"""About tab rendering functionality""" import os from config import app_config import data import requests import streamlit as st ### ### INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ### def __paraphrase(text): ### Invoke the lambda function via REST api call to paraphrase the text url = os.getenv("API_ENDPOINT") headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"} payload = {"text": text} response = requests.request(method="POST", url=url, headers=headers, json=payload) response = response.json() st.write(text) st.write(url) st.write(response) paraphrased_text = response["paraphrased_text"] return paraphrased_text def __refresh_access_cnt_stats(curr_count, access_stats): access_cnt_stats = f""" |Maximum allowed requests|Requests made so far|Requests available| |:---: |:---: |:---:| |{app_config.max_access_count}|{curr_count}|{app_config.max_access_count - curr_count} """ access_stats.empty() access_stats.container().markdown(access_cnt_stats) ### ### MAIN FLOW, entry point ### def render(): ### show the current and available number of requests st.success( "Due to cost constraints the total number of paraphrasing requests are " + "restricted, as shown below..." ) access_stats = st.empty() access_counter = data.get_access_counter() curr_count = access_counter["current-count"] __refresh_access_cnt_stats(curr_count, access_stats) st.divider() ### if maximum number of requests are exhausted then throw and error and abort if curr_count >= app_config.max_access_count: st.error( "SORRY! the maximum number of allowed requests are exhausted, please ping me via " + "`Contact Me` section in `About` tab if you see this message." ) else: ### render the UI output_text = "Paraphrased text will appear here" input_text = st.text_area( "Input Text:", placeholder="Enter the text you want to paraphrase", help="Maximum of 100 words are allowed", height=250, ) with st.expander("Important Note...", expanded=True): st.warning( "***Please note that when you try first time, app may return an " + "`Internal Error`, this is expected and is due to the AWS hosted hardware" + " taking some time to warm-up first time. After couple of trials you " + "should be able to see the results.***", icon=app_config.icon_important, ) if st.button("Paraphrase ✒️"): ## if max word length breached throw and error if len(input_text.split(" ")) > 100: st.error( "In this demo app, a maximum of 100 words are allowed in input text, " + "please reduce the text length and try again", icon=app_config.icon_stop, ) ## all good, proceed to process now else: with st.spinner("Processing..."): output_text = __paraphrase(input_text) # update the access-count in DB and refresh the stats display curr_count = data.update_access_count() __refresh_access_cnt_stats(curr_count, access_stats) # show the original and paraphrased text st.divider() st.subheader("Original Text") st.write(input_text) st.subheader("Paraphrased Text") st.write(output_text) st.divider()