# Notebook to generate and run a bash command.
# Adapted from LangChain
# [BashChain](https://langchain.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/chains/examples/llm_bash.html)

import minichain

# Prompt that asks LLM to produce a bash command.

class CLIPrompt(minichain.TemplatePrompt):
    template_file = "bash.pmpt.tpl"

    def parse(self, out: str, inp):
        out = out.strip()
        assert out.startswith("```bash")
        return out.split("\n")[1:-1]

# Prompt that runs the bash command.

class BashPrompt(minichain.Prompt):
    def prompt(self, inp) -> str:
        return ";".join(inp).replace("\n", "")

    def parse(self, out: str, inp) -> str:
        return out

# Generate and run bash command.

with minichain.start_chain("bash") as backend:
    question = (

    prompt = CLIPrompt(backend.OpenAI()).chain(BashPrompt(backend.BashProcess()))

gradio = prompt.to_gradio(fields =["question"],
                 examples=['Go up one directory, and then into the minichain directory,'
                           'and list the files in the directory'],
if __name__ == "__main__":

# View the prompts.

# + tags=["hide_inp"]
# CLIPrompt().show(
#     {"question": "list the files in the directory"}, """```bash\nls\n```"""
# )
# # -

# # + tags=["hide_inp"]
# BashPrompt().show(["ls", "cat file.txt"], "hello")
# # -

# # View the run log.

# minichain.show_log("bash.log")