This file contains 1 reel (#1001). You can find more abc tune files at I've transcribed them as I have learnt them, which does not necessarily mean that I play them that way nowadays. Many of the tunes include variations and different versions. If there is a source (S:) or discography (D:) included the version transcribed might still not be exactly as that source played the tune, since I might have changed the tune around a bit when I learnt it. The tunes were learnt from sessions, from friends or from recordings. When I've included discography, it's often just a reference to what recordings the tune appears on. Last updated 29 November 2016. (c) Copyright 2014-2016 Henrik Norbeck. This file: - May be distributed with restrictions below. - May not be used for commercial purposes (such as printing a tune book to sell). - This file (or parts of it) may not be made available on a web page for download without permission from me. - This copyright notice must be kept, except when e-mailing individual tunes. - May be printed on paper for personal use. - Questions? E-mail: R:reel M:C| Z:id:hn-%R-%X X:1001 T:Killoran's Reel T:Paddy Killoran's T:Wexford Lasses, The R:reel D:Noel Hill & Tony Linnane Z:id:hn-reel-1001 M:C| L:1/8 K:D d3A BFAF | E2eg fdec | dcdA BGAF | GBAG FDDA | dcdA BFAF | E2eg fdec | defd cdec | dBAG FDDe || fddc defd | ~g3a bgeg | fedc dfaf | g2eg fdde | fddc defd | g2ga bgef | g2gf gaag | faeg fdef ||