import gradio as gr import nltk from PIL import Image import os from IndicPhotoOCR.ocr import OCR # Ensure OCR class is saved in a file named from IndicPhotoOCR.theme import Seafoam import numpy as np import torch from transformers import ( AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizer, ) from IndicTransToolkit import IndicProcessor import torch DEVICE = "cpu" # Initialize the OCR object for text detection and recognition ocr = OCR(device="cpu", verbose=False) def translate(given_str,lang): model_name = "ai4bharat/indictrans2-en-indic-1B" if lang=="english" else "ai4bharat/indictrans2-indic-en-1B" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name, trust_remote_code=True) model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(model_name, trust_remote_code=True) ip = IndicProcessor(inference=True) model = model.eval() src_lang, tgt_lang = ("eng_Latn", "hin_Deva") if lang=="english" else ("hin_Deva", "eng_Latn" ) batch = ip.preprocess_batch( [given_str], src_lang=src_lang, tgt_lang=tgt_lang, ) inputs = tokenizer( batch, truncation=True, padding="longest", return_tensors="pt", return_attention_mask=True, ).to(DEVICE) with torch.no_grad(): generated_tokens = model.generate( **inputs, use_cache=True, min_length=0, max_length=256, num_beams=5, num_return_sequences=1, ) # Decode the generated tokens into text with tokenizer.as_target_tokenizer(): generated_tokens = tokenizer.batch_decode( generated_tokens.detach().cpu().tolist(), skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True, ) translation = ip.postprocess_batch(generated_tokens, lang=tgt_lang)[0] return translation def detect_para(bbox_dict): alpha1 = 0.2 alpha2 = 0.7 beta1 = 0.4 data = bbox_dict word_crops = list(data.keys()) for i in word_crops: data[i]["x1"], data[i]["y1"], data[i]["x2"], data[i]["y2"] = data[i]["bbox"] data[i]["xc"] = (data[i]["x1"] + data[i]["x2"]) / 2 data[i]["yc"] = (data[i]["y1"] + data[i]["y2"]) / 2 data[i]["w"] = data[i]["x2"] - data[i]["x1"] data[i]["h"] = data[i]["y2"] - data[i]["y1"] patch_info = {} while word_crops: img_name = word_crops[0].split("_")[0] word_crop_collection = [ word_crop for word_crop in word_crops if word_crop.startswith(img_name) ] centroids = {} lines = [] img_word_crops = word_crop_collection.copy() para = [] while img_word_crops: clusters = [] para_words_group = [ img_word_crops[0], ] added = [ img_word_crops[0], ] img_word_crops.remove(img_word_crops[0]) ## determining the paragraph while added: word_crop = added.pop() for i in range(len(img_word_crops)): word_crop_ = img_word_crops[i] if ( abs(data[word_crop_]["yc"] - data[word_crop]["yc"]) < data[word_crop]["h"] * alpha1 ): if data[word_crop]["xc"] > data[word_crop_]["xc"]: if (data[word_crop]["x1"] - data[word_crop_]["x2"]) < data[ word_crop ]["h"] * alpha2: para_words_group.append(word_crop_) added.append(word_crop_) else: if (data[word_crop_]["x1"] - data[word_crop]["x2"]) < data[ word_crop ]["h"] * alpha2: para_words_group.append(word_crop_) added.append(word_crop_) else: if data[word_crop]["yc"] > data[word_crop_]["yc"]: if (data[word_crop]["y1"] - data[word_crop_]["y2"]) < data[ word_crop ]["h"] * beta1 and ( ( (data[word_crop_]["x1"] < data[word_crop]["x2"]) and (data[word_crop_]["x1"] > data[word_crop]["x1"]) ) or ( (data[word_crop_]["x2"] < data[word_crop]["x2"]) and (data[word_crop_]["x2"] > data[word_crop]["x1"]) ) or ( (data[word_crop]["x1"] > data[word_crop_]["x1"]) and (data[word_crop]["x2"] < data[word_crop_]["x2"]) ) ): para_words_group.append(word_crop_) added.append(word_crop_) else: if (data[word_crop_]["y1"] - data[word_crop]["y2"]) < data[ word_crop ]["h"] * beta1 and ( ( (data[word_crop_]["x1"] < data[word_crop]["x2"]) and (data[word_crop_]["x1"] > data[word_crop]["x1"]) ) or ( (data[word_crop_]["x2"] < data[word_crop]["x2"]) and (data[word_crop_]["x2"] > data[word_crop]["x1"]) ) or ( (data[word_crop]["x1"] > data[word_crop_]["x1"]) and (data[word_crop]["x2"] < data[word_crop_]["x2"]) ) ): para_words_group.append(word_crop_) added.append(word_crop_) img_word_crops = [p for p in img_word_crops if p not in para_words_group] ## processing for the line while para_words_group: line_words_group = [ para_words_group[0], ] added = [ para_words_group[0], ] para_words_group.remove(para_words_group[0]) ## determining the line while added: word_crop = added.pop() for i in range(len(para_words_group)): word_crop_ = para_words_group[i] if ( abs(data[word_crop_]["yc"] - data[word_crop]["yc"]) < data[word_crop]["h"] * alpha1 ): if data[word_crop]["xc"] > data[word_crop_]["xc"]: if (data[word_crop]["x1"] - data[word_crop_]["x2"]) < data[ word_crop ]["h"] * alpha2: line_words_group.append(word_crop_) added.append(word_crop_) else: if (data[word_crop_]["x1"] - data[word_crop]["x2"]) < data[ word_crop ]["h"] * alpha2: line_words_group.append(word_crop_) added.append(word_crop_) para_words_group = [ p for p in para_words_group if p not in line_words_group ] xc = [data[word_crop]["xc"] for word_crop in line_words_group] idxs = np.argsort(xc) patch_cluster_ = [line_words_group[i] for i in idxs] line_words_group = patch_cluster_ x1 = [data[word_crop]["x1"] for word_crop in line_words_group] x2 = [data[word_crop]["x2"] for word_crop in line_words_group] y1 = [data[word_crop]["y1"] for word_crop in line_words_group] y2 = [data[word_crop]["y2"] for word_crop in line_words_group] txt_line = [data[word_crop]["txt"] for word_crop in line_words_group] txt = " ".join(txt_line) x = [x1[0]] y1_ = [y1[0]] y2_ = [y2[0]] l = [len(txt_l) for txt_l in txt_line] for i in range(1, len(x1)): x.append((x1[i] + x2[i - 1]) / 2) y1_.append((y1[i] + y1[i - 1]) / 2) y2_.append((y2[i] + y2[i - 1]) / 2) x.append(x2[-1]) y1_.append(y1[-1]) y2_.append(y2[-1]) line_info = { "x": x, "y1": y1_, "y2": y2_, "l": l, "txt": txt, "word_crops": line_words_group, } clusters.append(line_info) y_ = [clusters[i]["y1"][0] for i in range(len(clusters))] idxs = np.argsort(y_) clusters_ = [clusters[i] for i in idxs] txt = [clusters[i]["txt"] for i in idxs] l = [len(t) for t in txt] txt = " ".join(txt) para_info = {"lines": clusters_, "l": l, "txt": txt} para.append(para_info) for word_crop in word_crop_collection: word_crops.remove(word_crop) return "\n".join([para[i]["txt"] for i in range(len(para))]) def process_image(image): """ Processes the uploaded image for text detection and recognition. - Detects bounding boxes in the image - Draws bounding boxes on the image and identifies script in each detected area - Recognizes text in each cropped region and returns the annotated image and recognized text Parameters: image (PIL.Image): The input image to be processed. Returns: tuple: A PIL.Image with bounding boxes and a string of recognized text. """ # Save the input image temporarily image_path = "input_image.jpg" # Detect bounding boxes on the image using OCR detections = ocr.detect(image_path) # Draw bounding boxes on the image and save it as output ocr.visualize_detection(image_path, detections, save_path="output_image.png") # Load the annotated image with bounding boxes drawn output_image ="output_image.png") # Initialize list to hold recognized text from each detected area recognized_texts = {} pil_image = script_lang = "english" # Process each detected bounding box for script identification and text recognition for id,bbox in enumerate(detections): # Identify the script and crop the image to this region script_lang, cropped_path = ocr.crop_and_identify_script(pil_image, bbox) x1 = min([bbox[i][0] for i in range(len(bbox))]) y1 = min([bbox[i][1] for i in range(len(bbox))]) x2 = max([bbox[i][0] for i in range(len(bbox))]) y2 = max([bbox[i][1] for i in range(len(bbox))]) if script_lang: recognized_text = ocr.recognise(cropped_path,script_lang) recognized_texts[f"img_{id}"] = {"txt":recognized_text,"bbox":[x1,y1,x2,y2]} translated = translate(detect_para(recognized_texts),script_lang) # Combine recognized texts into a single string for display return output_image,translated # Custom HTML for interface header with logos and alignment interface_html = """