import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image # marker choices COLORS = [(246, 195, 203), (112, 221, 208)] MARKERS = [1, 5] def blend_seg(input_image, segmented_image, dot_locations, dot_labels, contour_color=(63, 126, 174)): input_image = np.array(input_image) segmented_image = np.array(segmented_image) # Create a mask for the foreground (non-transparent) pixels foreground_mask = segmented_image[:, :, 3] > 0 # Create a mask for the background (transparent) pixels background_mask = ~foreground_mask # Darken the background pixels darkened_background = input_image.copy() darkened_background[background_mask] = darkened_background[background_mask] * 0.52 # Adjust the multiplier as needed to control darkness # Create an empty mask for the boundary boundary_mask = np.zeros_like(segmented_image[:, :, 3], dtype=np.uint8) solid_boundary_mask = np.zeros_like(segmented_image[:, :, 3], dtype=np.uint8) # Find the contour of the segmented region contours, _ = cv2.findContours( segmented_image[:, :, 3], cv2.RETR_LIST, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE ) # Draw the boundary on the boundary mask cv2.drawContours(boundary_mask, contours, -1, (255), thickness=6) cv2.drawContours(solid_boundary_mask, contours, -1, (255), thickness=2) blur_mask = cv2.GaussianBlur(boundary_mask, (0, 0), sigmaX=4) # Create a mask for the contour region contour_region_mask = (blur_mask > 0) # Blend the contour color with the existing pixel colors result_image = darkened_background.copy() mask_weight = 0.9 * blur_mask[contour_region_mask, None]/255 result_image[contour_region_mask] = ( darkened_background[contour_region_mask] * (1-mask_weight) + np.array(contour_color) * mask_weight ).astype(np.uint8) # Overlay the contour on the result image without blending result_image[solid_boundary_mask > 0] = contour_color # Set contour pixels to blue # Draw dots at the specified locations dot_radius = 6 for location, label in zip(dot_locations, dot_labels): if label:, location, dot_radius, COLORS[label], -1) else: cv2.drawMarker(result_image, location, COLORS[label], markerType=MARKERS[label], markerSize=6, thickness=3) return Image.fromarray(result_image) def blend_seg_pure(input_image, segmented_image, dot_locations, dot_labels): input_image = np.array(input_image) segmented_image = np.array(segmented_image) # Create a mask for the foreground (non-transparent) pixels foreground_mask = segmented_image[:, :, 3] > 0 # Blend the foreground red_foreground = input_image.copy() blend_weight = 0.8 red_foreground[foreground_mask] = red_foreground[foreground_mask] *(1-blend_weight) + np.array((255,0,0)) * blend_weight result_image = red_foreground # Draw dots at the specified locations dot_radius = 6 for location, label in zip(dot_locations, dot_labels): if label:, location, dot_radius, COLORS[label], -1) else: cv2.drawMarker(result_image, location, COLORS[label], markerType=MARKERS[label], markerSize=6, thickness=3) return Image.fromarray(result_image)