text files def append_to_txt(txt_file, lines): with open(txt_file, "a", encoding="utf-8") as f_out: for art_lines in lines: for line in art_lines: f_out.write(line + os.linesep) print("Processing events...") for event in data: event_id = event["id"] print(f"\tevent_id={event_id}") try: timestamp = datetime.fromisoformat(event["date"]) except ValueError: timestamp = None event_row = { "event:id": event_id, "event:date": timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if timestamp else None, "event:time": timestamp.strftime("%H-%M-%S") if timestamp and is_a_real_time(timestamp) else None, "event:coordinates": f"{event['latitude'], event['longitude']}", "vehicle_involved": 1 if any(p for p in event["persons"] if p["transportationmode"] in range(5, 14)) else 0 } for health, health_code in (("dead", 3), ("injured", 2)): all_with_health = [p for p in event["persons"] if p["health"] == health_code] event_row[f"outcomes:{health}:total"] = len(all_with_health) event_row[f"outcomes:{health}:child"] = len([p for p in all_with_health if p["child"] == 1]) for mode, mode_codes in (("pedestrian", [1]), ("cyclist", [2]), ("vehicle", range(5, 14))): event_row[f"outcomes:{health}:{mode}"] = len([p for p in all_with_health if p["transportationmode"] in mode_codes]) text_lines, text_id_lines, text_meta_rows = extract_text_info(event) event_all_rows.append(event_row) text_all_rows.extend(text_meta_rows) append_to_txt(text_file_basenames["all"] + ".text.txt", text_lines) append_to_txt(text_file_basenames["all"] + ".ids.txt", text_id_lines) write_to_text_by_event(text_lines, text_meta_rows, event_id, text_files_by_event_dir, "all") if random.random() < DEV_PORTION: event_dev_rows.append(event_row) text_dev_rows.extend(text_meta_rows) append_to_txt(text_file_basenames["dev"] + ".text.txt", text_lines) append_to_txt(text_file_basenames["dev"] + ".ids.txt", text_id_lines) write_to_text_by_event(text_lines, text_meta_rows, event_id, text_files_by_event_dir, "dev") else: event_main_rows.append(event_row) text_main_rows.extend(text_meta_rows) append_to_txt(text_file_basenames["main"] + ".text.txt", text_lines) append_to_txt(text_file_basenames["main"] + ".ids.txt", text_id_lines) write_to_text_by_event(text_lines, text_meta_rows, event_id, text_files_by_event_dir, "main") all_ev_df = pd.DataFrame(event_all_rows) main_ev_df = pd.DataFrame(event_main_rows) dev_ev_df = pd.DataFrame(event_dev_rows) for df, file in ((all_ev_df, ""), (main_ev_df, ""), (dev_ev_df, "")): df.to_csv(f"output/crashes/split_data/{file}.csv") all_txt_df = pd.DataFrame(text_all_rows) main_txt_df = pd.DataFrame(text_main_rows) dev_txt_df = pd.DataFrame(text_dev_rows) for df, file in ((all_txt_df, "all.texts"), (main_txt_df, "split_main.texts"), (dev_txt_df, "split_dev10.texts")): df.to_csv(f"output/crashes/split_data/{file}.meta.csv") if __name__ == '__main__': main()