VCoder / vcoder_llava /
praeclarumjj3's picture
:zap: Build space
"What objects can be seen in the image? Perceive as done for semantic segmentation.",
"What items are depicted in the picture? Consider in terms of semantic segmentation.",
"Which elements are present in the visual? Analyze as you would for semantic segmentation.",
"Can you identify the objects in the image? Think from a semantic segmentation perspective.",
"What are the components visible in the graphic? Examine as if segmenting semantically.",
"Which entities can be spotted in the photo? View through the lens of semantic segmentation.",
"What are the discernible objects in the snapshot? Envision in relation to semantic segmentation.",
"What elements stand out in the illustration? Reflect upon it as for semantic segmentation.",
"Can you spot any items within the visual representation? Contemplate in a semantic segmentation context.",
"What features are evident in this visual content? Analyze with semantic segmentation in mind.",
"Which objects are noticeable in the image? Think of it in terms of semantic layers.",
"How would you categorize the objects in this picture? As if you're doing semantic segmentation.",
"What constituents can you recognize in the image? Ponder considering semantic segmentation.",
"Which components can be distinguished in the photo? Evaluate as per semantic segmentation guidelines.",
"What items in the image can you point out? Interpret with a semantic segmentation approach.",
"Can you enumerate the objects present in this visual? Think semantically.",
"What do you observe in the graphic? Consider its semantic segments.",
"How many distinct objects can you identify in the visual? Keeping semantic segmentation in perspective.",
"Which items are apparent in this depiction? Assess as one would for semantic segmentation.",
"What are the visible entities within this image? Delve into it semantically.",
"Can you discern specific objects in the portrayal? Approach it from a semantic segmentation standpoint.",
"What objects can be seen in the image? Perceive as done for instance segmentation",
"What items are visible in the picture? Analyze as you would for instance segmentation.",
"Which elements are present in the visual? Consider from an instance segmentation perspective.",
"What are the distinguishable objects in the image? Think in terms of instance segmentation.",
"Can you identify the entities in the graphic? Approach it with instance segmentation in mind.",
"What components are apparent in the photo? Examine as if performing instance segmentation.",
"Which items can be detected in the snapshot? View it through the lens of instance segmentation.",
"What features stand out in the illustration? Reflect upon it as for instance segmentation.",
"How would you describe the objects in this image? Keeping instance segmentation as a reference.",
"What constituents are evident in the visual content? Think from an instance segmentation standpoint.",
"Which objects can you spot in the depiction? Evaluate as per instance segmentation guidelines.",
"What do you observe in the graphic? Contemplate with instance segmentation considerations.",
"Can you discern specific entities in the visual? Approach it in the context of instance segmentation.",
"Which components in the image catch your eye? Think of it in relation to instance layers.",
"How many distinct items can you pinpoint in the photo? With an instance segmentation approach.",
"What elements are noticeable in this portrayal? Analyze while considering instance segmentation.",
"Can you list the objects present in the visual representation? Reflecting on instance segmentation.",
"What items in the snapshot can you recognize? Interpret with an instance segmentation perspective.",
"Which entities are discernible in this depiction? Delve into it from an instance segmentation angle.",
"What are the components you can spot within the image? Think instance-wise.",
"Can you detail the objects in the visual? Assess as one would for instance segmentation.",
"What objects can be seen in the image? Perceive as done for panoptic segmentation",
"What items are evident in the picture? Analyze with a panoptic segmentation perspective.",
"Which elements emerge in the visual? Think in terms of panoptic segmentation.",
"What are the discernible objects in the graphic? Approach it from a panoptic segmentation viewpoint.",
"Can you identify the entities within the image? Consider it as you would for panoptic segmentation.",
"What components stand out in the photo? Examine with panoptic segmentation in mind.",
"Which items are detectable in the snapshot? Reflect upon it with panoptic segmentation considerations.",
"What features can be observed in the illustration? View through the lens of panoptic segmentation.",
"How would you describe the objects in this depiction? Keeping panoptic segmentation as a reference.",
"What constituents are visible in the visual content? Think from a panoptic segmentation standpoint.",
"Which objects can you pinpoint in the image? Evaluate as per panoptic segmentation guidelines.",
"What do you perceive in the graphic? Delve into it with panoptic segmentation insights.",
"Can you spot specific components in the visual? Contextualize with panoptic segmentation.",
"What items in the portrayal catch your attention? Think in relation to panoptic layers.",
"How many distinct entities can you recognize in the photo? With a panoptic segmentation approach.",
"What elements are present in this visual? Analyze while keeping panoptic segmentation in mind.",
"Can you list the objects depicted in the visual representation? Reflecting on panoptic segmentation.",
"Which features in the image can you discern? Interpret considering panoptic segmentation.",
"What are the components evident in this depiction? Approach it using a panoptic segmentation angle.",
"What items can you detect in the visual content? Think panoptically.",
"Can you detail the entities present in the image? Assess as one would when considering panoptic segmentation.",
"what is depth order of objects in the image?",
"Can you describe the depth order of the objects in this image, from closest to farthest?",
"Which objects in the image appear nearest to the viewer and which seem furthest away?",
"Could you list the objects in the image in order of their perceived distance from the foreground to the background?",
"In what order do the objects in this image appear based on their depth, starting from the closest?",
"How would you rank the objects in this picture from the most proximal to the most distal?",
"Can you arrange the objects seen here from those appearing closest to those appearing farthest?",
"What is the sequence of objects in this image based on their distance from the front to the back?",
"Please identify the order of objects in terms of depth perspective in this image.",
"Which objects in the picture seem to be in the front, and which ones appear to be in the back?",
"How are the objects in this image layered in depth, from the one nearest to the camera to the one farthest?",
"Could you sort the objects in this photo from foreground to background?",
"In this image, what is the spatial arrangement of objects from closest to furthest?",
"Can you pinpoint the depth hierarchy of these objects, starting from the closest?",
"What's the depth sequence of the objects displayed in this picture?",
"From nearest to furthest, how would you order the objects in this image?",
"How would you describe the spatial positioning of these objects in terms of their depth?",
"Can you determine the depth placement of each object in this photo, starting with the nearest?",
"What is the arrangement of objects in this scene by depth?",
"Could you outline the depth profile of the objects in this image?",
"In what depth order do the objects in this image align, from the frontmost to the rearmost?",
"How are the objects in this image ordered in terms of their relative distance from the observer?",
### Depth Prompts
# Can you describe the depth order of the objects in this image, from closest to farthest? Return answer in the paragraph format: `The depth order for the objects present in the image is: ...' and then list the objects with their order number (if greater than 1) separated by a hyphen like `person-2'. For example, an acceptable response is "The depth order for objects present in the image is: bicycle, bicycle-2, bicycle-3, pavement, road, bus, tree, sky, building."
### Seg Prompts
# What objects can be seen in the image? Return the answer in the paragraph format: The objects present in the image are: ...' and then list the objects with their count in word format (if greater than 1) in front of them, like two people'.