import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react' import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom' import { Tabs, Space, Input, Button } from 'antd-mobile' import { ArrowsAltOutline, UpCircleOutline, AudioOutline } from 'antd-mobile-icons'; import ChatCom from './components/ChatCom'; import SearchCom from './components/SearchCom' import { getTxt2Img, getChatData } from './components/ChatCom/service'; import defaultDemo from './images/defaultImage.png'; import type { MessageType } from './components/ChatCom'; import "./style.less" function Home(props: any) { const [bgImage, setBgImage] = useState(defaultDemo); const [isShowBig, setShowBig] = useState(false); const [value, setValue] = useState(''); const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]); const [isShowInput, setIsShowInput] = useState(true); const handleEnterPress = () => { if (value === '') { return; } setMessages((messages) => [...messages, { type: '0', value, }]); setValue(''); getChatData(value).then((res: any) => { setTimeout(() => { setMessages((messages) => [...messages, { type: '1', value: || '', }]); }, 30); }) } useEffect(() => { getTxt2Img('A young lady is wearing a white button-down shirt, a black midi skirt, light brown pumps, and a beige trench coat for a professional and elegant look.').then((res: any) => { if (res) { setBgImage('data:image/png;base64,' +[0]); } }) }, []); return (
setShowBig(!isShowBig)}> { !isShowBig && { setIsShowInput(key === 'chat')}}> } {isShowBig && isShowInput && } {isShowInput &&
{ setValue(val) }} onEnterPress={handleEnterPress} />
) } export default withRouter(Home)