from sortinghat import SortingHat import random import torch import gradio as gr from PIL import Image from peft import AutoPeftModelForCausalLM from transformers import AutoTokenizer from time import sleep class HPChatBot: def __init__(self, model_path: str = 'rnltls/harrypotter_lexicon_finetune', device_map: str = 'auto', load_in_4_bit: bool = True, **quant_kwargs) -> None: self.model = None self.tokenizer = None self.image_processor = None self.conv = None self.conv_img = [] self.img_tensor = [] self.roles = None self.stop_key = None self.is_chat = False self.is_waldo = False self.load_models(model_path, device_map=device_map, load_in_4_bit=load_in_4_bit, **quant_kwargs) def load_models(self, model_path: str, device_map: str, load_in_4_bit: bool, **quant_kwargs) -> None: model = AutoPeftModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( model_path, # YOUR MODEL YOU USED FOR TRAINING load_in_4bit = load_in_4_bit, ) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path) self.model = AutoPeftModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained( "rnltls/harrypotter_lexicon_finetune", # YOUR MODEL YOU USED FOR TRAINING load_in_4bit = load_in_4_bit, ) self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path, use_fast=False) def generate_answer(self, prompt): output = self.model.generate(**prompt, max_new_tokens = 256) generated_text = self.tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True) return generated_text HogwartGemma = "" SpellProf = ["", "", ""] PotionProf = ["", "", ""] OtherProf = ["", "", ""] HouseHat = ["", "", "", "", "", ""] Icons = ["", "", "", ""] enable_btn = gr.Button(interactive=True) disable_btn = gr.Button(interactive=False) spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat = False, False, False, False question_counter = 0 quit_counter = 0 question_list = None quote_list = None answer_list = [] question_prompt = """Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: {} ### Input: {} ### Response: {}""" def show_image(path): # Convert To PIL Image image = return image def spell_chatting(chat_history, request: gr.Request): global spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat, quit_counter, answer_list answer_list = [] quit_counter=0 question_counter = 0 chat_history.clear() spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat = True, False, False, False bot_message = "Welcome to Magic Spell Class!\nTell me what you want to achieve, and I’ll suggest the perfect spell for it!\nIf you ask in the format: 'What spell can I use when I ~?', I can give you even better suggestions!" txt_box = gr.Textbox(value="What spell can I use when I ", interactive=True) prof_IMG = SpellProf[0] chat_history.append([None, bot_message]) return chat_history, prof_IMG, txt_box, enable_btn, enable_btn, enable_btn def potion_chatting(chat_history, request: gr.Request): global spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat, quit_counter, answer_list answer_list = [] quit_counter=0 question_counter = 0 chat_history.clear() spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat = False, True, False, False bot_message = "Welcome to Potion Class!\nTell me what you want to achieve, and I’ll suggest the perfect potion for it!\nIf you ask in the format: 'What potion can I make when I ~?', I can give you even better suggestions!" txt_box = gr.Textbox(value="What potion can I make when I ", interactive=True) prof_IMG = PotionProf[0] chat_history.append([None,bot_message]) return chat_history, prof_IMG, txt_box, enable_btn, enable_btn, enable_btn def other_chatting(chat_history, request: gr.Request): global spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat, quit_counter, answer_list answer_list = [] quit_counter=0 question_counter = 0 chat_history.clear() spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat = False, False, True, False bot_message = "Welcome to Library!\nWelcome to the library! Feel free to ask me anything if you're curious!" txt_box = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Ask anything you're curious about in the Wizarding World!", value="", interactive=True) prof_IMG = OtherProf[0] chat_history.append([None,bot_message]) return chat_history, prof_IMG, txt_box, enable_btn, enable_btn, enable_btn def house_chatting(chat_history, request: gr.Request): global spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat, quit_counter, question_counter, question_list, quote_list, answer_list answer_list = [] question_list = sortinghat.choose_questions() quote_list = sortinghat.choose_quotes() quit_counter=0 question_counter = 0 chat_history.clear() spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat = False, False, False, True bot_message = "Hmm, let's see… where shall I place you?\n" + question_list[question_counter] txt_box = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Answer the question", value="", interactive=True) prof_IMG = HouseHat[0] chat_history.append([None,bot_message]) return chat_history, prof_IMG, txt_box, enable_btn, enable_btn, enable_btn def ask_question(chat_history, text_data, request: gr.Request): global spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat, quit_counter, answer_list if spell_chat: print(text_data) prof_IMG = SpellProf[1] chat_history.append([text_data, None]) text_data = gr.Textbox(value="What spell can I use when I ", interactive=True) return chat_history, prof_IMG, text_data if potion_chat: print(text_data) prof_IMG = PotionProf[1] chat_history.append([text_data, None]) text_data = gr.Textbox(value="What potion can I make when I ", interactive=True) return chat_history, prof_IMG, text_data if other_chat: print(text_data) prof_IMG = OtherProf[1] chat_history.append([text_data, None]) text_data = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Ask anything you're curious about in the Wizarding World!", value="", interactive=True) return chat_history, prof_IMG, text_data if house_chat: print(text_data) prof_IMG = HouseHat[1] chat_history.append([text_data, None]) answer_list.append(text_data) text_data = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Answer the question", value = "", interactive=True) return chat_history, prof_IMG, text_data def clean_chatting(chat_history, request: gr.Request): global spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat, quit_counter, question_counter, question_list, quote_list, answer_list quit_counter = 0 question_counter = 0 question_list=sortinghat.choose_questions() quote_list=sortinghat.choose_quotes() answer_list=[] chat_history.clear() if spell_chat: bot_message = "Welcome to Magic Spell Class!\nTell me what you want to achieve, and I’ll suggest the perfect spell for it!\nIf you ask in the format: 'What spell can I use when I ~?', I can give you even better suggestions!" prof_IMG = SpellProf[0] if potion_chat: bot_message = "Welcome to Potion Class!\nTell me what you want to achieve, and I’ll suggest the perfect potion for it!\nIf you ask in the format: 'What potion can I make when I ~?', I can give you even better suggestions!" prof_IMG = PotionProf[0] if other_chat: bot_message = "Welcome to Library!\nWelcome to the library! Feel free to ask me anything if you're curious!" prof_IMG = OtherProf[0] if house_chat: bot_message = "Hmm, let's see… where shall I place you?\n" + question_list[question_counter] prof_IMG = HouseHat[0] chat_history.append([None, bot_message]) return chat_history, prof_IMG def run_model(chat_history, request: gr.Request): global spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat, question_counter, question_list, quote_list, answer_list if question_counter < 4 and house_chat: bot_message = quote_list[question_counter] + '\n' + question_list[question_counter+1] question_counter += 1 chat_history[-1][1] = bot_message return chat_history elif house_chat: print("Choosing the house") print(question_list) print(answer_list) user_responses = "\n".join([f"{i+1}. {q}\nAnswer: {a}" for i, (q,a) in enumerate(zip(question_list, answer_list))]) prompt = f""" You are the Sorting Hat at Hogwarts. Based on the student's answers to the following questions, assign them to the most suitable house (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin) and provide three reasons for your decision. Gryffindor values courage, nerve, and chivalry. Hufflepuff values hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. Ravenclaw values intelligence, learning, wisdom, and wit. Slytherin values ambition, cunning, leadership, and resourcefulness. ### Instruction: Please format the response like this: 'Your house is [house]! Here's why: 1. [reason 1] 2. [reason 2] 3. [reason 3] Welcome to your new house at Hogwarts!' ### Input: {user_responses} ### Response: """ inputs = HP_chatbot.tokenizer([prompt], return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") output = HP_chatbot.generate_answer(inputs) output = output.split("Response:")[-1] print(output) chat_history[-1][1] = output return chat_history alpaca_prompt = """Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: {} ### Input: {} ### Response: {}""" inputs = HP_chatbot.tokenizer( [ alpaca_prompt.format( chat_history[-1][0], # instruction "", # input "", # output - leave this blank for generation! ) ], return_tensors = "pt").to("cuda") output = HP_chatbot.generate_answer(inputs) output = output.split("Response:")[-1] chat_history[-1][1] = output return chat_history def end_chatting(chat_history, textbox, request: gr.Request): global spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat, quit_counter, question_counter if not house_chat or quit_counter > 0: quit_counter = 0 question_counter = 0 chat_history.clear() chat_history.append([None, "Welcome to Hogwarts!"]) textbox = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, placeholder="Welcome to Hogwart!", value= "", container=False, interactive = False) return chat_history, HogwartGemma, textbox, disable_btn, disable_btn, disable_btn else: quit_counter += 1 chat_history.append([None, "Quit, you say? Oh, I see your plight, But the housing question’s still in sight.\ \nThough weary you may be, don't yet retreat,For there's still a task you must complete!"]) return chat_history, HouseHat[0], textbox, enable_btn, enable_btn, enable_btn def result_img(chat_history, textbox, submit_btn, request: gr.Request): global spell_chat, potion_chat, other_chat, house_chat, quit_counter, question_counter if spell_chat: return SpellProf[2], textbox, submit_btn if potion_chat: return PotionProf[2], textbox, submit_btn if other_chat: return OtherProf[2], textbox, submit_btn if house_chat: if question_counter == 4: quit_counter = 1 house = chat_history[-1][1] # print(house) if "gryffindor" in house.lower(): insignia = HouseHat[2] elif "hufflepuff" in house.lower(): insignia = HouseHat[3] elif "ravenclaw" in house.lower(): insignia = HouseHat[4] elif "slytherin" in house.lower(): insignia = HouseHat[5] else: return HouseHat[0], textbox, disable_btn textbox = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, placeholder="Housing Done.", value= "", container=False, interactive = False) return insignia, textbox, disable_btn else: return HouseHat[0], textbox, submit_btn def build_gradio(concurrency_count=10): textbox = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, placeholder="Welcome to Hogwart!", container=False, interactive = False) with gr.Blocks( theme='gstaff/xkcd', ) as demo: state = gr.State() with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=3): imagebox = gr.Image(value=HogwartGemma, type="pil", interactive=False, show_label=False, show_download_button=False, show_fullscreen_button=False) spell_btn = gr.Button(icon=Icons[0], value="Spell", interactive = True, scale = 2) potion_btn = gr.Button(icon=Icons[1], value="Potion", interactive = True, scale = 2) other_btn = gr.Button(icon=Icons[2], value="Others", interactive = True, scale = 2) house_btn = gr.Button(icon=Icons[3], value="Find your House", interactive = True, scale = 2) with gr.Column(scale=8): initial_message = [None,"Welcome to Hogwarts!"] chatbot = gr.Chatbot( label='Free to ask!', value= [initial_message], height=600, ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=8): textbox.render() with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=50): submit_btn = gr.Button(value="Send", variant="primary", interactive = False) with gr.Row(elem_id="buttons") as button_row: finish_btn = gr.Button(value="🏁 End Talking", interactive = False) clear_btn = gr.Button(value="🗑️ Clear", interactive=False) box_list = [spell_btn, potion_btn, other_btn, house_btn, textbox, submit_btn, finish_btn, clear_btn] spell_chatting, inputs=[chatbot], outputs=[chatbot, imagebox, textbox, submit_btn, finish_btn, clear_btn] ) potion_chatting, inputs=[chatbot], outputs=[chatbot, imagebox, textbox, submit_btn, finish_btn, clear_btn] ) other_chatting, inputs=[chatbot], outputs=[chatbot, imagebox, textbox, submit_btn, finish_btn, clear_btn] ) house_chatting, inputs=[chatbot], outputs=[chatbot, imagebox, textbox, submit_btn, finish_btn, clear_btn] ) textbox.submit( ask_question, inputs = [chatbot, textbox], outputs = [chatbot, imagebox, textbox] ).then( run_model, inputs = [chatbot], outputs = [chatbot] ).then( result_img, inputs=[chatbot, textbox, submit_btn], outputs=[imagebox, textbox, submit_btn] ) ask_question, inputs = [chatbot, textbox], outputs = [chatbot, imagebox, textbox] ).then( run_model, inputs = [chatbot], outputs = [chatbot] ).then( result_img, inputs=[chatbot, textbox, submit_btn], outputs=[imagebox, textbox, submit_btn] ) end_chatting, inputs=[chatbot, textbox], outputs=[chatbot, imagebox, textbox, submit_btn, finish_btn, clear_btn] ) clean_chatting, inputs=[chatbot], outputs=[chatbot, imagebox] ) return demo import argparse if __name__ == "__main__": # 컨트롤러에서 사용가능한 모델 가져옴. 나는 모델 하나만 쓸 것이기 때문에, get_model_list()에서 해당 모델이 동작하고 있는 url을 넘겨주면 된다! # models = [args.model_url] # HP_chatbot = HPChatBot(load_in_8bit=True, # bnb_8bit_compute_dtype=torch.float16, # bnb_8bit_use_double_quant=True, # bnb_8bit_quant_type='nf8') sortinghat = SortingHat() # Gradio를 이용해서 데모 만들기 demo = build_gradio() demo.queue( api_open=False ).launch( server_port=7861, share=True )