Runtime error
Runtime error
import io | |
from contextlib import redirect_stdout | |
tab = " " | |
def animate(board, actions, show=False): | |
print(tab + "p = ", board.player_pos ) | |
for i, action in enumerate(actions): | |
#print(tab + "# Illegal next actions:", ",".join([m.value + " " + str(add(board.player_pos, Board.change(m))) for m, msg in board.illegal_moves()])) | |
for m, msg in board.illegal_moves(): | |
#if msg is not None: | |
# print(tab + msg) | |
pass | |
new_board, msg = board.move(action) | |
print(tab + f"# {action.value} {Board.change(action)} Next? {new_board.player_pos} Wall? {new_board.player_pos in new_board.wall_pos}") | |
print(tab + "p = move(b, \"" + action.value + "\", p)", f"# {new_board.player_pos} Next Goal:", new_board.key_pos if new_board.key_pos else new_board.flag_pos) | |
#print(tab + "assert pos ==", new_board.player_pos) | |
#print("\t# Active walls (only illegal positions):", ",".join(map(str, new_board.wall_pos))) | |
#print("\t# Boundary is:", add(new_board.flag_pos, (1 , 1))) | |
#print("\tpos = ", str(new_board.player_pos)) | |
#print("\tassert pos not in board.walls") | |
# print("\tassert pos[0] < 5") | |
# print("\tassert pos[1] < 5") | |
# if (i + 1) % 3 == 0: | |
# print("Board after actions") | |
# print() | |
if show: | |
print(new_board) | |
# print() | |
#print(f'\nActions ({every} total):') | |
board = new_board | |
return board | |
f = io.StringIO() | |
with redirect_stdout(f): | |
print("# Consider a game on a hexagonal grid. Your objective is make legal action to get pickup a key and to reach a goal position. Here are the moves.") | |
#board = Board.create_empty_board((5, 5)).create_wall((4, 4)).move(Actions.DOWN).move(Actions.RIGHT) | |
comment = "change = {" | |
for action in Actions: | |
comment += f"{tab}\"{action.value}\" : {Board.change(action)}, \n" | |
comment += "}" | |
out = f""" | |
{comment} | |
def move(board, action, old_pos): | |
# ACTIONS (must be legal) | |
offet = change[action] | |
board.move(action) | |
pos = (old_pos[0] + offset[0], old_pos[1] + offset[1]) | |
assert 0 <= pos[0] < board.boundary[0] | |
assert 0 <= pos[1] < board.boundary[1] | |
assert pos not in board.walls | |
if action == "PU": | |
assert pos == board.key | |
return pos | |
""" | |
print(out) | |
# print("\tupdate(board, ", Board.change(action) , ")") | |
# print("\tpos = board.player_pos") | |
# print("\tassert 0 <= pos[0] < 5") | |
# print("\tassert 0 <= pos[1] < 5") | |
# print("\tassert pos not in board.walls") | |
# print("\treturn pos") | |
print() | |
print("# Pickup can only be called on the Key position. These are the only valid actions.") | |
# print() | |
# print(board.player_pos) | |
# print('\nActions (1 total):') | |
# print(action) | |
# new_board = board.move(action) | |
# print() | |
# print("Board after actions") | |
# print() | |
# print(new_board.player_pos) | |
# print() | |
ex = 0 | |
print("# Here is an example: ") | |
def example(board, actions, show=False): | |
global ex | |
ex += 1 | |
print("#-------------") | |
print("# EXAMPLE:") | |
print(f"def example{ex}():") | |
print(f"{tab}b = GameBoard(", board.board_state2(), ")") | |
board = animate(board, | |
actions, show) | |
print(f"{tab}return b") | |
print(f"#--------------") | |
board = Board.create_empty_board((5, 5), (0, 2), (4, 4), (0, 0) ).create_wall((2, 2)) | |
actions = [Actions.RIGHT, Actions.PICKUP, Actions.DOWNLEFT, Actions.DOWNLEFT, Actions.DOWNRIGHT, Actions.RIGHT, Actions.DOWNRIGHT] | |
example(board, actions) | |
board = Board.create_empty_board((5, 5), (4, 0), (0, 0), (4, 4)).create_wall((2, 0)).create_wall((2, 4)) | |
actions = [Actions.LEFT, Actions.LEFT, Actions.PICKUP, Actions.UPRIGHT, Actions.UPRIGHT, Actions.UPLEFT, Actions.UPLEFT] | |
example(board, actions) | |
board = Board.create_empty_board((5, 5), (2, 0), (4, 4), (0, 0)).create_wall((2,2)).create_wall((3,1)) | |
actions = [Actions.DOWNRIGHT, Actions.DOWNLEFT, Actions.PICKUP, Actions.UPRIGHT, Actions.RIGHT, Actions.DOWNRIGHT, Actions.DOWNLEFT, Actions.DOWNRIGHT] | |
example(board, actions) | |
#print("# This example shows a failure that is fails because of an assertion.") | |
#board = Board.create_empty_board((5, 5), (2, 0), (4, 4), (0, 0)).create_wall((0,2)) | |
# actions = [Actions.RIGHT] | |
# example(board, actions) | |
# board = Board.create_empty_board((4, 4)).create_wall((0, 1)) | |
# actions = [Actions.DOWN, Actions.DOWN, Actions.DOWN, Actions.RIGHT, Actions.RIGHT, Actions.RIGHT] | |
# example(board, actions) | |
# board = Board.create_empty_board((4, 4)).create_wall((1, 0)).create_wall((3, 3)) | |
# actions = [Actions.DOWN, Actions.RIGHT, Actions.DOWN, Actions.DOWN, Actions.DOWN, Actions.RIGHT, Actions.RIGHT] | |
# example(board, actions) | |
# print() | |
# print(board) | |
print(""" | |
# ---- | |
# Retry EXAMPLE: | |
def example4(): | |
b = GameBoard( init=(0, 0), flag=(4, 4), walls= [(1, 1), (3, 1)], boundary= (5, 5), key= (2, 0) ) | |
p = (0, 0) | |
# DR (1, 1) Next? (1, 1) Wall? True (trying again) | |
# R (0, 2) Next? (2, 0) Wall? False | |
p = move(b, "R", p) | |
... | |
#--- | |
""") | |
print("# It is illegal to take actions that move you to any position with: active walls in the example, less than 0, or strictly outside the boundary.") | |
print("# Do not move to these position or you will fail. To pick-up the key you must first move to its position. It is legal to be on the same position as the key." ) | |
print("# You will likely need to go back to the same positions that you have been in before after picking up the key, that is allowed." ) | |
print("# List the illegal action in a truthful manner. Every action is legal if it is in bounds and is not a wall. Walls are always illegal.") | |
board = Board.create_empty_board((8, 15), (3, 1), (7, 13), (0, 0)).create_wall((2, 2)).create_wall((1, 1)).create_wall((5, 3)).create_wall((1, 11)).create_wall((5, 5)).create_wall((6, 6)).create_wall((6, 10)).create_wall((2, 6)).create_wall((4, 12)) | |
print() | |
print() | |
print("# Contraints for this example:", board.board_state()) | |
#print("# The following comments shows the action that are used in order") | |
#print("# ") | |
print() | |
print("") | |
print(f"# The following function shows the actions that are used to move from position 0,0 to the end goal without hitting a wall.") | |
# print("def example():") | |
# #print("\n" + tab + "# Start:") | |
# print(tab + "# Contraints for this example:", board.board_state()) | |
# print(f"{tab}b = GameBoard(", board.board_state2(), ")") | |
#print("# Contraints for this example:", board.board_state()) | |
#print(f"board = GameBoard(", board.board_state2(), ")") | |
#print(f"# The following codes shows the actions that are used to move from position 0,0 to the end goal without hitting a wall.") | |
out = f.getvalue() | |
print(out) | |