"""Summary tab rendering functionality""" |
import pandas as pd |
import streamlit as st |
import spacy |
from spacy import displacy |
def __analyse(text, analysis_type, nlp): |
"""Analyse and return the named-entity for the given text""" |
doc = nlp(text) |
if analysis_type == "NER": |
heading = "Named Entity Recognition (NER)" |
result = displacy.render(docs=doc, style="ent", jupyter=False) |
label, desc = [], [] |
for ent in doc.ents: |
label.append(ent.label_) |
desc.append(spacy.explain(ent.label_)) |
df = pd.DataFrame(data={"Codes": label, "Description": desc}) |
df = df.drop_duplicates().reset_index() |
elif analysis_type == "POS": |
result = "" |
word, tag, pos, desc = [], [], [], [] |
for token in doc: |
if token.is_stop or token.is_punct: |
continue |
word.append(str(token)) |
tag.append(str(token.tag_)) |
pos.append(token.pos_) |
desc.append(spacy.explain(token.tag_)) |
df = pd.DataFrame(data=dict(Token=word, Tag=tag, Pos=pos, Description=desc)) |
heading = "Parts of speech tagging (POS)" |
return result, df, heading |
def __section(header, nlp): |
"""Build page UI elements""" |
st.header(header) |
st.write( |
"Choose the analysis-type (NER/POS) to be performed, " |
+ "enter the text in the text area and then click Analyse" |
) |
analysis_type = st.radio(label="Type:", options=["NER", "POS"]) |
text = st.text_area("Enter text:", height=300) |
if st.button("Analyse"): |
result, df, heading = __analyse(text, analysis_type, nlp) |
st.subheader(heading) |
st.divider() |
st.write(result, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.write(" ") |
st.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True) |
st.divider() |
def render(nlp): |
"""NER tab page""" |
__section("Named Entity & Parts Of Speech Recognition", nlp) |