text_summariser / chatfuncs /summarise_funcs.py
seanpedrickcase's picture
Dockerfile now loads models to local folder. Can use custom output folder. requrirements for GPU-enabled summarisation now in separate file to hopefully avoid HF space issues.
history blame
10.7 kB
import pandas as pd
import concurrent.futures
import gradio as gr
from chatfuncs.chatfuncs import model, CtransGenGenerationConfig, temperature
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Type
from chatfuncs.helper_functions import output_folder
today = datetime.now().strftime("%d%m%Y")
today_rev = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d")
PandasDataFrame = Type[pd.DataFrame]
def summarise_text(text:str, text_df:PandasDataFrame, length_slider:int, in_colname:str, model_type:str, progress=gr.Progress()):
Summarise a text or series of texts using Transformers of Llama.cpp
outputs = []
output_name = ""
output_name_parquet = ""
if text_df.empty:
in_colname_list_first = in_colname
in_text_df = pd.DataFrame({in_colname_list_first:[text]})
in_text_df = text_df
in_colname_list_first = in_colname
texts_list = list(in_text_df[in_colname_list_first])
if model_type != "Phi 3 128k (24k tokens max)":
summarised_texts = []
for single_text in progress.tqdm(texts_list, desc = "Summarising texts", unit = "texts"):
summarised_text = model(single_text, max_length=length_slider)
summarised_text_str = summarised_text[0]['summary_text']
if model_type == "Phi 3 128k (24k tokens max)":
gen_config = CtransGenGenerationConfig()
# Define a function that calls your model
# def call_model(formatted_string):#, vars):
# return model(formatted_string)#, vars)
def call_model(formatted_string, gen_config):
Calls your generation model with parameters from the CtransGenGenerationConfig object.
formatted_string (str): The formatted input text for the model.
gen_config (CtransGenGenerationConfig): An object containing generation parameters.
# Extracting parameters from the gen_config object
temperature = gen_config.temperature
top_k = gen_config.top_k
top_p = gen_config.top_p
repeat_penalty = gen_config.repeat_penalty
seed = gen_config.seed
max_tokens = gen_config.max_tokens
stream = gen_config.stream
# Now you can call your model directly, passing the parameters:
output = model(
return output
# Set your timeout duration (in seconds)
timeout_duration = 300 # Adjust this value as needed
length = str(length_slider)
from chatfuncs.prompts import instruction_prompt_phi3
summarised_texts = []
for single_text in progress.tqdm(texts_list, desc = "Summarising texts", unit = "texts"):
formatted_string = instruction_prompt_phi3.format(length=length, text=single_text)
# Use ThreadPoolExecutor to enforce a timeout
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
#future = executor.submit(call_model, formatted_string)#, **vars(gen_config))
future = executor.submit(call_model, formatted_string, gen_config)
output = future.result(timeout=timeout_duration)
# Process the output here
except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError:
error_text = f"Timeout (five minutes) occurred for text: {single_text}. Consider using a smaller model."
return error_text, None
output_str = output['choices'][0]['text']
# Find the index of 'ASSISTANT: ' to select only text after this location
# index = output_str.find('ASSISTANT: ')
# # Check if 'ASSISTANT: ' is found in the string
# if index != -1:
# # Add the length of 'ASSISTANT: ' to the index to start from the end of this substring
# start_index = index + len('ASSISTANT: ')
# # Slice the string from this point to the end
# assistant_text = output_str[start_index:]
# else:
# assistant_text = "ASSISTANT: not found in text"
# print(assistant_text)
if text_df.empty:
#if model_type != "Phi 3 128k (24k tokens max)":
summarised_text_out = summarised_texts[0]#.values()
#if model_type == "Phi 3 128k (24k tokens max)":
# summarised_text_out = summarised_texts[0]
summarised_text_out = summarised_texts #[d['summary_text'] for d in summarised_texts] #summarised_text[0].values()
output_name = output_folder + "summarise_output_" + today_rev + ".csv"
output_name_parquet = output_folder + "summarise_output_" + today_rev + ".parquet"
output_df = pd.DataFrame({"Original text":in_text_df[in_colname_list_first],
"Summarised text":summarised_text_out})
summarised_text_out_str = str(output_df["Summarised text"][0])#.str.replace("dict_values([","").str.replace("])",""))
output_df.to_csv(output_name, index = None)
output_df.to_parquet(output_name_parquet, index = None)
return summarised_text_out_str, outputs
# def summarise_text(text, text_df, length_slider, in_colname, model_type, progress=gr.Progress()):
# if text_df.empty:
# in_colname="text"
# in_colname_list_first = in_colname
# in_text_df = pd.DataFrame({in_colname_list_first:[text]})
# else:
# in_text_df = text_df
# in_colname_list_first = in_colname
# print(model_type)
# texts_list = list(in_text_df[in_colname_list_first])
# if model_type != "Phi 3 128k (24k tokens max)":
# summarised_texts = []
# for single_text in progress.tqdm(texts_list, desc = "Summarising texts", unit = "texts"):
# summarised_text = chatf.model(single_text, max_length=length_slider)
# #print(summarised_text)
# summarised_text_str = summarised_text[0]['summary_text']
# summarised_texts.append(summarised_text_str)
# print(summarised_text_str)
# #pd.Series(summarised_texts).to_csv("summarised_texts_out.csv")
# #print(summarised_texts)
# if model_type == "Phi 3 128k (24k tokens max)":
# # Define a function that calls your model
# def call_model(formatted_string, max_length=10000):
# return chatf.model(formatted_string, max_length=max_length)
# # Set your timeout duration (in seconds)
# timeout_duration = 300 # Adjust this value as needed
# length = str(length_slider)
# from chatfuncs.prompts import nous_capybara_prompt
# summarised_texts = []
# for single_text in progress.tqdm(texts_list, desc = "Summarising texts", unit = "texts"):
# formatted_string = nous_capybara_prompt.format(length=length, text=single_text)
# # Use ThreadPoolExecutor to enforce a timeout
# with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
# future = executor.submit(call_model, formatted_string, 10000)
# try:
# output = future.result(timeout=timeout_duration)
# # Process the output here
# except concurrent.futures.TimeoutError:
# error_text = f"Timeout (five minutes) occurred for text: {single_text}. Consider using a smaller model."
# print(error_text)
# return error_text, None
# print(output)
# output_str = output[0]['generated_text']
# # Find the index of 'ASSISTANT: ' to select only text after this location
# index = output_str.find('ASSISTANT: ')
# # Check if 'ASSISTANT: ' is found in the string
# if index != -1:
# # Add the length of 'ASSISTANT: ' to the index to start from the end of this substring
# start_index = index + len('ASSISTANT: ')
# # Slice the string from this point to the end
# assistant_text = output_str[start_index:]
# else:
# assistant_text = "ASSISTANT: not found in text"
# print(assistant_text)
# summarised_texts.append(assistant_text)
# #print(summarised_text)
# #pd.Series(summarised_texts).to_csv("summarised_texts_out.csv")
# if text_df.empty:
# #if model_type != "Phi 3 128k (24k tokens max)":
# summarised_text_out = summarised_texts[0]#.values()
# #if model_type == "Phi 3 128k (24k tokens max)":
# # summarised_text_out = summarised_texts[0]
# else:
# summarised_text_out = summarised_texts #[d['summary_text'] for d in summarised_texts] #summarised_text[0].values()
# output_name = "summarise_output_" + today_rev + ".csv"
# output_df = pd.DataFrame({"Original text":in_text_df[in_colname_list_first],
# "Summarised text":summarised_text_out})
# summarised_text_out_str = str(output_df["Summarised text"][0])#.str.replace("dict_values([","").str.replace("])",""))
# output_df.to_csv(output_name, index = None)
# return summarised_text_out_str, output_name