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import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.ops import unary_union
import shapefile
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon
import sys
# Input shapefile
input_shapefile = sys.argv[1]
# Output shapefile
output_shapefile = sys.argv[2]
# Step 1: Load the shapefile
gdf = gpd.read_file(input_shapefile)
# Step 2: Fix invalid geometries
gdf['geometry'] = gdf['geometry'].buffer(0)
# Step 3: Group by gemarkung and create exterior boundaries
gemarkung_boundaries = {}
gemarkung_data = {}
for gemarkung, group in gdf.groupby('gemarkung'):
merged_polygon = unary_union(group.geometry)
if isinstance(merged_polygon, Polygon):
exterior_boundary = Polygon(merged_polygon.exterior)
elif isinstance(merged_polygon, MultiPolygon):
exterior_boundary = MultiPolygon([Polygon(poly.exterior) for poly in merged_polygon.geoms])
print(f"Skipping invalid geometry for gemarkung: {gemarkung}")
gemarkung_boundaries[gemarkung] = exterior_boundary
# Store additional data for each gemarkung
sample_row = group.iloc[0]
gemarkung_data[gemarkung] = {
'gemeinde': sample_row['gemeinde'],
'schluessel': sample_row['flstkennz'].split('___')[0]
# Step 4: Create a new shapefile with the exterior boundaries
w = shapefile.Writer(output_shapefile)
w.autoBalance = 1
# Define fields for shapefile
w.field('oid_1', 'C')
w.field('art', 'C')
w.field('name', 'C')
w.field('schluessel', 'C')
w.field('gemeinde', 'C')
# Add geometries and attribute values to the shapefile
for gemarkung, boundary in gemarkung_boundaries.items():
data = gemarkung_data[gemarkung]
# Original record
if isinstance(boundary, Polygon):
w.record(f"DE{data['schluessel']}", 'Gemarkung', gemarkung, data['schluessel'], data['gemeinde'])
elif isinstance(boundary, MultiPolygon):
for poly in boundary.geoms:
w.record(f"DE{data['schluessel']}", 'Gemarkung', gemarkung, data['schluessel'], data['gemeinde'])
# Additional record
if isinstance(boundary, Polygon):
w.record(f"DE{data['schluessel']}000", 'Gemarkungsteil / Flur', 'Flur', f"{data['schluessel']}00", data['gemeinde'])
elif isinstance(boundary, MultiPolygon):
for poly in boundary.geoms:
w.record(f"DE{data['schluessel']}000", 'Gemarkungsteil / Flur', 'Flur', f"{data['schluessel']}00", data['gemeinde'])
# Define spatial reference (projection file)
with open(output_shapefile.replace('.shp', '.prj'), 'w') as prj_file:
prj_file.write('PROJCS["ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N",'
'SPHEROID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101]],'
# Save the shapefile
print(f"Shapefile '{output_shapefile}' created successfully with exterior boundaries and additional fields.")